I just realized that I need to synchronize a significant amount of data collection code in an aspect but performance is a real concern. If performance degrades too much my tool will be thrown out. I will be writing ints and longs individually and to various arrays, ArrayLists and Maps. There will be multiple threads of an application that will make function calls that will be picked up by my aspect. What kind of things should I look out for that will negatively affect performance? What code patterns are more efficient?
In particular I have a method that calls many other data recording methods:
void foo() {
The methods mostly do adding an incrementing of aspect fields
void bar() {
f++; // f is a field of the aspect
for (int i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
// get some values from aspect point cut
if (some condiction) {
ary[i] += someValue; // ary a field of the aspect
Should I synchronize foo, or bar, woz and others individually, or should I move all the code in bar, woz, etc into foo and just synchronize it? Should I synchronize on this
, on a specifically created synchronization object:
private final Object syncObject = new Object();
(see this post), or on individual data elements within the methods:
ArrayList<Integer> a = new ArrayList<Integer>();
void bar() {
synchronize(a) {
// synchronized code
5 个解决方案
Concurrency is extremely tricky. It's very easy to get it wrong, and very hard to get right. I wouldn't be too terribly worried about performance at this point. My first and foremost concern would be to get the concurrent code to work safely (no deadlocks or race conditions).
But on the issue of performance: when in doubt, profile. It's hard to say just how different synchronization schemes will affect performance. It's even harder for us to give you suggestions. We'd need to see a lot more of your code and gain a much deeper understanding of what the application does to give you a truly useful answer. In contrast, profiling gives you hard evidence as to if one approach is slower than another. It can even help you identify where the slowdown is.
There are a lot of great profiling tools for Java these days. The Netbeans and Eclipse profilers are good.
如今,Java有很多很棒的分析工具。 Netbeans和Eclipse分析器很好。
Also, I'd recommend staying away from raw synchronization altogether. Try using some of the classes in the java.util.concurrency
package. They make writing concurrent code much easier, and much less error prone.
Also, I recommend you read Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz, et al. It's very well written and covers a lot of ground.
另外,我建议你阅读Brian Goetz等人的Java Concurrency in Practice。它编写得很好,涵盖了很多方面。
Rule of thumb is not to synchronize on this
- most of the times it is a performance hit - all methods are synchronized on one object.
经验法则不是在此同步 - 大多数时候它是性能命中 - 所有方法都在一个对象上同步。
Consider using locks - they'a very nice abstraction and many fine features like, trying to lock for a time period, and then giving up:
考虑使用锁 - 它们是非常好的抽象和许多优秀的功能,例如,试图锁定一段时间,然后放弃:
if(commandsLock.tryLock(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)){
try {
//Do something
//couldnt acquire lock for 100 ms
I second opinion on using java.util.concurrent
. I'd make two levls of synchronization
- synchronize collection access (if it is needed)
- synchronize field access
Collection access
If your collection are read-only
ie no elements get removed-inserted (but elements may change) i would say that you should use synchronized collections (but this may be not needed...) and dont synchronize iterations:
如果你的集合是只读的,即没有元素被删除 - 插入(但元素可能会改变)我会说你应该使用同步集合(但这可能不需要......)并且不要同步迭代:
Read only:
for (int i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
// get some values from aspect point cut
if (some condiction) {
ary += someValue; // ary a field of the aspect
and ary is instance obtained by Collections.synchronizedList
for (int i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
// get some values from aspect point cut
if (some condiction) {
ary += someValue; // ary a field of the aspect
Or use some concurrent collections (like CopyOnWriteArrayList) which is inherentently therad safe.
Main difference is that - in first read-only wersion any number of threads may iterate over this collections, and in second only one at a time may iterate. In both cases only one therad at a time should increment any given field.
主要区别在于 - 在第一个只读的版本中,任何数量的线程都可以遍历此集合,而在第二个中,每次只能迭代一个。在这两种情况下,一次只有一个therad应该增加任何给定的字段。
Field access
Synchronize incrementations on fields separately from synchronizing iterations.
Integer foo = ary.get(ii);
Get rid of synchronization
- Use concurrent collections (from
- not from `Collections.synchronizedXXX', latter still need synchronizing on traversal). - Use
that enable you to atomically incrememt fields.
使用并发集合(来自java.util.concurrent - 不是来自`Collections.synchronizedXXX',后者仍然需要在遍历上进行同步)。
Something you should watch:
Java memory model - its a talk that gives very nice understanding on how synchronizations and data aligment in JAVA works.
Java内存模型 - 这是一个很好地理解JAVA中的同步和数据对齐方式的演讲。
Upadte: since writing the below, I see you've updated the question slightly. Forgive my ignorance-- I have no idea what an "aspect" is-- but from the sample code you posted, you could also consider using atomics/concurrent collections (e.g. AtomicInteger, AtomicIntegerArray) or atomic field updaters. This could mean quite a re-factoring of your code, though. (In Java 5 on a dual-proc hyperthreading Xeon, the throughput of AtomicIntegerArray is significantly better than a synchronized array; sorry, I haven't got round to repeating the test on more procs/later JVM version yet-- note that performance of 'synchronized' has improved since then.)
