
时间:2022-12-07 21:04:34

It's a C++ program. There are 2 child thread and 2 queue.What I want to do is,

这是一个C ++程序。有2个子线程和2个队列。我想做的是,

  • Push something to the queue 1 in the main thread.
  • 将某些内容推送到主线程中的队列1。

  • The child thread 1 pop from the queue 1 and process it, then push it to the queue 2.
  • 子线程1从队列1弹出并处理它,然后将其推送到队列2。

  • The child thread 2 pop from the queue 2 and process, then output the answer.
  • 子线程2从队列2中弹出并处理,然后输出答案。

How can I make it thread-safe? I think about two ways,


  • Use a thread-safe queue. But does it means that I shouldn't use the queue of STL?
  • 使用线程安全队列。但这是否意味着我不应该使用STL队列?

  • Write thread lock. But how can I write 2 locks in one thread and lock the different part? It really puzzles me. Need help!!!! Any suggestion would be appreciated a lot!
  • 写线程锁。但是如何在一个线程中编写2个锁并锁定不同的部分?这让我很困惑。需要帮忙!!!!任何建议都会受到很多赞赏!

1 个解决方案


You already said it. Lock the write and read access to every queue with a mutex. Queue 1 and 2 gets a mutex. It would be easy if you write your own push and pop function for the queues. Inside this function you could use std queues or else.



You already said it. Lock the write and read access to every queue with a mutex. Queue 1 and 2 gets a mutex. It would be easy if you write your own push and pop function for the queues. Inside this function you could use std queues or else.
