
时间:2021-04-04 20:57:35

I am working on an app, which uploads native contacts to server then get responses(JSON, a contact list that already installed the app). When native contacts are large enough, server response will be slow and unstable. And user cannot do other things. so I put network request into background thread. every time I will upload 100 contacts, do some tasks , then next 100 contacts until loop finish.


But in running, the result is not as expected. background thread is running, it keeps to request server. UI thread is blocked, I still cannot do anything.

但在跑步中,结果并不像预期的那样。后台线程正在运行,它继续请求服务器。 UI线程被阻止,我仍然无能为力。

is this cause a long loop in background thread? Although I have 2 thread, but they will compete CPU resources(test device is iPod, 1 core. And I think this may not related core numbers)?


Could anyone tell me hints on how to handle this kind of scenario? Thanks in advance!




I have found the root cause. A global variable in App delegate is set to wrong value, therefore UI behavior is weird. I found this by comment all network request method. So this problem is not related with multiple threading. Sorry for the bother.

我找到了根本原因。 App委托中的全局变量设置为错误值,因此UI行为很奇怪。我通过评论所有网络请求方法找到了这个。所以这个问题与多线程无关。抱歉打扰了。

1 个解决方案



I think there needs to be some clarification as to how you are performing the network operations.


1st, NSOperatiomQueue deals with NSOperations, so you are presumably wrapping your network code in an NSOperation subclass.


2nd, are you using NSURLConnections for your networking code?


3rd, is the blocking part the NSURLConnection or you delegate callback for NSURLConnection?


1 thing to note is that plain ol' NSURLConnections are implemented under the hood multithreaded. The object is placed into your main threads run loop by default (when run from the main thread), but the object is just a wrapper that handles callbacks to the delegate from the lower level networking code (BSD sockets) which happens on another thread.


You really shouldn't be able to block your UI with NSURLConnections on the main thread, unless A) you are blocking the thread with expensive code in the delegate callback methods or B) you are overwhelming your run loop with too many simultaneous URL connections (which is where NSOperationQueue's setMaxConcurrentOperationsCount: comes into play)




I think there needs to be some clarification as to how you are performing the network operations.


1st, NSOperatiomQueue deals with NSOperations, so you are presumably wrapping your network code in an NSOperation subclass.


2nd, are you using NSURLConnections for your networking code?


3rd, is the blocking part the NSURLConnection or you delegate callback for NSURLConnection?


1 thing to note is that plain ol' NSURLConnections are implemented under the hood multithreaded. The object is placed into your main threads run loop by default (when run from the main thread), but the object is just a wrapper that handles callbacks to the delegate from the lower level networking code (BSD sockets) which happens on another thread.


You really shouldn't be able to block your UI with NSURLConnections on the main thread, unless A) you are blocking the thread with expensive code in the delegate callback methods or B) you are overwhelming your run loop with too many simultaneous URL connections (which is where NSOperationQueue's setMaxConcurrentOperationsCount: comes into play)
