
时间:2021-06-15 21:01:48

I sometimes assign the this pointer to a var. The benefit of it is that I don't loose the scope in anonymous callback functions. Is that a good or bad idea?



var Foo = (function($) {
  var Foo = function() {
    var self;

    self = this;

    this.init = function() {
      $('#foo').click(function(e) {

    this.onClick = function() {


  return function() {
    return new Foo();

Thank you!

谢谢! {}吉姆

5 个解决方案



If you need a reference to the this value of a containing scope (which is certainly a reasonable requirement), it must be a good idea, particularly in cases where you are not in control of the function call (such as event handler functions) where it's your only option.




It's not a bad idea. Whether or not it is a good idea is mostly stylistic.


An alternate way to write your code is to hold a reference to the onClick function in the closure. However, this won't be bound for the onClick function when calling it this way. For example:


var Foo = (function($) {
  var Foo = function() {
    this.init = function() {
      $('#foo').click(function(e) {

    var self = this;  // Or use ES5's Function.prototype.bind

    var onClick = this.onClick = function() {


  return function() {
    return new Foo();

I prefer this style to using self (or that or whatever name you chose) if the object's methods are all in a closure (as in your case).




There's nothing wrong with doing it that way, except perhaps that you'd have to come up with more synonyms for "this" and "self" if your scope nesting gets deeper than one level. My preferred method for hanging onto a particular "this" value is to use Function.prototype.bind, which is part of the ECMAScript 5 spec and being implemented in browsers now. As of this moment, only Google Chrome supports it natively, to my knowledge, but it's easy to stick it in with a polyfill, as I've been doing for some time.

这样做是没有错的,除非您的范围嵌套深度超过一个级别,否则您必须为“this”和“self”提供更多同义词。我挂在特定“this”值上的首选方法是使用Function.prototype.bind,它是ECMAScript 5规范的一部分,现在在浏览器中实现。截至目前,根据我的知识,只有谷歌Chrome本身支持它,但很容易将其粘贴到polyfill中,就像我已经做了一段时间一样。



It's neither a good nor a bad idea. It's your only chance to keep a reference to an outer scope/context.


I was asked for more detail, here we go:


A this value is a special object which is related with the execution context. Therefore, you could say it is a context object (an object in which context the execution context is activated).


  • In the global context, this is the global object itself.
  • 在全球范围内,这是全球对象本身。

  • In case of a function context, this in every single function call may be different. this is determined on entering the context, and in case with a function code the value can be absolutely different every time.
  • 在函数上下文的情况下,每个函数调用中的这可能是不同的。这是在进入上下文时确定的,并且在功能代码的情况下,每次都可以使值完全不同。

And even this that is a very brief summary of the whole topic. But you hopefully understand why you need to store a reference for the this value to access it from another function context.




It seems like the only way to retain a reference to the scope. But don't do this (from your example):


var self;
self = this;

Instead combine them into one line:


var self = this;



If you need a reference to the this value of a containing scope (which is certainly a reasonable requirement), it must be a good idea, particularly in cases where you are not in control of the function call (such as event handler functions) where it's your only option.




It's not a bad idea. Whether or not it is a good idea is mostly stylistic.


An alternate way to write your code is to hold a reference to the onClick function in the closure. However, this won't be bound for the onClick function when calling it this way. For example:


var Foo = (function($) {
  var Foo = function() {
    this.init = function() {
      $('#foo').click(function(e) {

    var self = this;  // Or use ES5's Function.prototype.bind

    var onClick = this.onClick = function() {


  return function() {
    return new Foo();

I prefer this style to using self (or that or whatever name you chose) if the object's methods are all in a closure (as in your case).




There's nothing wrong with doing it that way, except perhaps that you'd have to come up with more synonyms for "this" and "self" if your scope nesting gets deeper than one level. My preferred method for hanging onto a particular "this" value is to use Function.prototype.bind, which is part of the ECMAScript 5 spec and being implemented in browsers now. As of this moment, only Google Chrome supports it natively, to my knowledge, but it's easy to stick it in with a polyfill, as I've been doing for some time.

这样做是没有错的,除非您的范围嵌套深度超过一个级别,否则您必须为“this”和“self”提供更多同义词。我挂在特定“this”值上的首选方法是使用Function.prototype.bind,它是ECMAScript 5规范的一部分,现在在浏览器中实现。截至目前,根据我的知识,只有谷歌Chrome本身支持它,但很容易将其粘贴到polyfill中,就像我已经做了一段时间一样。



It's neither a good nor a bad idea. It's your only chance to keep a reference to an outer scope/context.


I was asked for more detail, here we go:


A this value is a special object which is related with the execution context. Therefore, you could say it is a context object (an object in which context the execution context is activated).


  • In the global context, this is the global object itself.
  • 在全球范围内,这是全球对象本身。

  • In case of a function context, this in every single function call may be different. this is determined on entering the context, and in case with a function code the value can be absolutely different every time.
  • 在函数上下文的情况下,每个函数调用中的这可能是不同的。这是在进入上下文时确定的,并且在功能代码的情况下,每次都可以使值完全不同。

And even this that is a very brief summary of the whole topic. But you hopefully understand why you need to store a reference for the this value to access it from another function context.




It seems like the only way to retain a reference to the scope. But don't do this (from your example):


var self;
self = this;

Instead combine them into one line:


var self = this;