“原子”和非原子之间有什么区别? [重复]

时间:2022-04-18 21:00:56

Possible Duplicate:
Atomic vs nonatomic properties


I just want to know what is the differneve between theses two lines of code :


@property(nonatomic, retain) NSString *str;


@property(atomic, retain) NSString *str;

Thanx, Regards, tek3


2 个解决方案



Atomic properties are necessary in a reference counted multi threaded environment in order to stop objects from disappearing before a thread has a chance to retain them.


Consider the naive implementation of a get accessor:


@interface MyObject : NSObject 
    id myPropertyIVar;
-(id) myProperty;


@implementation MyObject

-(id) myProperty
    return myPropertyIvar;

// other stuff


This is all fine except that if you release the instance of MyObject before retaining the returned value from -myProperty the returned value may well be deallocated. For this reason, it is safer to implement -myProperty like this:


-(id) myProperty
    return [[myPropertyIvar retain] autorelease];

This is now completely safe in a single threaded environment.


Unfortunately, in a multithreaded environment there is a race condition. If the thread is interrupted at any time before the retain has incremented the retain count, either of the following will cause you to receive a garbage pointer:


  • the instance of MyObject is released and deallocated by another thread causing the ivar to be released and deallocated
  • MyObject的实例被另一个线程释放并释放,导致ivar被释放和释放

  • myProperty is reassigned by another thread causing the old version to be released and deallocated
  • myProperty由另一个线程重新分配,导致旧版本被释放和释放

For this reason, all accesses to the property must be protected by a lock. The get accessor looks something like this.

因此,必须通过锁保护对属性的所有访问。 get访问器看起来像这样。

-(id) myProperty
    // lock
    return [[myPropertyIvar retain] autorelease];
    // unlock

The set accessor is similarly protected and so is the release in -dealloc




The Apple docs explain all this very well. To learn about properties, including their atomicity, read this page.




Atomic properties are necessary in a reference counted multi threaded environment in order to stop objects from disappearing before a thread has a chance to retain them.


Consider the naive implementation of a get accessor:


@interface MyObject : NSObject 
    id myPropertyIVar;
-(id) myProperty;


@implementation MyObject

-(id) myProperty
    return myPropertyIvar;

// other stuff


This is all fine except that if you release the instance of MyObject before retaining the returned value from -myProperty the returned value may well be deallocated. For this reason, it is safer to implement -myProperty like this:


-(id) myProperty
    return [[myPropertyIvar retain] autorelease];

This is now completely safe in a single threaded environment.


Unfortunately, in a multithreaded environment there is a race condition. If the thread is interrupted at any time before the retain has incremented the retain count, either of the following will cause you to receive a garbage pointer:


  • the instance of MyObject is released and deallocated by another thread causing the ivar to be released and deallocated
  • MyObject的实例被另一个线程释放并释放,导致ivar被释放和释放

  • myProperty is reassigned by another thread causing the old version to be released and deallocated
  • myProperty由另一个线程重新分配,导致旧版本被释放和释放

For this reason, all accesses to the property must be protected by a lock. The get accessor looks something like this.

因此,必须通过锁保护对属性的所有访问。 get访问器看起来像这样。

-(id) myProperty
    // lock
    return [[myPropertyIvar retain] autorelease];
    // unlock

The set accessor is similarly protected and so is the release in -dealloc




The Apple docs explain all this very well. To learn about properties, including their atomicity, read this page.
