
时间:2022-03-15 21:00:28

While it's very handy, I very rarely, if ever, come across functions that return structs (or unions) in C, whether they are dynamically linked functions or statically defined functions.
They instead return the data through a pointer parameter.


(An dynamic example in Windows is GetSystemInfo.)


What's the reason behind this?
Is it because of a performance issue, an ABI compatibility issue, or something else?


7 个解决方案



I would say "performance", plus the fact that it's even possible sometimes seems to surprise C programmers. It's not ... in the general "flavor" of C, to many, to throw around large things such as structs as if they were mere values. Which, according to the language, they really are.


Along the same lines, many C programmers seem to automatically resort to memcpy() when the need to copy structs arises, rather than just using assignment, too.


In C++ at least, there is something called "return value optimization" which is able to silently transform code like this:


struct Point { int x, y; };

struct Point point_new(int x, int y)
  struct Point p;
  p.x = x;
  p.y = y;
  return p;



void point_new(struct Point *return_value, int x, int y)
  struct Point p;
  p.x = x;
  p.y = y;
  *return_value = p;

which does away with the (potentially stack-hungry) "true" return of a struct value. I guess even better would be this, not sure if they're that smart:


void point_new(struct Point *return_value, int x, int y)
  return_value->x = x;
  return_value->y = y;

I'm not sure if C compilers can do any of this, if they can't then I guess that might be a real argument against struct returns, for very performance-critical programs.

我不确定C编译器是否能做到这些,如果他们做不到,我想这可能是一个反对struct return的论据,对于性能非常关键的程序。



Returns in C are made by storing the return value in the stack.
Returning a struct or an union would lead to put potentially very big data on the stack, and this could lead to a stack overflow.


Returning only a pointer to the struct/union is pretty much safier because you only put a little quantity of data (4 bytes in general) in the stack.




The reasons are mostly historical. In his paper, "The Text Editor sam", Rob Pike writes

原因大多是历史原因。在他的论文中,“文本编辑sam”,Rob Pike写道。

A related matter of programming style: sam frequently passes structures by value, which simplifies the code. Traditionally, C programs have passed structures by reference, but implicit allocation on the stack is easier to use. Structure passing is a relatively new feature of C (it is not in the standard reference manual for C14), and is poorly supported in most commercial C compilers. It’s convenient and expressive, though, and simplifies memory management by avoiding the allocator altogether and eliminating pointer aliases.


That being said, there are pitfalls to the technique; returning obscenely large structures chances stack overflow.




A C function can return a structure (and so does a C++ one, where it is quite common). Perhaps in the very first years of C, it could not.


The x86-64 ABI specification for Linux and related systems (page 21) even says that structures fitting into two -64 bits- words can often be returned in two registers without going thru the memory (even the stack). Very probably this is faster than going thru the stack.

Linux和相关系统的x86-64 ABI规范(第21页)甚至说,结构适合于两个-64位——通常可以在两个寄存器中返回,而无需经过内存(甚至堆栈)。很可能这比通过堆栈要快。

As unwind replied in his answer, the ABI often requires structure results to be silently converted to an invisible pointer.


One could even define another calling convention which returns more data in more registers. But such new conventions would break all object code and require recompilation of everything (including even, on Linux, system libraries like libc.so.6), and of course require changing the compiler.


Of course, ABI conventions are processor, system and compiler related.


I don't know Windows and I don't know what Windows define as its ABI.




In pre-ANSI C, you couldn't return object of structure type and you could also not pass arguments of structure types.

在前ansi C中,不能返回结构类型的对象,也不能传递结构类型的参数。

From Chris Torek quote in comp.lang.c:


Note that V6 C also did not support struct-valued arguments and struct-valued return values.

注意,V6 C也不支持结构值参数和结构值返回值。

The reason nowadays they are not very used is people prefer to return pointer to structure which involves only a pointer copy instead of the copy of a whole structure object.




In addition to the idea that there might be a performance hit or that returning structs by value might not have been commonly supported in pre-standard days another reason for C functions to not use return-by-value for structs is that if you return a struct you can't easily return a success/failure indicator. I know that I occasionally would start out designing a function to return a struct that was initialized in the function, but then I'd run into the problem of how to indicate whether or not the function succeeded. You pretty much have the following options:


  • guarantee success (sometimes this is possible)
  • 保证成功(有时这是可能的)
  • pass in a pointer to a location for the error code
  • 传递一个指向错误代码位置的指针
  • have a field or sentinel value in the struct that indicates success/failure
  • 在表示成功/失败的结构中有字段或标记值吗?

Only option 1 keeps the interface from being a kludge. The second option kind of defeats the purpose of returning the struct by value, and actually makes the function more difficult to use for handling failures. The third option is just plainly not a good design in nearly all cases.




