
时间:2022-10-06 21:01:53

I have created a webapp that can be saved to the "Home Screen" on the iPhone. The app uses a canvas and is fairly interactive with changing state.


Whenever the app is minimised and re-opened it resets back to the initial state. The same (as expected) occurs when closing the app and reloading it.


  1. How can I prevent the app from being reloaded when it is merely minimised?


  2. What is the best way to persist state data so that when the app is closed and re-opened it continues seamlessly?


  3. What events would I need to use to ensure that state data is not lost?


If possible a cross platform solution would be preferred iPhone + Android...

如果可能的话,一个跨平台的解决方案应该是iPhone + Android……

4 个解决方案



TL;DR You'll need to design your application to use local storage or cookies or some other mechanism with which you can preserve state. It will need to look at this local storage and rebuilt it's interface every time it is launched. Using local storage or webdb (depreciated but supported), you'll need to save every state change and make sure you reload them when your page loads in the browser.


  1. Define minimized? Running in the background?


    Your webapp, regardless of it's status on the homescreen, is merely another page loaded into the browser. Due to a) the lack of memory on the device and b) how multitasking works, applications can be asked by the operating system to free up memory or even to terminate themselves at anytime.

    不管你的webapp在home creen上的状态如何,它只是加载到浏览器中的另一个页面。由于a)设备上的内存不足以及b)多任务处理如何工作,操作系统可以要求应用程序释放内存,甚至在任何时候终止自己。

    This is why when you're building an iOS app you have:


    - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application


    This method allows you, as the developer, to specify a behavior to use (such as saving user data) before your application terminates when it receives the terminate signal from the OS. This is also why the iOS developer guides ask you to retain state and always make sure that your state is restored when an app is brought to the foreground. (Users may not know an app has terminated as it still will appear in the "running applications" list when you double-click the home).


    Now I understand you're talking about a web app, but this is important. Web pages, and I'm sure yours as well, take up some memory in the phone -- you've got the DOM, all the resources, information about the state as to where the page is and what widgets are set to what. You say your app is fairly interactive using the canvas and stuff -- I'm sure it takes up a lot of memory.


    So when you put Safari in the background, Safari is most likely trashing your in-memory cache.


  2. Safari has access to both local storage and cookie data. iOS5 also has access to WebSQL (but no IndexedDB which is sad because WebSQL is depreciated). Choose your poison.


  3. You'll need to always save state. Since you don't have access to the UIApplicationDelegate methods via JS, every time the user does something, you'll need to save that state change. And every time your page is reloaded, it needs to check for a persistant state and reload from the storage option which you've chosen.




If you save the current state using the localStorage API and restore from this API on load, you should be able to recreate the application state.

如果您使用localStorage API保存当前状态并在加载时从该API恢复,您应该能够重新创建应用程序状态。

I recommend this page for an overview of the local storage API: http://diveintohtml5.info/storage.html


I'm afraid you will have trouble preventing the application/webpage in memory when it is in the background, but continuously storing state to localStorage and recover state when the pages is loaded (window.onload or $(document).ready()) would be a solution.




  1. I do not think you can
  2. 我认为你做不到
  3. WebKit supports HTML5 Client-Side data storage, which you could use
  4. WebKit支持HTML5客户端数据存储,您可以使用它
  5. I do not know about any way your webApp would get notified on closing, so you should try to save the current state after each step in your navigation etc (Background behavior for iOS Web App (so app doesn't restart)).
  6. 我不知道你的webApp会以什么方式在关闭时被通知,所以你应该尝试在导航的每一步之后保存当前状态等等(iOS Web App的后台行为,所以App不会重新启动)。



If your app is only using canvas for render, then you could bind a function to the window.unload or pagehide event that whenever the page is unloaded the function captures the pixel data of the canvas using


  • and stores that in localstorage, then when the page is reloaded you can push that data directly to the canvas for near instant reload and put a spinner ontop while you load the real application behind it.
  • 并将其存储在localstorage中,然后当页面重新加载时,您可以将数据直接推到画布上进行几乎立即的重新加载,并在后面加载真正的应用程序时在其上放置一个spinner。



TL;DR You'll need to design your application to use local storage or cookies or some other mechanism with which you can preserve state. It will need to look at this local storage and rebuilt it's interface every time it is launched. Using local storage or webdb (depreciated but supported), you'll need to save every state change and make sure you reload them when your page loads in the browser.


  1. Define minimized? Running in the background?


    Your webapp, regardless of it's status on the homescreen, is merely another page loaded into the browser. Due to a) the lack of memory on the device and b) how multitasking works, applications can be asked by the operating system to free up memory or even to terminate themselves at anytime.

    不管你的webapp在home creen上的状态如何,它只是加载到浏览器中的另一个页面。由于a)设备上的内存不足以及b)多任务处理如何工作,操作系统可以要求应用程序释放内存,甚至在任何时候终止自己。

    This is why when you're building an iOS app you have:


    - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application


    This method allows you, as the developer, to specify a behavior to use (such as saving user data) before your application terminates when it receives the terminate signal from the OS. This is also why the iOS developer guides ask you to retain state and always make sure that your state is restored when an app is brought to the foreground. (Users may not know an app has terminated as it still will appear in the "running applications" list when you double-click the home).


    Now I understand you're talking about a web app, but this is important. Web pages, and I'm sure yours as well, take up some memory in the phone -- you've got the DOM, all the resources, information about the state as to where the page is and what widgets are set to what. You say your app is fairly interactive using the canvas and stuff -- I'm sure it takes up a lot of memory.


    So when you put Safari in the background, Safari is most likely trashing your in-memory cache.


  2. Safari has access to both local storage and cookie data. iOS5 also has access to WebSQL (but no IndexedDB which is sad because WebSQL is depreciated). Choose your poison.


  3. You'll need to always save state. Since you don't have access to the UIApplicationDelegate methods via JS, every time the user does something, you'll need to save that state change. And every time your page is reloaded, it needs to check for a persistant state and reload from the storage option which you've chosen.




If you save the current state using the localStorage API and restore from this API on load, you should be able to recreate the application state.

如果您使用localStorage API保存当前状态并在加载时从该API恢复,您应该能够重新创建应用程序状态。

I recommend this page for an overview of the local storage API: http://diveintohtml5.info/storage.html


I'm afraid you will have trouble preventing the application/webpage in memory when it is in the background, but continuously storing state to localStorage and recover state when the pages is loaded (window.onload or $(document).ready()) would be a solution.




  1. I do not think you can
  2. 我认为你做不到
  3. WebKit supports HTML5 Client-Side data storage, which you could use
  4. WebKit支持HTML5客户端数据存储,您可以使用它
  5. I do not know about any way your webApp would get notified on closing, so you should try to save the current state after each step in your navigation etc (Background behavior for iOS Web App (so app doesn't restart)).
  6. 我不知道你的webApp会以什么方式在关闭时被通知,所以你应该尝试在导航的每一步之后保存当前状态等等(iOS Web App的后台行为,所以App不会重新启动)。



If your app is only using canvas for render, then you could bind a function to the window.unload or pagehide event that whenever the page is unloaded the function captures the pixel data of the canvas using


  • and stores that in localstorage, then when the page is reloaded you can push that data directly to the canvas for near instant reload and put a spinner ontop while you load the real application behind it.
  • 并将其存储在localstorage中,然后当页面重新加载时,您可以将数据直接推到画布上进行几乎立即的重新加载,并在后面加载真正的应用程序时在其上放置一个spinner。