Hi I'm having google maps in angular and I'm trying to make custom marker.content with a button to get to another route. I'm setting merkers in service like this
this.setMarker = function (item, map) {
var position = new google.maps.LatLng(item.loc[1], item.loc[0]);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: position,
title: item.name,
icon: iconBase + 'basic_pin.png'
marker.content = '<div class="infoWindowContent">' +
'<div class="author">' + item.user.name + '</div>' +
'<div class="horizontal">' +
'<dl>' +
'<dt>created:</dt>' +
'<dd class="ng-binding">' + $filter('dateFormat')(item.created_at) +'</dd>' +
'<dt>tracks:</dt>' +
'<dd class="ng-binding">' + item.tracks.length + '</dd>' +
'<dt>type:</dt>' +
'<dd class="ng-binding">' + utilsFactory.getPlaylistType(item.settings.is_private,item.settings.is_yoobox,item.settings.is_locked) + '</dd>' +
'</dl>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="pink_button enter-play"> ' +
'<a ui-sref="detailSite({playlistID: item._id})" ng-show="false">play</a>' +
return marker;
The problem is with ui-sref which doesn't work as like other angular directives. Does anyone know the solution for this?
1 个解决方案
you have to use $compile service.
你必须使用$ compile服务。
marker.content = '<div class="infoWindowContent">' +
'<div class="author">' + item.user.name + '</div>' +
'<div class="horizontal">' +
'<dl>' +
'<dt>created:</dt>' +
'<dd class="ng-binding">' + $filter('dateFormat')(item.created_at) +'</dd>' +
'<dt>tracks:</dt>' +
'<dd class="ng-binding">' + item.tracks.length + '</dd>' +
'<dt>type:</dt>' +
'<dd class="ng-binding">' + utilsFactory.getPlaylistType(item.settings.is_private,item.settings.is_yoobox,item.settings.is_locked) + '</dd>' +
'</dl>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="pink_button enter-play"> ' +
'<a ui-sref="detailSite({playlistID: item._id})" ng-show="false">play</a>' +
var compiledContent = $compile(marker)($scope);
return compiledContent[0];
Documentation here $compile
文档在这里$ compile
you have to use $compile service.
你必须使用$ compile服务。
marker.content = '<div class="infoWindowContent">' +
'<div class="author">' + item.user.name + '</div>' +
'<div class="horizontal">' +
'<dl>' +
'<dt>created:</dt>' +
'<dd class="ng-binding">' + $filter('dateFormat')(item.created_at) +'</dd>' +
'<dt>tracks:</dt>' +
'<dd class="ng-binding">' + item.tracks.length + '</dd>' +
'<dt>type:</dt>' +
'<dd class="ng-binding">' + utilsFactory.getPlaylistType(item.settings.is_private,item.settings.is_yoobox,item.settings.is_locked) + '</dd>' +
'</dl>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="pink_button enter-play"> ' +
'<a ui-sref="detailSite({playlistID: item._id})" ng-show="false">play</a>' +
var compiledContent = $compile(marker)($scope);
return compiledContent[0];
Documentation here $compile
文档在这里$ compile