
时间:2022-04-07 21:00:00

I've come to a problem using the new c++11 std::thread interface.
I can't figure out how to pass a reference to a std::ostream to the function that the thread will execute.

我在使用新的c++11 std:::thread接口时遇到了一个问题。我不知道如何将对std::ostream的引用传递到线程将要执行的函数。

Here's an example with passing an integer(compile and work as expected under gcc 4.6) :

这里有一个传递一个整数的例子(编译并按照gcc 4.6的要求工作):

void foo(int &i) {
    /** do something with i **/
    std::cout << i << std::endl;

int k = 10;
std::thread t(foo, k);

But when I try passing an ostream it does not compile :


void foo(std::ostream &os) {
    /** do something with os **/
    os << "This should be printed to os" << std::endl;

std::thread t(foo, std::cout);

Is there a way to do just that, or is it not possible at all ??


NB: from the compile error it seems to come from a deleted constructor...


2 个解决方案



Threads copy their arguments (think about it, that's The Right Thing). If you want a reference explicitly, you have to wrap it with std::ref (or std::cref for constant references):


std::thread t(foo, std::ref(std::cout));

(The reference wrapper is a wrapper with value semantics around a reference. That is, you can copy the wrapper, and all copies will contain the same reference.)


As usual, this code is only correct as long as the object to which you refer remains alive. Caveat emptor.




void foo(intstd::ostream &os)

doesn't look like valid C++ to me.




Threads copy their arguments (think about it, that's The Right Thing). If you want a reference explicitly, you have to wrap it with std::ref (or std::cref for constant references):


std::thread t(foo, std::ref(std::cout));

(The reference wrapper is a wrapper with value semantics around a reference. That is, you can copy the wrapper, and all copies will contain the same reference.)


As usual, this code is only correct as long as the object to which you refer remains alive. Caveat emptor.




void foo(intstd::ostream &os)

doesn't look like valid C++ to me.