Upadte:自从写下面的内容后,我看到你已经略微更新了这个问题。请原谅我的无知 - 我不知道“方面”是什么 - 但是从您发布的示例代码中,您还可以考虑使用原子/并发集合(例如AtomicInteger,AtomicIntegerArray)或原子字段更新器。不过,这可能意味着对代码进行重新分解。 (在Java 5的双进程超线程Xeon上,AtomicIntegerArray的吞吐量明显优于同步数组;对不起,我还没有完成对更多procs /更高版本JVM版本的重复测试 - 请注意从那以后,'synchronized'有所改善。)
Without more specific information or metrics about your particular program, the best you can do is just follow good program design. It's worth noting that the performance and optimisation of synchronization locks in the JVM has beed one of the areas (if not, the area) that has received most research and attention over the last few years. And so in the latest versions of JVM's, it ain't all that bad.
So in general, I'd say synchronize minimally without "going mad". By 'minimally', I mean so that you hold on to the lock for as less time as possible, and so that only the parts that need to use that specific lock use that specific lock. But only if the change is easy to do and it's easy to prove that your program is still correct. For example, instead of doing this:
synchronized (a) {
consider doing this if and only if your program will still be correct:
synchronized (a) {
synchronized (a) {
But remember, the odd simple field update with a lock held unnecessarily probably won't make much tangible difference, and could actually improve performance. Sometimes, holding a lock for a bit longer and doing less lock "housekeeping" can be beneficial. But the JVM can make some of those decisions, so you don't need to be tooo paranoid-- just do generally sensible things and you should be fine.
但请记住,带有不必要锁定的奇怪的简单字段更新可能不会产生太大的实际差异,并且实际上可以提高性能。有时,持有一个锁更长时间并减少锁定“管家”可能是有益的。但是JVM可以做出一些决定,所以你不需要过于偏执 - 只要做一般明智的事情,你应该没事。
In general, try and have a separate lock for each set of methods/accesses that together form an "independent process". Other than that, having a separate lock object can be a good way of encapsulating the lock within the class it's used by (i.e. preventing it from being used by outside callers in a way you didn't predict), but there's probably no performance difference per se from using one object to another as the lock (e.g. using the instance itself vs a private Object declared just to be a lock within that class as you suggest), provided the two objects would otherwise be used in exactly the same way.
There should be a performance difference between a built-in language construct and a library, but experience has taught me not to guess when it comes to performance.
If you compile the aspect into the application then you will have basically no performance hit, if you do it at runtime (load-type weaving) then you will see a performance hit.
If you have each aspect be perinstance then it may reduce the need for synchronization.
You should have as little synchronization as possible, for as short a time as possible, to reduce any problems.
If possible you may want to share as little state as possible between threads, keeping as much local as possible, to reduce any deadlock problems.
More information would lead to a better answer btw. :)
更多信息将导致更好的答案顺便说一句。 :)
Concurrency is extremely tricky. It's very easy to get it wrong, and very hard to get right. I wouldn't be too terribly worried about performance at this point. My first and foremost concern would be to get the concurrent code to work safely (no deadlocks or race conditions).
But on the issue of performance: when in doubt, profile. It's hard to say just how different synchronization schemes will affect performance. It's even harder for us to give you suggestions. We'd need to see a lot more of your code and gain a much deeper understanding of what the application does to give you a truly useful answer. In contrast, profiling gives you hard evidence as to if one approach is slower than another. It can even help you identify where the slowdown is.
There are a lot of great profiling tools for Java these days. The Netbeans and Eclipse profilers are good.
如今,Java有很多很棒的分析工具。 Netbeans和Eclipse分析器很好。
Also, I'd recommend staying away from raw synchronization altogether. Try using some of the classes in the java.util.concurrency
package. They make writing concurrent code much easier, and much less error prone.
Also, I recommend you read Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz, et al. It's very well written and covers a lot of ground.
另外,我建议你阅读Brian Goetz等人的Java Concurrency in Practice。它编写得很好,涵盖了很多方面。
Rule of thumb is not to synchronize on this
- most of the times it is a performance hit - all methods are synchronized on one object.
经验法则不是在此同步 - 大多数时候它是性能命中 - 所有方法都在一个对象上同步。
Consider using locks - they'a very nice abstraction and many fine features like, trying to lock for a time period, and then giving up:
考虑使用锁 - 它们是非常好的抽象和许多优秀的功能,例如,试图锁定一段时间,然后放弃:
if(commandsLock.tryLock(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)){
try {
//Do something
//couldnt acquire lock for 100 ms
I second opinion on using java.util.concurrent
. I'd make two levls of synchronization
- synchronize collection access (if it is needed)
- synchronize field access
Collection access
If your collection are read-only
ie no elements get removed-inserted (but elements may change) i would say that you should use synchronized collections (but this may be not needed...) and dont synchronize iterations:
如果你的集合是只读的,即没有元素被删除 - 插入(但元素可能会改变)我会说你应该使用同步集合(但这可能不需要......)并且不要同步迭代:
Read only:
for (int i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
// get some values from aspect point cut
if (some condiction) {
ary += someValue; // ary a field of the aspect
and ary is instance obtained by Collections.synchronizedList
for (int i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
// get some values from aspect point cut
if (some condiction) {
ary += someValue; // ary a field of the aspect
Or use some concurrent collections (like CopyOnWriteArrayList) which is inherentently therad safe.
