iPhone: Safari vs.从“主屏幕”书签启动

时间:2022-03-13 21:03:00

What's the difference between these two? Do they both launch Safari (with the exception that the home-screen doesn't show a URL/tool bar?


I've found weird quirks that appear in home screen version..do they have different rendering engines? For example, mailto: doesn't work in home-screen mode, and there are some small rendering/css-styling bugs that don't appear if I visit my web application from mobile Safari.

我在主屏幕上发现了一些奇怪的怪癖。它们有不同的渲染引擎吗?例如,mailto:在主屏幕模式下不工作,并且有一些很小的呈现/css样式的bug,如果我从mobile Safari访问我的web应用程序,它们就不会出现。



1 个解决方案



Apple is using two different Runtime Environments for the Sarari Browser when launched as a browser or as a Homescreen app. The Homescreen environment suffers from multiple limitations:

当作为浏览器或home creen应用程序发布时,苹果正在为Sarari浏览器使用两个不同的运行时环境。

  1. lack of print, mailto, caching-support and the list goes on ...
  2. 缺少打印、邮件、缓存支持和列表等等……
  3. in iOS 4.3 it doesn't have the new Nitro engine enabled, so performance will always be lower in this environment
  4. 在iOS 4.3中,它没有启用新的硝基引擎,因此在这种环境中性能总是较低



Apple is using two different Runtime Environments for the Sarari Browser when launched as a browser or as a Homescreen app. The Homescreen environment suffers from multiple limitations:

当作为浏览器或home creen应用程序发布时,苹果正在为Sarari浏览器使用两个不同的运行时环境。

  1. lack of print, mailto, caching-support and the list goes on ...
  2. 缺少打印、邮件、缓存支持和列表等等……
  3. in iOS 4.3 it doesn't have the new Nitro engine enabled, so performance will always be lower in this environment
  4. 在iOS 4.3中,它没有启用新的硝基引擎,因此在这种环境中性能总是较低