
时间:2021-03-22 21:04:36

The documentation for boost::asio::ssl::stream states the following regarding thread safety:

boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream的文档说明了有关线程安全的以下内容:

Thread Safety


  • Distinct objects: Safe.


  • Shared objects: Unsafe. The application must also ensure that all asynchronous operations are performed within the same implicit or explicit strand.


If i compare this to the documentation for the boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket type, then the statement about strands is not included.

如果我将此与boost :: asio :: ip :: tcp :: socket类型的文档进行比较,则不包括有关strands的语句。



If access to the stream object is controlled by a mutex, making sure that only one thread operates on the ssl stream at a given time, what is the need for using an implicit/explicit strand?


Also, what does "asynchronous operations" mean in this context? Is the document referring to calls to for example boost::asio::async_read/boost::asio::async_read, or to the handler callbacks I pass to these operations?

此外,“异步操作”在这种情况下意味着什么?文档是指调用例如boost :: asio :: async_read / boost :: asio :: async_read,还是调用我传递给这些操作的处理程序回调?

1 个解决方案



If access to the stream object is controlled by a mutex, making sure that only one thread operates on the ssl stream at a given time, what is the need for using an implicit/explicit strand?


There is no need then. The mutex makes the operations serialize as on a "logical strand". Asio's strands are merely a mechanism to achieve such serialization without the explicit synchronization code in case you have more than one service running the io_service


Also, what does "asynchronous operations" mean in this context? Is the document referring to calls to for example boost::asio::async_read/boost::asio::async_read, or to the handler callbacks I pass to these operations?

此外,“异步操作”在这种情况下意味着什么?文档是指调用例如boost :: asio :: async_read / boost :: asio :: async_read,还是调用我传递给这些操作的处理程序回调?

Boost refers to it's implementation of those member functions/free functions indeed, because they operate on the service objects that aren't threadsafe. The completion handlers are your own concern: if you make them threadsafe then there is no more need for strands indeed. Be aware that you cannot start asynchronous operations directly from such "unserialized" completion handlers, which leads to code like:


void completionhandler(error_code const& ec) { 
    if (!ec) { 
        io_service_.post([] { boost::asio::async_...(...); });
        // or: 
        strand_.post([] { boost::asio::async_...(...); });

This leverages the fact that the strand and io_service objects are threadsafe.




If access to the stream object is controlled by a mutex, making sure that only one thread operates on the ssl stream at a given time, what is the need for using an implicit/explicit strand?


There is no need then. The mutex makes the operations serialize as on a "logical strand". Asio's strands are merely a mechanism to achieve such serialization without the explicit synchronization code in case you have more than one service running the io_service


Also, what does "asynchronous operations" mean in this context? Is the document referring to calls to for example boost::asio::async_read/boost::asio::async_read, or to the handler callbacks I pass to these operations?

此外,“异步操作”在这种情况下意味着什么?文档是指调用例如boost :: asio :: async_read / boost :: asio :: async_read,还是调用我传递给这些操作的处理程序回调?

Boost refers to it's implementation of those member functions/free functions indeed, because they operate on the service objects that aren't threadsafe. The completion handlers are your own concern: if you make them threadsafe then there is no more need for strands indeed. Be aware that you cannot start asynchronous operations directly from such "unserialized" completion handlers, which leads to code like:


void completionhandler(error_code const& ec) { 
    if (!ec) { 
        io_service_.post([] { boost::asio::async_...(...); });
        // or: 
        strand_.post([] { boost::asio::async_...(...); });

This leverages the fact that the strand and io_service objects are threadsafe.

