如何在图片框上绘图并将其保存在Winforms C#中?

时间:2023-01-30 20:53:29

I'm making a simple graphic editor in Windows Forms (C#), and I'm using a PictureBox for my canvas. I want to implement the "undo" functionality. I'm drawing using System.Drawing.Graphics. Here is my situation:

我正在Windows Forms(C#)中创建一个简单的图形编辑器,我正在使用PictureBox作为我的画布。我想实现“撤消”功能。我正在使用System.Drawing.Graphics绘图。这是我的情况:

  • If I use picturebox.CreateGraphics(), then I will see the drawing, but it won't actually be made on the image (if afterwards I called pictureBox.Image.Save(...), the saved image would be blank).

    如果我使用picturebox.CreateGraphics(),那么我将看到绘图,但它实际上不会在图像上进行(如果之后我调用了pictureBox.Image.Save(...),保存的图像将为空白) 。

  • If I use Graphics.FromImage(picturebox.Image), then the drawing will be actually made on the image, but I won't see anything.


How can I have both?


And how do I implement the undo functionality after that? I tried using Save() and Restore() on graphics, but it didn't work, maybe I misunderstood what these methods mean.


1 个解决方案



You should avoid using CreateGraphics since that is a temporary drawing that can get erased by minimizing the form or having another form overlap the graphic area, etc.


To update the PictureBox, just invalidate it after you have an update to the drawing:



The Undo-Redo is a different beast. That requires you to keep a list of things to draw and in order to undo something, you remove the item from the list and redraw the whole thing again from the active list.




You should avoid using CreateGraphics since that is a temporary drawing that can get erased by minimizing the form or having another form overlap the graphic area, etc.


To update the PictureBox, just invalidate it after you have an update to the drawing:



The Undo-Redo is a different beast. That requires you to keep a list of things to draw and in order to undo something, you remove the item from the list and redraw the whole thing again from the active list.
