
时间:2022-08-25 19:15:44

I have tried to find the syntax error into my sql statment but i couldnt i tried to add () and [] but its same nothing change so could please help me with this error as i am getting this error message: " Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'and'. " next to : " ad.Fill(cdt);"


HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies.Get("Location");
        using (SqlConnection carcon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["BeravaConnectionString"].ConnectionString))

            if (cookie != null)
            string CarSqlST = @"SELECT [JobNum], [Dept], [PubDate], [EndDate], [Employer],[VacCountry], [VacState], [VacCity],
            [Jobtitle], [CompLogo], SUBSTRING([jobdesc],1,40) as jobdesc FROM [jobs] Where 1=1 and [VacCountry] = [@Location] ORDER BY [PubDate] DESC ";

                var Location = cookie.Value;

                string condition = "";

                if (filterstathpjob.SelectedValue != "")
                    condition += " and State='" + filterstathpjob.SelectedValue + "'";
                if (filterJobhpjob.SelectedValue != "")
                    condition += " and City='" + filterJobhpjob.SelectedValue + "'";

                DataTable cdt = new DataTable();
                SqlCommand ccmd = new SqlCommand();
                ccmd.Connection = carcon;
                ccmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                ccmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Location", Location);
                //ccmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CATE", cat);
                ccmd.CommandText = CarSqlST + condition;
                SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter();
                ad.SelectCommand = ccmd;

                Joblistview.DataSource = cdt;


the 2nd code is


 protected void FilterBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies.Get("Location");
        using (SqlConnection carcon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["BeravaConnectionString"].ConnectionString))

            if (cookie != null)
                string sql = @"SELECT [JobNum], [Dept], [PubDate], [EndDate], [Employer],[VacCountry], [VacState], [VacCity],
            [Jobtitle], [CompLogo], SUBSTRING([jobdesc],1,40) as jobdesc FROM [jobs] 
            Where [VacCountry] = @Location AND
            (@State IS NULL OR VacState = @State) AND
            (@City IS NULL OR VacCity = @City)                
            ORDER BY [PubDate] DESC ";

                DataTable cdt = new DataTable();
                SqlCommand ccmd = new SqlCommand(sql, carcon);
                var Location = cookie.Value;
                ccmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Location", Location);
                ccmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@State", filterstathpjob.SelectedValue);
                ccmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@City", filterJobhpjob.SelectedValue);

                SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter(ccmd);
                Joblistview.DataSource = cdt;


2 个解决方案


This line in your first snippet appears to be your problem:


ccmd.CommandText = CarSqlST + condition;

You're adding a condition at the end of your SQL statement, after you've already done an ORDER BY. Your condition needs to be added before the ORDER BY.

在完成ORDER BY之后,在SQL语句的末尾添加条件。您需要在ORDER BY之前添加条件。


Try this

    string CarSqlST = @"SELECT [JobNum], [Dept], [PubDate], [EndDate], [Employer],[VacCountry], [VacState], [VacCity],
    [Jobtitle], [CompLogo], 
    as jobdesc FROM [jobs] Where 1=1 and [VacCountry] = [@Location] ";


ccmd.CommandText = CarSqlST + condition+" ORDER BY [PubDate] DESC " ;
                SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter();
                ad.SelectCommand = ccmd;

                Joblistview.DataSource = cdt;



This line in your first snippet appears to be your problem:


ccmd.CommandText = CarSqlST + condition;

You're adding a condition at the end of your SQL statement, after you've already done an ORDER BY. Your condition needs to be added before the ORDER BY.

在完成ORDER BY之后,在SQL语句的末尾添加条件。您需要在ORDER BY之前添加条件。


Try this

    string CarSqlST = @"SELECT [JobNum], [Dept], [PubDate], [EndDate], [Employer],[VacCountry], [VacState], [VacCity],
    [Jobtitle], [CompLogo], 
    as jobdesc FROM [jobs] Where 1=1 and [VacCountry] = [@Location] ";


ccmd.CommandText = CarSqlST + condition+" ORDER BY [PubDate] DESC " ;
                SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter();
                ad.SelectCommand = ccmd;

                Joblistview.DataSource = cdt;
