boost :: asio是否使用ssl会话缓存?

时间:2021-12-12 21:01:51

For example, I develope email client. I know that some servers, for example,, cache SSL sessions. So I want reuse SSL sessions (from cache on my side) to reduce server load.


I use boost::asio as network engine. Questions are:

我使用boost :: asio作为网络引擎。问题是:

  1. if boost::asio::ssl::stream doesn't use the ssl-session-cache, how can I enable it?
  2. 如果boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream不使用ssl-session-cache,我该如何启用它?
  3. if boost::asio::ssl::stream use the ssl-session-cache, how can I turn it off? :)
  4. 如果boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream使用ssl-session-cache,我怎么能把它关闭? :)

1 个解决方案



boost::asio does not support ssl-session caching mechanism directly. But, as boost::asio::ssl::stream keeps SSL_SESSION object (from the openssl library) inside, it is easy to do manually.

boost :: asio不直接支持ssl-session缓存机制。但是,由于boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream保留了SSL_SESSION对象(来自openssl库),因此很容易手动完成。

An implementation could be as follows:


boost::asio::io_service io;
boost::asio::ssl::context ctx(boost::asio::ssl::context::sslv23_client);
boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> backend(io, ctx); 

// need some object that will store the cache
std::map<std::string, SSL_SESSION*> ssl_cache;

// add session to the cache after a successful connection
SSL_SESSION *session = SSL_get1_session(backend.native_handle());
ssl_cache[host] = session;

// before a new connection to the 'host', check the cache
auto cached_session = ssl_cache.find(host);
if (cached_session != ssl_cache.end())
    SSL_SESSION *session = cached_session->second;
    SSL_set_session(backend.native_handle(), session);

// after a connection can check if ssl-session was reused
if (SSL_session_reused(backend.native_handle()))
    // reused

It is important that this approach supports both caching mechanism:


  • ssl-tickets (RFC 5077)
  • ssl-tickets(RFC 5077)
  • session identifiers (RFC 5246)
  • 会话标识符(RFC 5246)



boost::asio does not support ssl-session caching mechanism directly. But, as boost::asio::ssl::stream keeps SSL_SESSION object (from the openssl library) inside, it is easy to do manually.

boost :: asio不直接支持ssl-session缓存机制。但是,由于boost :: asio :: ssl :: stream保留了SSL_SESSION对象(来自openssl库),因此很容易手动完成。

An implementation could be as follows:


boost::asio::io_service io;
boost::asio::ssl::context ctx(boost::asio::ssl::context::sslv23_client);
boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> backend(io, ctx); 

// need some object that will store the cache
std::map<std::string, SSL_SESSION*> ssl_cache;

// add session to the cache after a successful connection
SSL_SESSION *session = SSL_get1_session(backend.native_handle());
ssl_cache[host] = session;

// before a new connection to the 'host', check the cache
auto cached_session = ssl_cache.find(host);
if (cached_session != ssl_cache.end())
    SSL_SESSION *session = cached_session->second;
    SSL_set_session(backend.native_handle(), session);

// after a connection can check if ssl-session was reused
if (SSL_session_reused(backend.native_handle()))
    // reused

It is important that this approach supports both caching mechanism:


  • ssl-tickets (RFC 5077)
  • ssl-tickets(RFC 5077)
  • session identifiers (RFC 5246)
  • 会话标识符(RFC 5246)