
时间:2021-06-06 21:02:27

I am trying to comprehend how development is affected when developing for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. From what I have researched thus far, I understand an int is always 4 bytes regardless of the architecture of the device running the app. But an NSInteger is 4 bytes on a 32-bit device and 8 bytes on a 64-bit device. I get the impression NSInteger is "safer" and recommended but I'm not sure what the reasoning is for that.


My question is, if you know the possible value you're using is never going to be large (maybe you're using it to index into an array of 200 items or store the count of objects in an array), why define it as an NSInteger? That's just going to take up 8 bytes when you won't use it all. Is it better to define it as an int in those cases? If so, in what case would you want to use an NSInteger (as opposed to int or long etc)? Obviously if you needed to utilize larger numbers, you could with the 64-bit architecture. But if you needed it to also work on 32-bit devices, would you not use long long because it's 8 bytes on 32-bit devices as well? I don't see why one would use NSInteger, at least when creating an app that runs on both architectures.


Also I cannot think of a method which takes in or returns a primitive type - int, and instead utilizes NSInteger, and am wondering if there is more to it than just the size of the values. For example, (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section. I'd like to understand why this is the case. Assuming it's possible to have a table with 2,147,483,647 rows, what would occur on a 32-bit device when you add one more - does it wrap around to a -2,147,483,647? And on a 64-bit device it would be 2,147,483,648. (Why return a signed value? I'd think it should be unsigned since you can't have a negative number of rows.)

另外,我想不出一个接受或返回基本类型的方法 - int,而是使用NSInteger,并且想知道它是否还有更多,而不仅仅是值的大小。例如,(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)部分。我想明白为什么会这样。假设有一个2,147,483,647行的表,当你再添加一个32位设备时会发生什么 - 它会回绕到-2,147,483,647吗?在64位设备上,它将是2,147,483,648。 (为什么返回有符号值?我认为它应该是无符号的,因为你不能有负数行。)

Ultimately, I'd like to obtain a better understanding of actual use of these number data types, perhaps some code examples would be great!


4 个解决方案



I personally think that, 64-bit is actually the reason for existence for NSInteger and NSUInteger; before 10.5, those did not exist. The two are simply defined as longs in 64-bit, and as ints in 32-bit.


NSInteger/NSUInteger are defined as *dynamic typedef*s to one of these types, and they are defined like this:

NSInteger / NSUInteger被定义为* dynamic typedef * s到这些类型之一,它们的定义如下:

#if __LP64__ || NS_BUILD_32_LIKE_64
typedef long NSInteger;
typedef unsigned long NSUInteger;
typedef int NSInteger;
typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;

Thus, using them in place of the more basic C types when you want the 'bit-native' size.


I suggest you to throughly read this link. CocoaDev has some more info.

我建议你仔细阅读这个链接。 CocoaDev有更多信息。

For proper format specifier you should use for each of these types, see the String Programming Guide's section on Platform Dependencies




I remember when attending iOS developer conference. you have to take a look on the data-type in iOS7. for example, you use NSInteger in 64-bit device and save it on iCloud. then you want to sync to lower device (say iPad 2nd gen), your app will not behave the same, because it recognizes NSInteger in 4 bytes not 8 bytes, then your calculation would be wrong.


But so far, I use NSInteger because mostly my app doesn't use iCloud or doesn't sync. and to avoid compiler warning.




Apple uses int because for a loop control variable (which is only used to control the loop iterations) int datatype is fine, both in datatype size and in the values it can hold for your loop. No need for platform dependent datatype here. For a loop control variable even a 16-bit int will do most of the time.


Apple uses NSInteger for a function return value or for a function argument because in this case datatype [size] matters, because what you are doing with a function is communicating/passing data with other programs or with other pieces of code.


Apple uses NSInteger (or NSUInteger) when passing a value as an argument to a function or returning a value from a function.


The only thing I would use NSInteger for is passing values to and from an API that specifies it. Other than that it has no advantage over an int or a long. At least with an int or a long you know what format specifiers to use in a printf or similar statement.




As a continue to Irfan's answer: sizeof(NSInteger) equals a processor word's size. It is much more simple and faster for processor to operate with words




I personally think that, 64-bit is actually the reason for existence for NSInteger and NSUInteger; before 10.5, those did not exist. The two are simply defined as longs in 64-bit, and as ints in 32-bit.


NSInteger/NSUInteger are defined as *dynamic typedef*s to one of these types, and they are defined like this:

NSInteger / NSUInteger被定义为* dynamic typedef * s到这些类型之一,它们的定义如下:

#if __LP64__ || NS_BUILD_32_LIKE_64
typedef long NSInteger;
typedef unsigned long NSUInteger;
typedef int NSInteger;
typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;

Thus, using them in place of the more basic C types when you want the 'bit-native' size.


I suggest you to throughly read this link. CocoaDev has some more info.

我建议你仔细阅读这个链接。 CocoaDev有更多信息。

For proper format specifier you should use for each of these types, see the String Programming Guide's section on Platform Dependencies




I remember when attending iOS developer conference. you have to take a look on the data-type in iOS7. for example, you use NSInteger in 64-bit device and save it on iCloud. then you want to sync to lower device (say iPad 2nd gen), your app will not behave the same, because it recognizes NSInteger in 4 bytes not 8 bytes, then your calculation would be wrong.


But so far, I use NSInteger because mostly my app doesn't use iCloud or doesn't sync. and to avoid compiler warning.




Apple uses int because for a loop control variable (which is only used to control the loop iterations) int datatype is fine, both in datatype size and in the values it can hold for your loop. No need for platform dependent datatype here. For a loop control variable even a 16-bit int will do most of the time.


Apple uses NSInteger for a function return value or for a function argument because in this case datatype [size] matters, because what you are doing with a function is communicating/passing data with other programs or with other pieces of code.


Apple uses NSInteger (or NSUInteger) when passing a value as an argument to a function or returning a value from a function.


The only thing I would use NSInteger for is passing values to and from an API that specifies it. Other than that it has no advantage over an int or a long. At least with an int or a long you know what format specifiers to use in a printf or similar statement.




As a continue to Irfan's answer: sizeof(NSInteger) equals a processor word's size. It is much more simple and faster for processor to operate with words
