This is a new created example having the same problem. The 2 matrices "firstMultiplyMat" , "a " are having the same values, but specified in different ways. Nevertheless, the inverse of each one is different. Cannot get inverse for "firstMultiplyMat" whereas "a" has correct calculated inverse matrix.
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
struct MemberLocation{
int id;
double x;
double y;
int main(){
int M = 2 ;//anchor
int N = 2 ;//nonanchor
int NA = 4;
int p = 0;
int numOfIterations =2;
MemberLocation *member1 = new MemberLocation[M];
MemberLocation *member2 = new MemberLocation[N];
MatrixXd neighbourdistanceEst(M,N);
MatrixXd neighbourdistanceDeriv(M,NA);
MatrixXd distanceDerivTranspose(NA,M);
MatrixXd firstMultiplyMat(NA,NA);
MatrixXd firstMultiplyMatInverse(NA,NA);
//Structs initilaization
member1[0].id = 5;
member1[0].x = 9.31301;
member1[0].y = 19.3955;
member1[1].id = 2;
member1[1].x = 46.6279;
member1[1].y = 0.00571905;
member2[0].id = 4;
member2[0].x = 11.7718;
member2[0].y = 7.99507;
member2[1].id = 6;
member2[1].x = 23.6158;
member2[1].y = 3.80408;
// Filling "neighbourdistanceDeriv" matrix
for (int i = 1 ; i < numOfIterations ; i++ ){
for (int j = 0 ; j < M ; j++){
for (int k = 0 ; k < N ; k++){
int id1 = member2[k].id;
int id2 = member1[j].id;
double xDiff = member2[k].x - member1[j].x;
double yDiff = member2[k].y - member1[j].y;
double distance = pow(xDiff,2) + pow(yDiff,2);
neighbourdistanceEst(j,k) = sqrt(distance);
neighbourdistanceDeriv(j,p) = xDiff / neighbourdistanceEst(j,k);
neighbourdistanceDeriv(j,p+1) = yDiff / neighbourdistanceEst(j,k);
p = 0;
// operations on "neighbourdistanceDeriv" matrix
distanceDerivTranspose = neighbourdistanceDeriv.transpose();
firstMultiplyMat = distanceDerivTranspose*neighbourdistanceDeriv;
firstMultiplyMatInverse = firstMultiplyMat.inverse();
// printing "firstMultiplyMat" matrix and its inverse
std::cout << "firstMultiplyMat:\n" << firstMultiplyMat << std::endl;
std::cout << "inverse of firstMultiplyMat:\n" << firstMultiplyMatInverse << std::endl<< std::endl;
// fixed array with same values obtained in "neighbourdistanceDeriv" matrix at runtime
MatrixXd a(4,4);
MatrixXd b(4,4);
a(0,0) = 0.994532;
a(0,1) = -0.423853;
a(0,2)= 1.10423 ;
a(0,3) = -0.314096;
a(1,0) = -0.423853 ;
a(1,1) = 1.00547 ;
a(1,2) = -0.881237 ;
a(1,3) = 0.756726 ;
a(2,0) = 1.10423 ;
a(2,1) = -0.881237;
a(2,2) = 1.43045;
a(2,3) = -0.658827;
a(3,0) = -0.314096;
a(3,1) = 0.756726 ;
a(3,2) = -0.658827;
a(3,3) = 0.569549 ;
b = a.inverse();
std::cout << "matrix a :\n" << a <<std::endl;
std::cout << "inverse of matrix a :\n" << b << std::endl;
//std::cout<<"hi \n";
return 0;
The output :
0.994534 -0.423857 1.10423 -0.314099
-0.423857 1.00547 -0.881237 0.756725
1.10423 -0.881237 1.43045 -0.658827
-0.314099 0.756725 -0.658827 0.569548
inverse of firstMultiplyMat:
-nan -nan -nan -nan
-nan -nan -nan -nan
-nan -nan -nan -nan
-nan -inf -inf inf
matrix a :
0.994532 -0.423853 1.10423 -0.314096
-0.423853 1.00547 -0.881237 0.756726
1.10423 -0.881237 1.43045 -0.658827
-0.314096 0.756726 -0.658827 0.569549
inverse of matrix a :
-119414 -1681.81 132361 89489.1
-1681.81 942762 10176.4 -1.24175e+06
132361 10176.4 -146638 -110149
89489.1 -1.24175e+06 -110149 1.57177e+06
1 个解决方案
The matrix firstMultiplyMat itself is fine memory-wise; if you push the values into it that you had put into a, it'll invert correctly. Your problem lies in the values that are inside firstMultiplyMat, which are not exactly the same values as what get printed, because what is printed is truncated.
Essentially, your matrix may not be invertible. You can work around this by just not computing the inverse and instead using a QR solver, eg:
HouseholderQR<MatrixXd> qr(A);
x = qr.solve(b); // computes A^-1 * b
More information about HouseholderQR is available here
The matrix firstMultiplyMat itself is fine memory-wise; if you push the values into it that you had put into a, it'll invert correctly. Your problem lies in the values that are inside firstMultiplyMat, which are not exactly the same values as what get printed, because what is printed is truncated.
Essentially, your matrix may not be invertible. You can work around this by just not computing the inverse and instead using a QR solver, eg:
HouseholderQR<MatrixXd> qr(A);
x = qr.solve(b); // computes A^-1 * b
More information about HouseholderQR is available here