Android设备不连接USB进行调试(Android studio)

时间:2022-11-26 20:55:38

I am trying to debug my application using a real device instead on the emulator. When I try to connect, it gives me the message:


USB device not found


I tried to unplug and plug it again, but it did not work. And I have also enabled USB debugging and unknown sources options in my device.


Any help is appreciated!




23 个解决方案



If you are on windows, many times it will not recognize the device fully and because of driver issues, the device won't show up.


  • go to settings
  • 去设置
  • control panel
  • 控制面板
  • hardware and sound
  • 硬件和声音
  • device manager
  • 设备管理器

And look for any devices showing an error. Many androids will show as an unknown USB device. Select that device and try to update the drivers for it.




I had this problem with a Nexus 7 - it appeared in Device Manager fine but wasn't recognised by Android Studio. The device had USB debugging turned on. Eventually I noticed an icon in the top left hand corner that said "Connected as a media device. Touch for other USB options." When I selected this I was able to change from Media Device (MTP) to Camera (PTP) and then it started working.

我在Nexus 7上遇到了这个问题——它出现在设备管理器fine中,但Android Studio没有识别它。该设备有USB调试打开。最后,我注意到左上角有一个图标,上面写着“作为媒体设备连接”。触摸其他USB选项。当我选择这个时,我可以从媒体设备(MTP)切换到相机(PTP),然后它就开始工作了。



This solution works for every unrecognized android device... mostly general brands don´t come with usb debugging drivers...


  • go to settings
  • 去设置
  • control panel
  • 控制面板
  • hardware and sound
  • 硬件和声音
  • device manager
  • 设备管理器
  • And look for any devices showing an error. Many androids will show as an unknown USB device or just Android
  • 寻找任何显示错误的设备。许多Android将显示为一个未知的USB设备或仅仅是Android

First thing you need will be your device IDs. You can get them opening up the device manager and finding the "Unknown Device" with a yellow exclamation point. Right click on it and select 'Properties', and then go to the 'Details' tab. Under the 'Property' drop down menu, select hardware IDs. There should be two strings:



Copy those strings somewhere and then navigate to where you downloaded the Google USB driver. Then you need to open up the file 'android_winusb.inf' in a text editor. I would recommend using Notepad++.


Android设备不连接USB进行调试(Android studio)

First, create a sub-section for your device. I called mine ';RCA 6378W2' but it doesn't really matter what you call it. Then, under the sub-section you created paste the Device ID strings you copied from the Device Manager, preceded by '%SingleAdbInterface%'. If you need help, look at this screenshot.

首先,为您的设备创建一个子部分。我管我的叫RCA 6378W2,但你叫它什么并不重要。然后,在子部分中,创建粘贴从设备管理器复制的设备ID字符串,前面加'%SingleAdbInterface%'。如果你需要帮助,看看这个截图。



If you are using Windows 8 or 8.1, you will need to disable device driver signature checks before you'll be able to install the modified driver. Here's a quick video on how to disable device driver checks Ignore the part at the beginning about 64 bit, your computer architecture doesn't matter.

如果您正在使用Windows 8或8.1,在安装修改后的驱动程序之前,需要禁用设备驱动程序签名检查。这里有一个关于如何禁用设备驱动程序的快速视频,请访问在开始时忽略这个部分,大约64位,你的计算机架构并不重要。

Please look at this article, for more information and MacOS instructions.




Found out for Samsung, Installing Kies also update the usb driver which solve my problem with connecting my Samsung Galaxy S Advance with Android 4.1.2 to Android Studio on Windows 7 64bit. In this case the devise manager shows device driver is updated and working, but when I connect my phone Android Studio does not recognize my device.

对于三星来说,安装Kies也更新了usb驱动程序,解决了我在Windows 7 64bit上将我的三星Galaxy S Advance与Android 4.1.2连接到Android Studio的问题。在这种情况下,设备管理器显示设备驱动程序是更新和工作的,但是当我连接我的手机Android Studio时,我无法识别我的设备。



I had the same problem with connecting my Galaxy Nexus to win7 x64. I solved it by getting drivers, they can be downloaded from here or also via Android SDK manager.

