
时间:2021-12-30 20:59:11

From a logical point of view an application may need dozens or hundreds of threads, some of which will we sleeping most of the time, but a very few will be always running concurrently. The question is: Does it make any sense to spawn more concurrent threads than processors there are in a system, or it is a waste?


I've seen some server applications that implement a scheduler to logically manage tasks (often called jobs), but also spawning a lot of threads, so I don't see where the benefit is.


Thanks in advance.


9 个解决方案


Sure. If your software makes frequent use of disk or network IO, you can often improve throughput by adding a few more threads. Those extra threads will be awake and doing stuff while the other threads are blocking on IO.



Other have talked about situations in which it almost certainly does make sense (when you are doing any kind of slow IO).


It might not be a good idea if:


  • your threads are doing CPU bound work
  • 你的线程正在进行CPU绑定工作


  • the threads each want to use a lot (i.e. significant compared to the cache size) of memory that does not overlap
  • 每个线程都想要使用不重叠的存储器(即与高速缓存大小相比显着)

In this case there is the possibility of causing unnecessary cache misses.



This may make sense if


  1. your program design benefits, in that you have parallel tasks that are best implemented in threads, or


  2. some of your threads are I/O-bound, so they do not utilize the processors /cores on their own.

    您的一些线程受I / O限制,因此它们不会自行使用处理器/内核。


Short answer is "yes".


Even thought you could gain more from multithreading on a multiprocessor environement, it's still a useful technology on a single processor machine, mainly because it means you'll delegate some work to the process scheduler, who should have much better information than you have.


If you don't multithread, you'll end up doing the scheduling job yourself, which could be a good thing if that's what you need, but will most probably be both tedious and inefficient



Everytime you have a task waiting for an I/O operation it does make a sense to enclose it in a thread and fire it up. There's a great probability that your thread will be suspended while waiting for the I/O operation to finish. When it gets waken up the result will be waiting for it.

每当你有一个等待I / O操作的任务时,将它封装在一个线程中并将其激活是有意义的。在等待I / O操作完成时,您的线程很可能会被挂起。当它被唤醒时,结果将等待它。


One of the benefits is when you upgrade your hardware, which will likely get more processors/cores.



Because all modern OS are multi tasking: each thread gets a time share from the processor. It is not actually concurrent execution but given the processor can handle thousands of requests per sec, it is an "apparent" concurrent execution.


So yes, if the case needs, it does make sense to multi-thread on a single processor.



I found that when writing data parsers which handle larger sets of data over a network it is best to create a thread for each letter of the alphabet (pertaining to the data) and get the program to be more CPU and memory bound. The I/O boundedness inherit with network and disk operations is a major bottleneck so you may as well "get started" on the other data files instead of doing the work sequentially.

我发现在编写通过网络处理更大数据集的数据解析器时,最好为字母表中的每个字母创建一个线程(与数据有关),并使程序更多地受CPU和内存限制。 I / O有界继承网络和磁盘操作是一个主要的瓶颈,所以你也可以“开始”其他数据文件,而不是顺序完成工作。

On a quad core, it would certainly make sense to start more than four threads. It is unlikely that those 4 threads would be spread across more than one of the cores, especially with todays processor speeds.



According to Herb Sutter (one of the leading experts on concurrency), one of the Pillars of Concurrency is Responsiveness and Isolation Via Asynchronous Agents. The summary is:

根据Herb Sutter(并发领域的领先专家之一)的说法,并发的支柱之一是通过异步代理的响应和隔离。摘要是:

Stay responsive by running tasks independently and tasks asynchronously, communicating via messages.


Great article (and the series as a whole!). I am still waiting for the book.



Sure. If your software makes frequent use of disk or network IO, you can often improve throughput by adding a few more threads. Those extra threads will be awake and doing stuff while the other threads are blocking on IO.



Other have talked about situations in which it almost certainly does make sense (when you are doing any kind of slow IO).


It might not be a good idea if:


  • your threads are doing CPU bound work
  • 你的线程正在进行CPU绑定工作


  • the threads each want to use a lot (i.e. significant compared to the cache size) of memory that does not overlap
  • 每个线程都想要使用不重叠的存储器(即与高速缓存大小相比显着)

In this case there is the possibility of causing unnecessary cache misses.



This may make sense if


  1. your program design benefits, in that you have parallel tasks that are best implemented in threads, or


  2. some of your threads are I/O-bound, so they do not utilize the processors /cores on their own.

    您的一些线程受I / O限制,因此它们不会自行使用处理器/内核。


Short answer is "yes".


Even thought you could gain more from multithreading on a multiprocessor environement, it's still a useful technology on a single processor machine, mainly because it means you'll delegate some work to the process scheduler, who should have much better information than you have.


If you don't multithread, you'll end up doing the scheduling job yourself, which could be a good thing if that's what you need, but will most probably be both tedious and inefficient



Everytime you have a task waiting for an I/O operation it does make a sense to enclose it in a thread and fire it up. There's a great probability that your thread will be suspended while waiting for the I/O operation to finish. When it gets waken up the result will be waiting for it.

每当你有一个等待I / O操作的任务时,将它封装在一个线程中并将其激活是有意义的。在等待I / O操作完成时,您的线程很可能会被挂起。当它被唤醒时,结果将等待它。


One of the benefits is when you upgrade your hardware, which will likely get more processors/cores.



Because all modern OS are multi tasking: each thread gets a time share from the processor. It is not actually concurrent execution but given the processor can handle thousands of requests per sec, it is an "apparent" concurrent execution.


So yes, if the case needs, it does make sense to multi-thread on a single processor.



I found that when writing data parsers which handle larger sets of data over a network it is best to create a thread for each letter of the alphabet (pertaining to the data) and get the program to be more CPU and memory bound. The I/O boundedness inherit with network and disk operations is a major bottleneck so you may as well "get started" on the other data files instead of doing the work sequentially.

我发现在编写通过网络处理更大数据集的数据解析器时,最好为字母表中的每个字母创建一个线程(与数据有关),并使程序更多地受CPU和内存限制。 I / O有界继承网络和磁盘操作是一个主要的瓶颈,所以你也可以“开始”其他数据文件,而不是顺序完成工作。

On a quad core, it would certainly make sense to start more than four threads. It is unlikely that those 4 threads would be spread across more than one of the cores, especially with todays processor speeds.



According to Herb Sutter (one of the leading experts on concurrency), one of the Pillars of Concurrency is Responsiveness and Isolation Via Asynchronous Agents. The summary is:

根据Herb Sutter(并发领域的领先专家之一)的说法,并发的支柱之一是通过异步代理的响应和隔离。摘要是:

Stay responsive by running tasks independently and tasks asynchronously, communicating via messages.


Great article (and the series as a whole!). I am still waiting for the book.
