
时间:2022-03-15 21:00:28

I have an std::vector<IRenderable*> (_pBkBuffer in the code below). It contains a number of static objects (at the start of the vector) that don't change, followed by a variable number of dynamic objects.

我有一个std :: vector (下面的代码中的_pBkBuffer)。它包含许多静态对象(在向量的开头),它们不会改变,后面跟着可变数量的动态对象。

// erase-remove, but leave the static renderables intact
        _pBkBuffer->begin() + _nStatics, _pBkBuffer->end(), ???

What can I put at the ??? in order to erase-remove the non-static renderables?

我能把什么?为了擦除 - 删除非静态可渲染物?

I know that the ??? should match all objects in the specified subset.


Should I be using erase-remove at all, or should I use another approach?

我应该使用擦除 - 删除,还是应该使用其他方法?

1 个解决方案



'Should I be using erase-remove at all

'我应该使用擦除 - 删除

Aparently you already know where the object are, so no. You do this:


_pBkBuffer->erase( _pBkBuffer->begin() + _nStatics, _pBkBuffer->end() );

or, even better:


_pkBuffer->resize( _nStatics );

Erase remove idiom would be used if you had them scattered randomly in the vector. What's missing instead of ??? is a value that elements to be removed are compared to. Since you're storing pointers, you'd most likely need to provide a custom predicate (a function pointer, functor, or a lambda) and use remove_if instead.




'Should I be using erase-remove at all

'我应该使用擦除 - 删除

Aparently you already know where the object are, so no. You do this:


_pBkBuffer->erase( _pBkBuffer->begin() + _nStatics, _pBkBuffer->end() );

or, even better:


_pkBuffer->resize( _nStatics );

Erase remove idiom would be used if you had them scattered randomly in the vector. What's missing instead of ??? is a value that elements to be removed are compared to. Since you're storing pointers, you'd most likely need to provide a custom predicate (a function pointer, functor, or a lambda) and use remove_if instead.
