
时间:2021-06-29 20:56:40

So I'm quite a newbie, so please go soft.


I have created a 2D array, 60x30 and want to display it on the screen as a grid, by doing a double for loop. I am using a simple character '.' for each slot of the grid just for a test.


char FrameBuffer[29][59];
for (int i = 0; i <= 29; i++) 
    for (int j = 0; j <= 59; j++)
        FrameBuffer[i, j] = '.';
        printf("%c ", FrameBuffer[i,j]);

However, whenever I try and assign a value to a position in my 2D array, e.g.


FrameBuffer[0,1] = '.',

I am greeted with an error:


Expression must be a modifiable lvalue

3 个解决方案



FrameBuffer[29][59] This is a 29x59 array, you need a 30x60.


Please don't mix up array declarations with array indexing. Array declarations are fully sane; if you need 30x60 then you type FrameBuffer[30][60]. When you access the array however, you start at index 0.


Simply change the code to:


char FrameBuffer[30][60];
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
  for (int j = 0; j < 60; j++)
    FrameBuffer[i][j] = '.'; // note the correct syntax here



As a curious side-effect, FrameBuffer[i, j] is interpreted as something entirely different than intended. The comma here is regarded as the comma operator, a special kind of operator which evaluates the left expression i, then the right expression j, then returns j.

作为一个奇怪的副作用,FrameBuffer[i, j]被解释为完全不同于预期的东西。这里的逗号被视为逗号运算符,是一种特殊的运算符,它计算左表达式i,然后计算右表达式j,然后返回j。

Meaning that the code ended up completely equivalent to FrameBuffer[j] = '.'. Where FrameBuffer[j] is a whole array, not a char. You can't assign a value to an array this way, an array is not a "lvalue", which explains the compiler error text.

这意味着代码最终完全等同于FrameBuffer[j] = '.'。其中FrameBuffer[j]是一个完整的数组,而不是字符。不能这样给数组赋值,数组不是“lvalue”,这解释了编译器错误文本。



FrameBuffer[i,j] = '.';

FrameBuffer(i,j)= '。';

printf("%c ", FrameBuffer[i,j]);

printf(" % c”,FrameBuffer(i,j));

modify these two statements to


FrameBuffer[i][j] = '.';

printf("%c ", FrameBuffer[i][j]);

[i,j] means nothing to the compiler. It's nothing but an invalid syntax.


also correct you array.


FrameBuffer[29][59]it is an array of row=29 and col=59


change it to FrameBuffer[60][30];




char FrameBuffer[31][61];
for (int i = 0; i <= 29; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= 59; j++)
                    FrameBuffer[i][j] = '.';
                    printf("%c ", FrameBuffer[i][j]);
                FrameBuffefr[i][j] = '\0';
   FrameBuffer[i] = NULL;

Here you assign 30*60 characters, so you need to allocate 30 * 60 + 1 on each to add a character to indicate the end ('\0'). (easy to parse it, because you don't need the size you can do a while(Framebuffer[i][j]) it will be a value 0 on the '\0').

在这里,您分配了30*60个字符,因此您需要为每个分配30*60 + 1以添加一个字符来指示结束('\0')。(解析起来很容易,因为您不需要一次性使用的大小(Framebuffer[i][j]))它在'\0'上的值为0)。



FrameBuffer[29][59] This is a 29x59 array, you need a 30x60.


Please don't mix up array declarations with array indexing. Array declarations are fully sane; if you need 30x60 then you type FrameBuffer[30][60]. When you access the array however, you start at index 0.


Simply change the code to:


char FrameBuffer[30][60];
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
  for (int j = 0; j < 60; j++)
    FrameBuffer[i][j] = '.'; // note the correct syntax here



As a curious side-effect, FrameBuffer[i, j] is interpreted as something entirely different than intended. The comma here is regarded as the comma operator, a special kind of operator which evaluates the left expression i, then the right expression j, then returns j.

作为一个奇怪的副作用,FrameBuffer[i, j]被解释为完全不同于预期的东西。这里的逗号被视为逗号运算符,是一种特殊的运算符,它计算左表达式i,然后计算右表达式j,然后返回j。

Meaning that the code ended up completely equivalent to FrameBuffer[j] = '.'. Where FrameBuffer[j] is a whole array, not a char. You can't assign a value to an array this way, an array is not a "lvalue", which explains the compiler error text.

这意味着代码最终完全等同于FrameBuffer[j] = '.'。其中FrameBuffer[j]是一个完整的数组,而不是字符。不能这样给数组赋值,数组不是“lvalue”,这解释了编译器错误文本。



FrameBuffer[i,j] = '.';

FrameBuffer(i,j)= '。';

printf("%c ", FrameBuffer[i,j]);

printf(" % c”,FrameBuffer(i,j));

modify these two statements to


FrameBuffer[i][j] = '.';

printf("%c ", FrameBuffer[i][j]);

[i,j] means nothing to the compiler. It's nothing but an invalid syntax.


also correct you array.


FrameBuffer[29][59]it is an array of row=29 and col=59


change it to FrameBuffer[60][30];




char FrameBuffer[31][61];
for (int i = 0; i <= 29; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= 59; j++)
                    FrameBuffer[i][j] = '.';
                    printf("%c ", FrameBuffer[i][j]);
                FrameBuffefr[i][j] = '\0';
   FrameBuffer[i] = NULL;

Here you assign 30*60 characters, so you need to allocate 30 * 60 + 1 on each to add a character to indicate the end ('\0'). (easy to parse it, because you don't need the size you can do a while(Framebuffer[i][j]) it will be a value 0 on the '\0').

在这里,您分配了30*60个字符,因此您需要为每个分配30*60 + 1以添加一个字符来指示结束('\0')。(解析起来很容易,因为您不需要一次性使用的大小(Framebuffer[i][j]))它在'\0'上的值为0)。