我也有同样的问题,把我的Galaxy Nexus和win7 x64连接起来。我通过获取驱动程序解决了这个问题,他们可以从这里下载,也可以通过Android SDK管理器下载。



I've been having this issue on Mac OSX Mavericks using Android Studio, using my Samsung Galaxy Express , I did a little trick, Run -> Edit Configurations - > Run -> Show chooser dialog. When I "play" and the dialog appeared, I connected my device and it did appear. ;)

我在Mac OSX Mavericks使用Android Studio,使用我的三星Galaxy Express,我做了一个小技巧,运行->编辑配置->运行->显示选择对话框。当我“播放”和对话出现时,我连接了我的设备,它确实出现了。,)



After you put your phone on developer mode, restart it. That worked for me, maybe it will work for you also. After restarting it, the phone was recognized, drivers were automatically installed. Note - I'm running on Windows 7.

当你将手机置于开发者模式后,重新启动它。这对我有用,也许对你也有用。重新启动后,手机被识别,驱动程序被自动安装。注意——我正在运行Windows 7。



You need to install the driver first. Follow the instructions on the Android's developers website:




I had the same problem with a Samsung galaxy note 2. It was recognized on one pc but not on another one (both running windows 7 64b). After hours of struggling, I installed Kies (from the Samsung website) on the pc where Android Studio was unable to detect the smartphone (Kies was installed on the other one).

我对三星galaxy note 2也有同样的问题。它在一台电脑上被识别,但在另一台电脑上却不被识别(两者都运行windows 764b)。经过几个小时的努力,我在Android Studio无法检测到智能手机的电脑上安装了Kies(来自三星网站)。

Like magic, Android Studio detected the phone !!! I noticed that the Kies installer installed some driver for the phone.

就像magic一样,Android Studio检测到了这款手机!!我注意到Kies安装程序为手机安装了一些驱动程序。

Consequently, for those meeting the same detection problem, I would strongly advise to first install Kies.




Galaxy S7, I had to go to Settings, Developer Options and allow USB Debugging. This asked to approve computer it was attached to and it showed up instantly.

Galaxy S7,我必须进入设置,开发者选项和USB调试。这要求批准电脑,它是附加的,它立即出现。



Check installed drivers. If drivers ok, check device usb-port it could be damaged.




Try a different cable, ideally an official Samsung one.


I had tried a crappy USB cable I had lying around and then tried another which was Samsung and works perfectly now.


Not sure why they would be different though but worked for me.




I have a Samsung Galaxy S4. Although visible from Devices, my phone was not listed as connected from Android Studio. I tried a few things independently, and then together, and found that only a combination of steps fixed the issue, so this is for you if measures listed above or on another site did not work on their own.

我有一个三星Galaxy S4。虽然我的手机可以在设备上看到,但我的手机并没有在Android Studio中显示。我独立地尝试了一些东西,然后一起尝试,发现只有一组步骤解决了这个问题,所以如果上面列出的方法或其他站点上的方法不能独立工作,那么这是为您准备的。

  1. Enable USB debugging from "Developer Options"
  2. 从“开发人员选项”启用USB调试
  3. Download Kies from Samsung. I believe Samsung US has replaced Kies with a new software called Smart Switch, but this did not resolve anything for me. I found a Samsung UK download of Kies that worked fine.
  4. 从三星下载黄铁矿。我相信三星已经用一款叫做智能开关的新软件取代了Kies,但这并没有解决任何问题。我找到了一款三星英国版的Kies游戏,效果不错。
  5. After connecting your phone to your PC via USB, go to your phone notifications and click on USB settings at the top. Switch it to Camera mode.
  6. 在通过USB连接你的手机到你的电脑后,进入你的手机通知,点击顶部的USB设置。切换到相机模式。

I repeat, only all 3 of these together fixed the issue, so if some fixes you have tried haven't worked, use these 3 and it could fix the problem for you. Best of luck.




