c#app获取excel文档,并列出每个工作表上的所有数据透视表并在其自己的线程中刷新。 (使用多线程更快刷新)

时间:2022-05-31 20:56:50

Is it possible to create an multi threaded application,


The lists all the pivot tables in an excel document,


And fires a new thread to refresh each pivot table.


Currently a applicatoin.refreshall takes 3hrs.


I also do not think that vba code can be mulithreaded.


Any ideas welcome


1 个解决方案


I'm not sure that making this process multithreaded would necessarily help. 3 hours is a pretty long time for anything - I suspect you have other problems with this excel document. How big is the file?

我不确定这个过程是多线程的,这无疑会有所帮助。任何事情都需要3个小时 - 我怀疑这个excel文档还有其他问题。文件有多大?


I'm not sure that making this process multithreaded would necessarily help. 3 hours is a pretty long time for anything - I suspect you have other problems with this excel document. How big is the file?

我不确定这个过程是多线程的,这无疑会有所帮助。任何事情都需要3个小时 - 我怀疑这个excel文档还有其他问题。文件有多大?