我可以从. net/c#获取其他进程的命令行参数吗?

时间:2022-09-20 20:57:29

I have a project where I have multiple instances of an app running, each of which was started with different command line arguments. I'd like to have a way to click a button from one of those instances which then shuts down all of the instances and starts them back up again with the same command line arguments.


I can get the processes themselves easily enough through Process.GetProcessesByName(), but whenever I do, the StartInfo.Arguments property is always an empty string. It looks like maybe that property is only valid before starting a process.


This question had some suggestions, but they're all in native code, and I'd like to do this directly from .NET. Any suggestions?


5 个解决方案



This is using all managed objects, but it does dip down into the WMI realm:


private static void Main()
    foreach (var process in Process.GetProcesses())
        catch (Win32Exception ex) when ((uint)ex.ErrorCode == 0x80004005)
            // Intentionally empty - no security access to the process.
        catch (InvalidOperationException)
            // Intentionally empty - the process exited before getting details.


private static string GetCommandLine(this Process process)
    using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT CommandLine FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = " + process.Id))
    using (ManagementObjectCollection objects = searcher.Get())
        return objects.Cast<ManagementBaseObject>().SingleOrDefault()?["CommandLine"]?.ToString();




A C# 6 adaption of Jesse C. Slicer's excellent answer that:

c# 6改编自Jesse C. Slicer的绝妙回答:

  • is complete and should run as-is, once you add a reference to assembly System.Management.dll (needed for the WMI System.Management.ManagementSearcher class).

    完成并应按原样运行,一旦您添加了对程序集系统的引用。dll(用于WMI系统. management)。ManagementSearcher类)。

  • streamlines the original code and fixes a few problems


  • handles an additional exception that can occur if a process being examined has already exited.


using System.Management;
using System.ComponentModel;

// Note: The class must be static in order to be able to define an extension method.
static class Progam
    private static void Main()
        foreach (var process in Process.GetProcesses())
                Console.WriteLine($"PID: {process.Id}; cmd: {process.GetCommandLine()}");
            // Catch and ignore "access denied" exceptions.
            catch (Win32Exception ex) when (ex.HResult == -2147467259) {}
            // Catch and ignore "Cannot process request because the process (<pid>) has
            // exited." exceptions.
            // These can happen if a process was initially included in 
            // Process.GetProcesses(), but has terminated before it can be
            // examined below.
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex) when (ex.HResult == -2146233079) {}

    // Define an extension method for type System.Process that returns the command 
    // line via WMI.
    private static string GetCommandLine(this Process process)
        string cmdLine = null;
        using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
          $"SELECT CommandLine FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = {process.Id}"))
            // By definition, the query returns at most 1 match, because the process 
            // is looked up by ID (which is unique by definition).
            var matchEnum = searcher.Get().GetEnumerator();
            if (matchEnum.MoveNext()) // Move to the 1st item.
                cmdLine = matchEnum.Current["CommandLine"]?.ToString();
        if (cmdLine == null)
            // Not having found a command line implies 1 of 2 exceptions, which the
            // WMI query masked:
            // An "Access denied" exception due to lack of privileges.
            // A "Cannot process request because the process (<pid>) has exited."
            // exception due to the process having terminated.
            // We provoke the same exception again simply by accessing process.MainModule.
            var dummy = process.MainModule; // Provoke exception.
        return cmdLine;



If you don't want to use WMI and rather have a native way of doing this, I wrote a DLL that basically calls NtQueryInformationProcess() and derives the command line from the information returned.


It's written in C++ and has no dependencies so it should work on any Windows system.


To use it, just add these imports:


[DllImport("ProcCmdLine32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "GetProcCmdLine")]
public extern static bool GetProcCmdLine32(uint nProcId, StringBuilder sb, uint dwSizeBuf);

[DllImport("ProcCmdLine64.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "GetProcCmdLine")]
public extern static bool GetProcCmdLine64(uint nProcId, StringBuilder sb, uint dwSizeBuf);

Then call it as so:


public static string GetCommandLineOfProcess(Process proc)
    // max size of a command line is USHORT/sizeof(WCHAR), so we are going
    // just allocate max USHORT for sanity's sake.
    var sb = new StringBuilder(0xFFFF);
    switch (IntPtr.Size)
        case 4: GetProcCmdLine32((uint)proc.Id, sb, (uint)sb.Capacity); break;
        case 8: GetProcCmdLine64((uint)proc.Id, sb, (uint)sb.Capacity); break;
    return sb.ToString();

The source code/DLLs are available here.

这里有源代码/ dll。



First: Thank you Jesse, for your excellent solution. My variation is below. Note: One of the things I like about C# is that it is a strongly typed language. Therefore I eschew the use of var type. I feel that a little clarity is worth a few casts.


