I've gone through the process on this page to expose the JMX interface of a web application.
I've managed to view the exposed interface on the Tomcat JMX proxy but when I load JConsole and look for the exposed mbean interface I can't find anything related to the attributes and operations exposed.
我已经设法在Tomcat JMX代理上查看公开的接口,但是当我加载JConsole并查找公开的mbean接口时,我找不到与公开的属性和操作相关的任何内容。
Thre is no specific entry on jconsole for the web app so I figured it might be under the TOMCAT jmx entry. It's not. (bare in mind, I did manage to see it on the tomcat jmx proxy page).
在网络应用程序的jconsole上没有特定条目,所以我认为它可能在TOMCAT jmx条目下。不是。 (记住,我确实设法在tomcat jmx代理页面上看到它)。
How can I manage my web application locally? Why is JConsole not showing it?
1 个解决方案
I've managed to fix this by doing a few basic steps -
我已经设法通过做一些基本步骤来解决这个问题 -
- In the webapp context listener contextInitialized method, I instantiated a singleton class that will run and implement the mbean (the servlet itself cannot implement an mbean because it only wakes up to take requests from the server).
- The servlet "informs" the singleton of every operation that we want to monitor and the singleton is the one that actually reports this through jmx.
In the singleton I registered with the mbean server with this command:
ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer().registerMBean(this, name);
Thats it. (In a nut shell)
而已。 (简而言之)
I've managed to fix this by doing a few basic steps -
我已经设法通过做一些基本步骤来解决这个问题 -
- In the webapp context listener contextInitialized method, I instantiated a singleton class that will run and implement the mbean (the servlet itself cannot implement an mbean because it only wakes up to take requests from the server).
- The servlet "informs" the singleton of every operation that we want to monitor and the singleton is the one that actually reports this through jmx.
In the singleton I registered with the mbean server with this command:
ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer().registerMBean(this, name);
Thats it. (In a nut shell)
而已。 (简而言之)