
时间:2021-04-08 21:01:29

I'm creating a threading.Timer(2,work) run threads. Inside each work function, upon some condition the global counter must increment without conflict for access of counter variable among the spawned work threads.


I've tried Queue.Queue assigned counter as well as threading.Lock(). Which is a best way to implement thread-safe global increment variable.


Previously someone asked question here: Python threading. How do I lock a thread?


2 个解决方案



Not sure if you have tried this specific syntax already, but for me this has always worked well:


Define a global lock:


import threading
threadLock = threading.Lock()

and then you have to acquire and release the lock every time you increase your counter in your individual threads:


with threadLock:
    global_counter += 1



The simplest solution is to protect the counter with a multiprocessing.Lock. I like to keep it in a class, like so:


from multiprocessing import Process, RawValue, Lock
import time

class Counter(object):
    def __init__(self, value=0):
        # RawValue because we don't need it to create a Lock:
        self.val = RawValue('i', value)
        self.lock = Lock()

    def increment(self):
        with self.lock:
            self.val.value += 1

    def value(self):
        with self.lock:
            return self.val.value

def inc(counter):
    for i in range(1000):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    thread_safe_counter = Counter(0)
    procs = [Process(target=inc, args=(thread_safe_counter,)) for i in range(100)]

    for p in procs: p.start()
    for p in procs: p.join()

    print (thread_safe_counter.value())

The above snippet was first taken from Eli Bendersky's blog, here.

上面的代码段首先来自Eli Bendersky的博客。



Not sure if you have tried this specific syntax already, but for me this has always worked well:


Define a global lock:


import threading
threadLock = threading.Lock()

and then you have to acquire and release the lock every time you increase your counter in your individual threads:


with threadLock:
    global_counter += 1



The simplest solution is to protect the counter with a multiprocessing.Lock. I like to keep it in a class, like so:


from multiprocessing import Process, RawValue, Lock
import time

class Counter(object):
    def __init__(self, value=0):
        # RawValue because we don't need it to create a Lock:
        self.val = RawValue('i', value)
        self.lock = Lock()

    def increment(self):
        with self.lock:
            self.val.value += 1

    def value(self):
        with self.lock:
            return self.val.value

def inc(counter):
    for i in range(1000):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    thread_safe_counter = Counter(0)
    procs = [Process(target=inc, args=(thread_safe_counter,)) for i in range(100)]

    for p in procs: p.start()
    for p in procs: p.join()

    print (thread_safe_counter.value())

The above snippet was first taken from Eli Bendersky's blog, here.

上面的代码段首先来自Eli Bendersky的博客。