
时间:2022-04-07 21:00:18

Scenario: Submit the form to server; the request will contain IDs of some tasks. At the server side (servlet) get the task IDs from the request and then run each task in a separate thread and return the chunked response whenever a thread is completed.


Suppose we have 10 threads running, for whichever thread is complete, the execution needs to return the status to browser.


Could you please suggest the logic?


1 个解决方案



I suggest you take the time to integrate a push solution like Spring, Cometd, Atmosphere or whatever you like.


Otherwise, the simplest approach that gets you up & running in a minute without learning and integrating anything new is the polling one. You need:


  • A servlet to gather input, submit the task to the pool of executors and return the task ID
  • 用于收集输入的servlet,将任务提交到执行程序池并返回任务ID

  • A pool of executors
  • 执行者池

  • A servlet that, given a task ID, returns its status - like pending, aborted, succeeded
  • 给定任务ID的servlet返回其状态 - 如pending,aborted,success

  • A Javascript client that polls the preceding servlet until the work is done (or a timeout expires?)
  • 一个Javascript客户端轮询前面的servlet,直到工作完成(或超时到期?)



I suggest you take the time to integrate a push solution like Spring, Cometd, Atmosphere or whatever you like.


Otherwise, the simplest approach that gets you up & running in a minute without learning and integrating anything new is the polling one. You need:


  • A servlet to gather input, submit the task to the pool of executors and return the task ID
  • 用于收集输入的servlet,将任务提交到执行程序池并返回任务ID

  • A pool of executors
  • 执行者池

  • A servlet that, given a task ID, returns its status - like pending, aborted, succeeded
  • 给定任务ID的servlet返回其状态 - 如pending,aborted,success

  • A Javascript client that polls the preceding servlet until the work is done (or a timeout expires?)
  • 一个Javascript客户端轮询前面的servlet,直到工作完成(或超时到期?)