“else if”是否比“switch()case”更快? [重复]

时间:2022-03-28 20:55:35

Possible Duplicate:
Is there any significant difference between using if/else and switch-case in C#?

可能重复:在C#中使用if / else和switch-case之间是否有任何显着差异?

I'm an ex Pascal guy, currently learning C#. My question is the following:


Is the code below faster than making a switch?


int a = 5;

if (a == 1)
else if(a == 2)
else if(a == 3)
else if(a == 4)

And the switch:


int a = 5;

    case 1:

    case 2:

    case 3:

    case 4:



Which one is faster?


I'm asking, because my program has a similar structure (many, many "else if" statements). Should I turn them into switches?


14 个解决方案


For just a few items, the difference is small. If you have many items you should definitely use a switch.


If a switch contains more than five items, it's implemented using a lookup table or a hash list. This means that all items get the same access time, compared to a list of if:s where the last item takes much more time to reach as it has to evaluate every previous condition first.



Why do you care?


99.99% of the time, you shouldn't care.


These sorts of micro-optimizations are unlikely to affect the performance of your code.


Also, if you NEEDED to care, then you should be doing performance profiling on your code. In which case finding out the performance difference between a switch case and an if-else block would be trivial.

此外,如果您需要关心,那么您应该对代码进行性能分析。在这种情况下,找出switch case和if-else块之间的性能差异将是微不足道的。

Edit: For clarity's sake: implement whichever design is clearer and more maintainable. Generally when faced with a huge switch-case or if-else block the solution is to use polymorphism. Find the behavior that's changing and encapsulate it. I've had to deal with huge, ugly switch case code like this before and generally it's not that difficult to simplify. But oh so satisfying.



Believing this performance evaluation, the switch case is faster.


This is the conclusion:


The results show that the switch statement is faster to execute than the if-else-if ladder. This is due to the compiler's ability to optimise the switch statement. In the case of the if-else-if ladder, the code must process each if statement in the order determined by the programmer. However, because each case within a switch statement does not rely on earlier cases, the compiler is able to re-order the testing in such a way as to provide the fastest execution.



Another thing to consider: is this really the bottleneck of your application? There are extremely rare cases when optimization of this sort is really required. Most of the time you can get way better speedups by rethinking your algorithms and data structures.



I'd say the switch is the way to go, it is both faster and better practise.


There are various links such as (http://www.blackwasp.co.uk/SpeedTestIfElseSwitch.aspx) that show benchmark tests comparing the two.



Shouldn't be hard to test, create a function that switches or ifelse's between 5 numbers, throw a rand(1,5) into that function and loop that a few times while timing it.



Switch is generally faster than a long list of ifs because the compiler can generate a jump table. The longer the list, the better a switch statement is over a series of if statements.



Technically, they produce the exact same result so they should be optimizable in pretty much the same way. However, there are more chances that the compiler will optimize the switch case with a jump table than the ifs.


I'm talking about the general case here. For 5 entries, the average number of tests performed for the ifs should be less than 2.5, assuming you order the conditions by frequency. Hardly a bottleneck to write home about unless in a very tight loop.



Far more important than the performance benefits of switch (which are relatively slight, but worth noting) are the readability issues.


I for one find a switch statement extremely clear in intent and pure whitespace, compared to chains of ifs.



I'm not sure, but i believe the speed of one or the other changes depending on the programming language you're using.


I usually prefer to use switch. That way the code is simplear to read.



switch usually gets translated into a lookup table by the compiler, if possible. So lookup of an arbitrary case is O(1), instead of actually doing a few case comparisons before finding the one you want.


So in many cases an if/else if chain will be slower. Depending on the frequency with which your cases are being hit that may make no difference, though.

所以在很多情况下if / else if链会慢一些。但是,根据您的情况被击中的频率,可能没有任何区别。


Short answer: Switch statement is quicker


The if statement you need two comparisons (when running your example code) on average to get to the correct clause.


The switch statement the average number of comparisons will be one regardless of how many different cases you have. The compiler/VM will have made a "lookup table" of possible options at compile time.

switch语句的平均比较次数将是1,无论你有多少不同的情况。编译器/ VM将在编译时创建可能选项的“查找表”。

Can virtual machines optimize the if statement in a similar way if you run this code often?



Since the switch statement expresses the same intent as your if / else chain but in a more restricted, formal manner, your first guess should be that the compiler will be able to optimize it better, since it can draw more conclusions about the conditions placed on your code (i.e. only one state can possibly be true, the value being compared is a primitive type, etc.) This is a pretty safe general truth when you are comparing two similar language structures for runtime performance.

