非常快速的无限循环,不会阻塞I / O.

时间:2022-09-22 21:01:06

Is there a faster alternative to window.requestAnimationFrame() for endless loops that don't block I/O?

对于不阻止I / O的无限循环,window.requestAnimationFrame()是否有更快的替代方法?

What I'm doing in the loop isn't related to animation so I don't care when the next frame is ready, and I have read that window.requestAnimationFrame() is capped by the monitor's refresh rate or at least waits until a frame can be drawn.


I have tried the following as well:


function myLoop() {
    // stuff in loop
    setTimeout(myLoop, 4);

(The 4 is because that is the minimum interval in setTimeout and smaller values will still default to 4.) However, I need better resolution than this.


Is there anything with even better performance out there?


I basically need a non-blocking version of while(true).


2 个解决方案



Two things that will run sooner than that setTimeout:


  • process.nextTick callbacks (NodeJS-specific):


    The process.nextTick() method adds the callback to the "next tick queue". Once the current turn of the event loop turn runs to completion, all callbacks currently in the next tick queue will be called.


    This is not a simple alias to setTimeout(fn, 0). It is much more efficient. It runs before any additional I/O events (including timers) fire in subsequent ticks of the event loop.

    这不是setTimeout(fn,0)的简单别名。效率更高。它在事件循环的后续滴答中触发任何其他I / O事件(包括定时器)之前运行。

  • Promise settlement notifications


So those might be a tools for your toolbelt, doing a mix of one or both of those with setTimeout to achieve the balance you want.



As you probably know, a given JavaScript thread runs on the basis of a task queue (the spec calls it a job queue); and as you probably know, there's one main default UI thread in browsers and NodeJS runs a single thread.


But in fact, there are at least two task queues in modern implementations: The main one we all think of (where setTimeout and event handlers put their tasks), and the "microtask" queue where certain async operations are placed during the processing of a main task (or "macrotask"). Those microtasks are processed as soon as the macrotask completes, before the next macrotask in the main queue — even if that next macrotask was queued before the microtasks were.

但事实上,在现代实现中至少有两个任务队列:我们都想到的主要任务队列(其中setTimeout和事件处理程序放置他们的任务),以及“微任务”队列,其中在处理过程中放置​​了某些异步操作主要任务(或“macrotask”)。一旦macrotask完成,就会在主队列中的下一个macrotask之前处理这些微任务 - 即使下一个macrotask在微任务之前排队。

nextTick callbacks and promise settlement notifications are both microtasks. So scheduling either schedules an async callback, but one which will happen before the next main task.


We can see that in the browser with setInterval and a promise resolution chain:


let counter = 0;

// setInterval schedules macrotasks
let timer = setInterval(() => {
}, 100);

// Interrupt it
$("#hog").on("click", function() {
  let x = 300000;

  // Queue a single microtask at the start
  Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log(Date.now(), "Begin"));

  // `next` schedules a 300k microtasks (promise settlement
  // notifications), which jump ahead of the next task in the main
  // task queue; then we add one at the end to say we're done
  next().then(() => console.log(Date.now(), "End"));

  function next() {
    if (--x > 0) {
      if (x === 150000) {
        // In the middle; queue one in the middle
        Promise.resolve().then(function() {
          console.log(Date.now(), "Middle");
      return Promise.resolve().then(next);
    } else {
      return 0;

$("#stop").on("click", function() {
<div id="ticker">&nbsp;</div>
<div><input id="stop" type="button" value="Stop"></div>
<div><input id="hog" type="button" value="Hog"></div>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

When you run that and click the Hog button, note how the counter display freezes, then keeps going again. That's because of the 300,000 microtasks that get scheduled ahead of it. Also note the timestamps on the three log messages we write (they don't appear in the snippet console until a macrotask displays them, but the timestamps show us when they were logged).


So basically, you could schedule a bunch of microtasks, and periodically let those run out and run the next macrotask.


Note: I've used setInterval for the browser example in the snippet, but setInterval, specifically, may not be a good choice for a similar experiment using NodeJS, as NodeJS's setInterval is a bit different from the one in browsers and has some surprising timing characteristics.




there are some libs that can work like cron task, e.g., https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-cron


i think that using cron should be easier, and more flexible.




Two things that will run sooner than that setTimeout:


  • process.nextTick callbacks (NodeJS-specific):


    The process.nextTick() method adds the callback to the "next tick queue". Once the current turn of the event loop turn runs to completion, all callbacks currently in the next tick queue will be called.


    This is not a simple alias to setTimeout(fn, 0). It is much more efficient. It runs before any additional I/O events (including timers) fire in subsequent ticks of the event loop.

    这不是setTimeout(fn,0)的简单别名。效率更高。它在事件循环的后续滴答中触发任何其他I / O事件(包括定时器)之前运行。

  • Promise settlement notifications


So those might be a tools for your toolbelt, doing a mix of one or both of those with setTimeout to achieve the balance you want.



As you probably know, a given JavaScript thread runs on the basis of a task queue (the spec calls it a job queue); and as you probably know, there's one main default UI thread in browsers and NodeJS runs a single thread.


But in fact, there are at least two task queues in modern implementations: The main one we all think of (where setTimeout and event handlers put their tasks), and the "microtask" queue where certain async operations are placed during the processing of a main task (or "macrotask"). Those microtasks are processed as soon as the macrotask completes, before the next macrotask in the main queue — even if that next macrotask was queued before the microtasks were.

但事实上,在现代实现中至少有两个任务队列:我们都想到的主要任务队列(其中setTimeout和事件处理程序放置他们的任务),以及“微任务”队列,其中在处理过程中放置​​了某些异步操作主要任务(或“macrotask”)。一旦macrotask完成,就会在主队列中的下一个macrotask之前处理这些微任务 - 即使下一个macrotask在微任务之前排队。

nextTick callbacks and promise settlement notifications are both microtasks. So scheduling either schedules an async callback, but one which will happen before the next main task.


We can see that in the browser with setInterval and a promise resolution chain:


let counter = 0;

// setInterval schedules macrotasks
let timer = setInterval(() => {
}, 100);

// Interrupt it
$("#hog").on("click", function() {
  let x = 300000;

  // Queue a single microtask at the start
  Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log(Date.now(), "Begin"));

  // `next` schedules a 300k microtasks (promise settlement
  // notifications), which jump ahead of the next task in the main
  // task queue; then we add one at the end to say we're done
  next().then(() => console.log(Date.now(), "End"));

  function next() {
    if (--x > 0) {
      if (x === 150000) {
        // In the middle; queue one in the middle
        Promise.resolve().then(function() {
          console.log(Date.now(), "Middle");
      return Promise.resolve().then(next);
    } else {
      return 0;

$("#stop").on("click", function() {
<div id="ticker">&nbsp;</div>
<div><input id="stop" type="button" value="Stop"></div>
<div><input id="hog" type="button" value="Hog"></div>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

When you run that and click the Hog button, note how the counter display freezes, then keeps going again. That's because of the 300,000 microtasks that get scheduled ahead of it. Also note the timestamps on the three log messages we write (they don't appear in the snippet console until a macrotask displays them, but the timestamps show us when they were logged).


So basically, you could schedule a bunch of microtasks, and periodically let those run out and run the next macrotask.


Note: I've used setInterval for the browser example in the snippet, but setInterval, specifically, may not be a good choice for a similar experiment using NodeJS, as NodeJS's setInterval is a bit different from the one in browsers and has some surprising timing characteristics.




there are some libs that can work like cron task, e.g., https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-cron


i think that using cron should be easier, and more flexible.