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

            Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("job Test");
            for (int p = 0; p < processes.Length; p++)
                String[] arguments = CommandLineUtilities.getCommandLinesParsed(processes[p]);

public abstract class CommandLineUtilities
    public static String getCommandLines(Process processs)
        ManagementObjectSearcher commandLineSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
            "SELECT CommandLine FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = " + processs.Id);
        String commandLine = "";
        foreach (ManagementObject commandLineObject in commandLineSearcher.Get())
             commandLine+= (String)commandLineObject["CommandLine"];

        return commandLine;

    public static String[] getCommandLinesParsed(Process process)
        return (parseCommandLine(getCommandLines(process)));

    /// <summary>
    /// This routine parses a command line to an array of strings
    /// Element zero is the program name
    /// Command line arguments fill the remainder of the array
    /// In all cases the values are stripped of the enclosing quotation marks
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="commandLine"></param>
    /// <returns>String array</returns>
    public  static String[] parseCommandLine(String commandLine)
        List<String> arguments = new List<String>();

        Boolean stringIsQuoted = false;
        String argString = "";
        for (int c = 0; c < commandLine.Length; c++)  //process string one character at a tie
            if (commandLine.Substring(c, 1) == "\"")
                if (stringIsQuoted)  //end quote so populate next element of list with constructed argument
                    argString = "";
                    stringIsQuoted = true; //beginning quote so flag and scip
            else if (commandLine.Substring(c, 1) == "".PadRight(1))
                if (stringIsQuoted)
                    argString += commandLine.Substring(c, 1); //blank is embedded in quotes, so preserve it
                else if (argString.Length > 0)
                    arguments.Add(argString);  //non-quoted blank so add to list if the first consecutive blank
                argString += commandLine.Substring(c, 1);  //non-blan character:  add it to the element being constructed

        return arguments.ToArray();





The StartInfo.Arguments is only used when you start the app, it is not a record of the command line arguments. If you start the applications with command line arguments, then store the arguments when they come into your application. In the simplest case, you could store them in a text file, then when you hit the button, shut down all the processes except the one with the button press event. Fire off a new application, and feed it that file in a new command line arg. While the old app shuts down, the new app fires off all the new processes (one for each line in the file) and shuts down. Psuedocode below:


static void Main(string[] args)
   if (args.Contains(StartProcessesSwitch))
      //Run Program normally

void button_click(object sender, ButtonClickEventArgs e)

void ShutDownAllMyProcesses()
   List<Process> processes = GetMyProcesses();
   foreach (Process p in processes)
      if (p != Process.GetCurrentProcess())
         p.Kill(); //or whatever you need to do to close
   ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();
   psi.Arguments = CreateArgsWithFile();
   psi.FileName = "<your application here>";
   Process p = new Process();
   p.StartInfo = psi;

Hope this helps. Good luck!




This is using all managed objects, but it does dip down into the WMI realm:


private static void Main()
    foreach (var process in Process.GetProcesses())
        catch (Win32Exception ex) when ((uint)ex.ErrorCode == 0x80004005)
            // Intentionally empty - no security access to the process.
        catch (InvalidOperationException)
            // Intentionally empty - the process exited before getting details.


private static string GetCommandLine(this Process process)
    using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT CommandLine FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = " + process.Id))
    using (ManagementObjectCollection objects = searcher.Get())
        return objects.Cast<ManagementBaseObject>().SingleOrDefault()?["CommandLine"]?.ToString();




A C# 6 adaption of Jesse C. Slicer's excellent answer that:

c# 6改编自Jesse C. Slicer的绝妙回答:

  • is complete and should run as-is, once you add a reference to assembly System.Management.dll (needed for the WMI System.Management.ManagementSearcher class).

    完成并应按原样运行,一旦您添加了对程序集系统的引用。dll(用于WMI系统. management)。ManagementSearcher类)。

  • streamlines the original code and fixes a few problems


  • handles an additional exception that can occur if a process being examined has already exited.


using System.Management;
using System.ComponentModel;

// Note: The class must be static in order to be able to define an extension method.
static class Progam
    private static void Main()
        foreach (var process in Process.GetProcesses())
                Console.WriteLine($"PID: {process.Id}; cmd: {process.GetCommandLine()}");
            // Catch and ignore "access denied" exceptions.
            catch (Win32Exception ex) when (ex.HResult == -2147467259) {}
            // Catch and ignore "Cannot process request because the process (<pid>) has
            // exited." exceptions.
            // These can happen if a process was initially included in 
            // Process.GetProcesses(), but has terminated before it can be
            // examined below.
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex) when (ex.HResult == -2146233079) {}