Restart Android Studio Worked in my case

在我的例子中,重启Android Studio成功了



For me, this simple trick worked:


I actually enabled and disabled the listed USB Adapter for android in the device manager (Control Panel -> Hardware & Sound -> Device Manager). And holy moly it's working! :D

实际上,我在设备管理器(Control Panel ->硬件& Sound ->设备管理器)中启用并禁用了列出的android USB适配器。天啊,它在运转!:D



The solution for me was following the instructions at Specifically, the key part from that link that helped me to find the solution was this: "Install a USB Driver. First, find the appropriate driver for your device from the OEM drivers table below." This means that you cannot find a single link that applies to everyone as the solution. It will depend on your device! "So I visited the page to get OEM Drivers at In my case, the device I was using was an LG K8 LTE. I had to go to, Browse by product and I found the driver I needed under the Model Number "LGAS375 KG K8 ACG - AS375", Cell Phone Product. From I used the "Install the USB DRIVER" for Windows (

我的解决方案是遵循的说明。具体来说,这个链接中帮助我找到解决方案的关键部分是:“安装一个USB驱动程序。”首先,从下面的OEM驱动表中找到适合您设备的驱动程序。这意味着您无法找到一个适用于每个人的链接作为解决方案。这取决于你的设备!所以我访问了这个页面,在中获取OEM驱动。我使用的设备是LG K8 LTE。我必须去固件-drivers#,按产品浏览,找到我需要的驱动程序,型号为“LGAS375 KG K8 ACG - AS375”,手机产品。在中,我使用了Windows的“安装USB驱动程序”(

Depending on the device model you are using, you will need to find the specific drivers that work for your phone, and that should work.




I had tried restart the device, and it's work, popup and ask want to trust the mac for debug mode.




I am using Samung S8, I tried to install:

我正在使用Samung S8,我试着安装:

  1. Intel Android Driver
  2. 英特尔安卓驱动程序
  3. Samsung USB driver
  4. 三星的USB驱动程序

But the adb bridge driver was still missing. I finally got it to work by installing the Samsung Smart Switch application which is a media manager application.

但亚行桥牌司机仍下落不明。我最终通过安装三星智能交换机应用程序(media manager应用程序)让它发挥作用。

Updated at 2018-04-20: If you are struggle with the driver, just use




For example:


My file path:



My data to paste:


;Tablet PC

%SingleAdbInterface%        = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0003&MI_01

%CompositeADBInterface%     = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0003&REV_0230&MI_01



How to get connection to device working using adb command line:


USB debugging enabled on phone and phone connected.


I am exercising these commands on linux(redhat and ubuntu) but same commands work under the hood on windows. The device manager runs adb commands. You can find a console in your device manager or regular command-line works if you set up your paths to SDK.


If you can run adb and see something like ???????? in devices list ..

如果你能经营亚行,并看到类似的东西????在设备列表中. .

$ android-studio/sdk/platform-tools/adb devices
List of devices attached 
????????????    no permissions

You might be running the adb server as a regular user. You might have to run the adb server as root. So kill the server as regular user and start it as root.


$ adb kill-server
$ which adb
$ sudo <fullpath>/android-studio/sdk/platform-tools/adb start-server

Now look at adb devices list, if it is first time this machine connects to this phone you will see "unauthorized".


$ adb devices
List of devices attached 
MWS0216A31xxxxxx    unauthorized

At this point on phone you should have dialog popped up and you can tap ok to authorize. Then you should see "device" in the devices list and commands like shell/push/pull/sync/backup... should work.


$ adb devices
List of devices attached 
MWS0216A31xxxxxx    device

$ adb shell "uname -a; df; ls /storage/sdcard0/Download"
Linux localhost 3.10.90-g2ff1b22 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Dec 27 17:12:50 CST 2016 aarch64
Filesystem               Size     Used     Free   Blksize
/dev                     1.3G   108.0K     1.3G   4096
/sys/fs/cgroup           1.3G    12.0K     1.3G   4096
/mnt                     1.3G     0.0K     1.3G   4096
/sys/fs/cgroup/pids: Permission denied
/system                  2.4G     2.3G   106.8M   4096
/cust                  492.0M   327.7M   164.3M   4096
/cache                 248.0M   160.0K   247.8M   4096
/splash2: Permission denied
/3rdmodem               59.0M     4.9M    54.1M   1024
/3rdmodemnvm: Permission denied
. .
/storage                 1.3G     0.0K     1.3G   4096
/data                   25.1G    10.9G    14.2G   4096
/mnt/runtime/default/emulated: Permission denied
/storage/emulated       25.1G    11.2G    13.8G   4096
/mnt/runtime/read/emulated: Permission denied
/mnt/runtime/write/emulated: Permission denied

Lovely jubly. Hopefully.