由于switch语句表达与if / else链相同的意图,但是以更受限制的,正式的方式,你的第一个猜测应该是编译器能够更好地优化它,因为它可以得出关于条件的更多结论你的代码(即只有一个状态可能是真的,被比较的值是原始类型等等)当你比较两个相似的语言结构以获得运行时性能时,这是一个非常安全的一般事实。


see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.reflection.emit.opcodes.switch%28VS.71%29.aspx

switch statement basically a look up table it have options which are known and if statement is like boolean type. according to me switch and if-else are same but for logic switch can help more better. while if-else helps to understand in reading also.



For just a few items, the difference is small. If you have many items you should definitely use a switch.


If a switch contains more than five items, it's implemented using a lookup table or a hash list. This means that all items get the same access time, compared to a list of if:s where the last item takes much more time to reach as it has to evaluate every previous condition first.



Why do you care?


99.99% of the time, you shouldn't care.


These sorts of micro-optimizations are unlikely to affect the performance of your code.


Also, if you NEEDED to care, then you should be doing performance profiling on your code. In which case finding out the performance difference between a switch case and an if-else block would be trivial.

此外,如果您需要关心,那么您应该对代码进行性能分析。在这种情况下,找出switch case和if-else块之间的性能差异将是微不足道的。

Edit: For clarity's sake: implement whichever design is clearer and more maintainable. Generally when faced with a huge switch-case or if-else block the solution is to use polymorphism. Find the behavior that's changing and encapsulate it. I've had to deal with huge, ugly switch case code like this before and generally it's not that difficult to simplify. But oh so satisfying.



Believing this performance evaluation, the switch case is faster.


This is the conclusion:


The results show that the switch statement is faster to execute than the if-else-if ladder. This is due to the compiler's ability to optimise the switch statement. In the case of the if-else-if ladder, the code must process each if statement in the order determined by the programmer. However, because each case within a switch statement does not rely on earlier cases, the compiler is able to re-order the testing in such a way as to provide the fastest execution.



Another thing to consider: is this really the bottleneck of your application? There are extremely rare cases when optimization of this sort is really required. Most of the time you can get way better speedups by rethinking your algorithms and data structures.



I'd say the switch is the way to go, it is both faster and better practise.


There are various links such as (http://www.blackwasp.co.uk/SpeedTestIfElseSwitch.aspx) that show benchmark tests comparing the two.



Shouldn't be hard to test, create a function that switches or ifelse's between 5 numbers, throw a rand(1,5) into that function and loop that a few times while timing it.



Switch is generally faster than a long list of ifs because the compiler can generate a jump table. The longer the list, the better a switch statement is over a series of if statements.



Technically, they produce the exact same result so they should be optimizable in pretty much the same way. However, there are more chances that the compiler will optimize the switch case with a jump table than the ifs.


I'm talking about the general case here. For 5 entries, the average number of tests performed for the ifs should be less than 2.5, assuming you order the conditions by frequency. Hardly a bottleneck to write home about unless in a very tight loop.



Far more important than the performance benefits of switch (which are relatively slight, but worth noting) are the readability issues.


I for one find a switch statement extremely clear in intent and pure whitespace, compared to chains of ifs.



I'm not sure, but i believe the speed of one or the other changes depending on the programming language you're using.


I usually prefer to use switch. That way the code is simplear to read.



switch usually gets translated into a lookup table by the compiler, if possible. So lookup of an arbitrary case is O(1), instead of actually doing a few case comparisons before finding the one you want.


So in many cases an if/else if chain will be slower. Depending on the frequency with which your cases are being hit that may make no difference, though.

所以在很多情况下if / else if链会慢一些。但是,根据您的情况被击中的频率,可能没有任何区别。


Short answer: Switch statement is quicker


The if statement you need two comparisons (when running your example code) on average to get to the correct clause.


The switch statement the average number of comparisons will be one regardless of how many different cases you have. The compiler/VM will have made a "lookup table" of possible options at compile time.

switch语句的平均比较次数将是1,无论你有多少不同的情况。编译器/ VM将在编译时创建可能选项的“查找表”。

Can virtual machines optimize the if statement in a similar way if you run this code often?



Since the switch statement expresses the same intent as your if / else chain but in a more restricted, formal manner, your first guess should be that the compiler will be able to optimize it better, since it can draw more conclusions about the conditions placed on your code (i.e. only one state can possibly be true, the value being compared is a primitive type, etc.) This is a pretty safe general truth when you are comparing two similar language structures for runtime performance.

由于switch语句表达与if / else链相同的意图,但是以更受限制的,正式的方式,你的第一个猜测应该是编译器能够更好地优化它,因为它可以得出关于条件的更多结论你的代码(即只有一个状态可能是真的,被比较的值是原始类型等等)当你比较两个相似的语言结构以获得运行时性能时,这是一个非常安全的一般事实。


see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.reflection.emit.opcodes.switch%28VS.71%29.aspx

switch statement basically a look up table it have options which are known and if statement is like boolean type. according to me switch and if-else are same but for logic switch can help more better. while if-else helps to understand in reading also.