Main difference is that - in first read-only wersion any number of threads may iterate over this collections, and in second only one at a time may iterate. In both cases only one therad at a time should increment any given field.
主要区别在于 - 在第一个只读的版本中,任何数量的线程都可以遍历此集合,而在第二个中,每次只能迭代一个。在这两种情况下,一次只有一个therad应该增加任何给定的字段。
Field access
Synchronize incrementations on fields separately from synchronizing iterations.
Integer foo = ary.get(ii);
Get rid of synchronization
- Use concurrent collections (from
- not from `Collections.synchronizedXXX', latter still need synchronizing on traversal). - Use
that enable you to atomically incrememt fields.
使用并发集合(来自java.util.concurrent - 不是来自`Collections.synchronizedXXX',后者仍然需要在遍历上进行同步)。
Something you should watch:
Java memory model - its a talk that gives very nice understanding on how synchronizations and data aligment in JAVA works.
Java内存模型 - 这是一个很好地理解JAVA中的同步和数据对齐方式的演讲。
Upadte: since writing the below, I see you've updated the question slightly. Forgive my ignorance-- I have no idea what an "aspect" is-- but from the sample code you posted, you could also consider using atomics/concurrent collections (e.g. AtomicInteger, AtomicIntegerArray) or atomic field updaters. This could mean quite a re-factoring of your code, though. (In Java 5 on a dual-proc hyperthreading Xeon, the throughput of AtomicIntegerArray is significantly better than a synchronized array; sorry, I haven't got round to repeating the test on more procs/later JVM version yet-- note that performance of 'synchronized' has improved since then.)
Upadte:自从写下面的内容后,我看到你已经略微更新了这个问题。请原谅我的无知 - 我不知道“方面”是什么 - 但是从您发布的示例代码中,您还可以考虑使用原子/并发集合(例如AtomicInteger,AtomicIntegerArray)或原子字段更新器。不过,这可能意味着对代码进行重新分解。 (在Java 5的双进程超线程Xeon上,AtomicIntegerArray的吞吐量明显优于同步数组;对不起,我还没有完成对更多procs /更高版本JVM版本的重复测试 - 请注意从那以后,'synchronized'有所改善。)
Without more specific information or metrics about your particular program, the best you can do is just follow good program design. It's worth noting that the performance and optimisation of synchronization locks in the JVM has beed one of the areas (if not, the area) that has received most research and attention over the last few years. And so in the latest versions of JVM's, it ain't all that bad.
So in general, I'd say synchronize minimally without "going mad". By 'minimally', I mean so that you hold on to the lock for as less time as possible, and so that only the parts that need to use that specific lock use that specific lock. But only if the change is easy to do and it's easy to prove that your program is still correct. For example, instead of doing this:
synchronized (a) {
consider doing this if and only if your program will still be correct:
synchronized (a) {
synchronized (a) {
But remember, the odd simple field update with a lock held unnecessarily probably won't make much tangible difference, and could actually improve performance. Sometimes, holding a lock for a bit longer and doing less lock "housekeeping" can be beneficial. But the JVM can make some of those decisions, so you don't need to be tooo paranoid-- just do generally sensible things and you should be fine.
但请记住,带有不必要锁定的奇怪的简单字段更新可能不会产生太大的实际差异,并且实际上可以提高性能。有时,持有一个锁更长时间并减少锁定“管家”可能是有益的。但是JVM可以做出一些决定,所以你不需要过于偏执 - 只要做一般明智的事情,你应该没事。
In general, try and have a separate lock for each set of methods/accesses that together form an "independent process". Other than that, having a separate lock object can be a good way of encapsulating the lock within the class it's used by (i.e. preventing it from being used by outside callers in a way you didn't predict), but there's probably no performance difference per se from using one object to another as the lock (e.g. using the instance itself vs a private Object declared just to be a lock within that class as you suggest), provided the two objects would otherwise be used in exactly the same way.
There should be a performance difference between a built-in language construct and a library, but experience has taught me not to guess when it comes to performance.
If you compile the aspect into the application then you will have basically no performance hit, if you do it at runtime (load-type weaving) then you will see a performance hit.
If you have each aspect be perinstance then it may reduce the need for synchronization.
You should have as little synchronization as possible, for as short a time as possible, to reduce any problems.
If possible you may want to share as little state as possible between threads, keeping as much local as possible, to reduce any deadlock problems.
More information would lead to a better answer btw. :)
更多信息将导致更好的答案顺便说一句。 :)