
时间:2022-12-10 20:54:27

Using System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( ) makes the entire application stop for the time taken in the arguments. I want other processes running while one process is waiting for a particular amount of time. To put it in short, I want another way other than System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( ) in my application that does not stop the entire thing.


Example: If I have a label that changes text every 5 seconds, I should be able to press a button which can do some other process, like changing an image.


2 个解决方案


Thread.Sleep() only puts the current thread to sleep. If it is the UI thread, this might block your application and it looks like it is completely blocked. Background threads are still running.


If you want to sleep without blocking, you could use the following code:


await Task.Delay(5000);
// continue here with your code, such as updating your label

This doesn't block the UI thread, just delays the proceeding of your function. You have to declare your method as async



I am not too informed about this so I am not sure this is the best way to do it


The Task.Wait Method


like that your main thread waits for the child thread to complete before continuing. From here on to your problem I guess just brains will help


an other helpful link:


Thread Synchronization


Thread.Sleep() only puts the current thread to sleep. If it is the UI thread, this might block your application and it looks like it is completely blocked. Background threads are still running.


If you want to sleep without blocking, you could use the following code:


await Task.Delay(5000);
// continue here with your code, such as updating your label

This doesn't block the UI thread, just delays the proceeding of your function. You have to declare your method as async



I am not too informed about this so I am not sure this is the best way to do it


The Task.Wait Method


like that your main thread waits for the child thread to complete before continuing. From here on to your problem I guess just brains will help


an other helpful link:


Thread Synchronization