
时间:2022-04-07 21:00:36

I am trying to cythonise something I did which involves random number generation inside a parallelised loop. I wanted to use mtrand but since it's Python code it can't work from a nogil block and for some reason mtrand's .pyx isn't exposed for the rest of us to use.


I know I can use rand or any other C RNG (e.g. gsl); is there a more standard way?

我知道我可以使用rand或任何其他C RNG(例如gsl);有更标准的方法吗?

1 个解决方案



You have summed up the situation correctly. As of this writing, you can do one of three things:


  • Modify NumPy to allow sharing the declarations in mtrand.pxd


  • Use NumPy's random generators through their default interface (perhaps you could store all the random numbers in advance outside of the nogil block?)


  • Use a random number generator written in C (or possibly C++ if you are having Cython generate C++ code).

    使用用C编写的随机数生成器(如果你有Cython生成C ++代码,可能使用C ++)。

Honestly, I'd probably do the last one. If you can use C++ 11, there are several good random number generators now included in the C++ standard library that you could use.

老实说,我可能会做最后一个。如果你可以使用C ++ 11,那么你可以使用C ++标准库中包含的几个好的随机数生成器。



You have summed up the situation correctly. As of this writing, you can do one of three things:


  • Modify NumPy to allow sharing the declarations in mtrand.pxd


  • Use NumPy's random generators through their default interface (perhaps you could store all the random numbers in advance outside of the nogil block?)


  • Use a random number generator written in C (or possibly C++ if you are having Cython generate C++ code).

    使用用C编写的随机数生成器(如果你有Cython生成C ++代码,可能使用C ++)。

Honestly, I'd probably do the last one. If you can use C++ 11, there are several good random number generators now included in the C++ standard library that you could use.

老实说,我可能会做最后一个。如果你可以使用C ++ 11,那么你可以使用C ++标准库中包含的几个好的随机数生成器。