
时间:2020-12-12 20:55:32

Our Java application uses SLF4J on top of Logback to log error messages. In our logback.xml, we have an appender defined for the error log, along with a logger that specifies the top level of our package hierarchy.


We are adding functionality to log data to a different log file. I created a class to handle this logging, and I added a new appender to the logback.xml as well as a new logger. The new logger specifies the fully qualified package name of the new class that I created (along with additivity="false"), so that only that specific class will write to the new log file when it invokes the SLF4J logger.

我们正在添加将数据记录到不同日志文件的功能。我创建了一个类来处理这个日志记录,我在logback.xml中添加了一个新的appender以及一个新的logger。新记录器指定我创建的新类的完全限定包名(以及additivity =“false”),以便只有该特定类在调用SLF4J记录器时才会写入新日志文件。

Then I realized that if the new class fails to write to the new log file for whatever reason, I should have it log an error message to our original error log file. But how can that class write to the original error log file, when its SLF4J logger writes to the new log file? Is there a way for that class to get a handle to a logger to the original error log file?


1 个解决方案


It might be easiest to make the new class have two loggers: one would be it's own's and the other would be the logger used to log errors. It's not forbidden for a class to use two loggers simultaniously (but for different purposes):


public class NewClass {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NewClass.class);
    private static final Logger errorLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ErrorHandlingClass.class);

    public void respond() {
        logger.info("info file");
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            errorLogger.error("error doing something", e);

However, if you write to the "new log file" using SLF4J logger, I don't think you can detect that writing failed.



It might be easiest to make the new class have two loggers: one would be it's own's and the other would be the logger used to log errors. It's not forbidden for a class to use two loggers simultaniously (but for different purposes):


public class NewClass {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NewClass.class);
    private static final Logger errorLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ErrorHandlingClass.class);

    public void respond() {
        logger.info("info file");
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            errorLogger.error("error doing something", e);

However, if you write to the "new log file" using SLF4J logger, I don't think you can detect that writing failed.