    // Define an extension method for type System.Process that returns the command 
    // line via WMI.
    private static string GetCommandLine(this Process process)
        string cmdLine = null;
        using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
          $"SELECT CommandLine FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = {process.Id}"))
            // By definition, the query returns at most 1 match, because the process 
            // is looked up by ID (which is unique by definition).
            var matchEnum = searcher.Get().GetEnumerator();
            if (matchEnum.MoveNext()) // Move to the 1st item.
                cmdLine = matchEnum.Current["CommandLine"]?.ToString();
        if (cmdLine == null)
            // Not having found a command line implies 1 of 2 exceptions, which the
            // WMI query masked:
            // An "Access denied" exception due to lack of privileges.
            // A "Cannot process request because the process (<pid>) has exited."
            // exception due to the process having terminated.
            // We provoke the same exception again simply by accessing process.MainModule.
            var dummy = process.MainModule; // Provoke exception.
        return cmdLine;



If you don't want to use WMI and rather have a native way of doing this, I wrote a DLL that basically calls NtQueryInformationProcess() and derives the command line from the information returned.


It's written in C++ and has no dependencies so it should work on any Windows system.


To use it, just add these imports:


[DllImport("ProcCmdLine32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "GetProcCmdLine")]
public extern static bool GetProcCmdLine32(uint nProcId, StringBuilder sb, uint dwSizeBuf);

[DllImport("ProcCmdLine64.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "GetProcCmdLine")]
public extern static bool GetProcCmdLine64(uint nProcId, StringBuilder sb, uint dwSizeBuf);

Then call it as so:


public static string GetCommandLineOfProcess(Process proc)
    // max size of a command line is USHORT/sizeof(WCHAR), so we are going
    // just allocate max USHORT for sanity's sake.
    var sb = new StringBuilder(0xFFFF);
    switch (IntPtr.Size)
        case 4: GetProcCmdLine32((uint)proc.Id, sb, (uint)sb.Capacity); break;
        case 8: GetProcCmdLine64((uint)proc.Id, sb, (uint)sb.Capacity); break;
    return sb.ToString();

The source code/DLLs are available here.

这里有源代码/ dll。



First: Thank you Jesse, for your excellent solution. My variation is below. Note: One of the things I like about C# is that it is a strongly typed language. Therefore I eschew the use of var type. I feel that a little clarity is worth a few casts.


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

            Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("job Test");
            for (int p = 0; p < processes.Length; p++)
                String[] arguments = CommandLineUtilities.getCommandLinesParsed(processes[p]);

public abstract class CommandLineUtilities
    public static String getCommandLines(Process processs)
        ManagementObjectSearcher commandLineSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
            "SELECT CommandLine FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = " + processs.Id);
        String commandLine = "";
        foreach (ManagementObject commandLineObject in commandLineSearcher.Get())
             commandLine+= (String)commandLineObject["CommandLine"];

        return commandLine;

    public static String[] getCommandLinesParsed(Process process)
        return (parseCommandLine(getCommandLines(process)));

    /// <summary>
    /// This routine parses a command line to an array of strings
    /// Element zero is the program name
    /// Command line arguments fill the remainder of the array
    /// In all cases the values are stripped of the enclosing quotation marks
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="commandLine"></param>
    /// <returns>String array</returns>
    public  static String[] parseCommandLine(String commandLine)
        List<String> arguments = new List<String>();

        Boolean stringIsQuoted = false;
        String argString = "";
        for (int c = 0; c < commandLine.Length; c++)  //process string one character at a tie
            if (commandLine.Substring(c, 1) == "\"")
                if (stringIsQuoted)  //end quote so populate next element of list with constructed argument
                    argString = "";
                    stringIsQuoted = true; //beginning quote so flag and scip
            else if (commandLine.Substring(c, 1) == "".PadRight(1))
                if (stringIsQuoted)
                    argString += commandLine.Substring(c, 1); //blank is embedded in quotes, so preserve it
                else if (argString.Length > 0)
                    arguments.Add(argString);  //non-quoted blank so add to list if the first consecutive blank
                argString += commandLine.Substring(c, 1);  //non-blan character:  add it to the element being constructed

        return arguments.ToArray();





The StartInfo.Arguments is only used when you start the app, it is not a record of the command line arguments. If you start the applications with command line arguments, then store the arguments when they come into your application. In the simplest case, you could store them in a text file, then when you hit the button, shut down all the processes except the one with the button press event. Fire off a new application, and feed it that file in a new command line arg. While the old app shuts down, the new app fires off all the new processes (one for each line in the file) and shuts down. Psuedocode below:


static void Main(string[] args)
   if (args.Contains(StartProcessesSwitch))
      //Run Program normally

void button_click(object sender, ButtonClickEventArgs e)

void ShutDownAllMyProcesses()
   List<Process> processes = GetMyProcesses();
   foreach (Process p in processes)
      if (p != Process.GetCurrentProcess())
         p.Kill(); //or whatever you need to do to close
   ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();
   psi.Arguments = CreateArgsWithFile();
   psi.FileName = "<your application here>";
   Process p = new Process();
   p.StartInfo = psi;

Hope this helps. Good luck!