In general, Windows functions either return nothing or error codes, especially when it comes to returning structures or classes.


Efficiency might be an issue, although RVO should remove the overhead.


I think the main reason was to keep the methods inline with the coding style used before.




I would say "performance", plus the fact that it's even possible sometimes seems to surprise C programmers. It's not ... in the general "flavor" of C, to many, to throw around large things such as structs as if they were mere values. Which, according to the language, they really are.


Along the same lines, many C programmers seem to automatically resort to memcpy() when the need to copy structs arises, rather than just using assignment, too.


In C++ at least, there is something called "return value optimization" which is able to silently transform code like this:


struct Point { int x, y; };

struct Point point_new(int x, int y)
  struct Point p;
  p.x = x;
  p.y = y;
  return p;



void point_new(struct Point *return_value, int x, int y)
  struct Point p;
  p.x = x;
  p.y = y;
  *return_value = p;

which does away with the (potentially stack-hungry) "true" return of a struct value. I guess even better would be this, not sure if they're that smart:


void point_new(struct Point *return_value, int x, int y)
  return_value->x = x;
  return_value->y = y;

I'm not sure if C compilers can do any of this, if they can't then I guess that might be a real argument against struct returns, for very performance-critical programs.

我不确定C编译器是否能做到这些,如果他们做不到,我想这可能是一个反对struct return的论据,对于性能非常关键的程序。



Returns in C are made by storing the return value in the stack.
Returning a struct or an union would lead to put potentially very big data on the stack, and this could lead to a stack overflow.


Returning only a pointer to the struct/union is pretty much safier because you only put a little quantity of data (4 bytes in general) in the stack.




The reasons are mostly historical. In his paper, "The Text Editor sam", Rob Pike writes

原因大多是历史原因。在他的论文中,“文本编辑sam”,Rob Pike写道。

A related matter of programming style: sam frequently passes structures by value, which simplifies the code. Traditionally, C programs have passed structures by reference, but implicit allocation on the stack is easier to use. Structure passing is a relatively new feature of C (it is not in the standard reference manual for C14), and is poorly supported in most commercial C compilers. It’s convenient and expressive, though, and simplifies memory management by avoiding the allocator altogether and eliminating pointer aliases.


That being said, there are pitfalls to the technique; returning obscenely large structures chances stack overflow.




A C function can return a structure (and so does a C++ one, where it is quite common). Perhaps in the very first years of C, it could not.


The x86-64 ABI specification for Linux and related systems (page 21) even says that structures fitting into two -64 bits- words can often be returned in two registers without going thru the memory (even the stack). Very probably this is faster than going thru the stack.

Linux和相关系统的x86-64 ABI规范(第21页)甚至说,结构适合于两个-64位——通常可以在两个寄存器中返回,而无需经过内存(甚至堆栈)。很可能这比通过堆栈要快。

As unwind replied in his answer, the ABI often requires structure results to be silently converted to an invisible pointer.


One could even define another calling convention which returns more data in more registers. But such new conventions would break all object code and require recompilation of everything (including even, on Linux, system libraries like libc.so.6), and of course require changing the compiler.


Of course, ABI conventions are processor, system and compiler related.


I don't know Windows and I don't know what Windows define as its ABI.




In pre-ANSI C, you couldn't return object of structure type and you could also not pass arguments of structure types.

在前ansi C中,不能返回结构类型的对象,也不能传递结构类型的参数。

From Chris Torek quote in comp.lang.c:


Note that V6 C also did not support struct-valued arguments and struct-valued return values.

注意,V6 C也不支持结构值参数和结构值返回值。

The reason nowadays they are not very used is people prefer to return pointer to structure which involves only a pointer copy instead of the copy of a whole structure object.




In addition to the idea that there might be a performance hit or that returning structs by value might not have been commonly supported in pre-standard days another reason for C functions to not use return-by-value for structs is that if you return a struct you can't easily return a success/failure indicator. I know that I occasionally would start out designing a function to return a struct that was initialized in the function, but then I'd run into the problem of how to indicate whether or not the function succeeded. You pretty much have the following options:


  • guarantee success (sometimes this is possible)
  • 保证成功(有时这是可能的)
  • pass in a pointer to a location for the error code
  • 传递一个指向错误代码位置的指针
  • have a field or sentinel value in the struct that indicates success/failure
  • 在表示成功/失败的结构中有字段或标记值吗?

Only option 1 keeps the interface from being a kludge. The second option kind of defeats the purpose of returning the struct by value, and actually makes the function more difficult to use for handling failures. The third option is just plainly not a good design in nearly all cases.




In general, Windows functions either return nothing or error codes, especially when it comes to returning structures or classes.


Efficiency might be an issue, although RVO should remove the overhead.


I think the main reason was to keep the methods inline with the coding style used before.