Well, in my case updating drivers, restarting Android Studio, restarting my phone, changing the USB mode or unplugging USB did not help.

嗯,在我的情况下更新驱动程序,重新启动Android Studio,重新启动我的手机,改变USB模式或者拔掉USB接口都无济于事。

Then I went to the dev settings in my phone, toggled the Dev. Mode off and back on, and it worked. AS was open and phone was plugged at the moment.

然后我到手机的dev设置中,切换dev . Mode off和back on,它工作了。因为当时是打开的,电话也被插上了。



I had this problem occurring suddenly in Dell Ubuntu linux machine with Android Developer Studio. I did the following steps

我在戴尔的Ubuntu linux机器上突然出现了这个问题。我做了以下步骤

    1. I opened "System Settings"
    2. Select the listed item "Software and Updates"
    3. Click on the tab "Additional Drivers"
    4. There was a mention about "Dell Inc: Unknown" and the option "Do not use use the device" selected. I selected the alternate driver mentioned and did an "Apply the Changes".

It started working.




Many USB cables, specially Type-C, are for charging only.


Android设备不连接USB进行调试(Android studio)

From my personal experience, if you have a Type-C cable and you're having a hard time connecting your phone to your computer, you should try a different, high quality cable, specially the ones that says "Charging and Data" on the cover.




If you are on windows, many times it will not recognize the device fully and because of driver issues, the device won't show up.


  • go to settings
  • 去设置
  • control panel
  • 控制面板
  • hardware and sound
  • 硬件和声音
  • device manager
  • 设备管理器

And look for any devices showing an error. Many androids will show as an unknown USB device. Select that device and try to update the drivers for it.




I had this problem with a Nexus 7 - it appeared in Device Manager fine but wasn't recognised by Android Studio. The device had USB debugging turned on. Eventually I noticed an icon in the top left hand corner that said "Connected as a media device. Touch for other USB options." When I selected this I was able to change from Media Device (MTP) to Camera (PTP) and then it started working.

我在Nexus 7上遇到了这个问题——它出现在设备管理器fine中,但Android Studio没有识别它。该设备有USB调试打开。最后,我注意到左上角有一个图标,上面写着“作为媒体设备连接”。触摸其他USB选项。当我选择这个时,我可以从媒体设备(MTP)切换到相机(PTP),然后它就开始工作了。



This solution works for every unrecognized android device... mostly general brands don´t come with usb debugging drivers...


  • go to settings
  • 去设置
  • control panel
  • 控制面板
  • hardware and sound
  • 硬件和声音
  • device manager
  • 设备管理器
  • And look for any devices showing an error. Many androids will show as an unknown USB device or just Android
  • 寻找任何显示错误的设备。许多Android将显示为一个未知的USB设备或仅仅是Android

First thing you need will be your device IDs. You can get them opening up the device manager and finding the "Unknown Device" with a yellow exclamation point. Right click on it and select 'Properties', and then go to the 'Details' tab. Under the 'Property' drop down menu, select hardware IDs. There should be two strings:



Copy those strings somewhere and then navigate to where you downloaded the Google USB driver. Then you need to open up the file 'android_winusb.inf' in a text editor. I would recommend using Notepad++.


Android设备不连接USB进行调试(Android studio)

First, create a sub-section for your device. I called mine ';RCA 6378W2' but it doesn't really matter what you call it. Then, under the sub-section you created paste the Device ID strings you copied from the Device Manager, preceded by '%SingleAdbInterface%'. If you need help, look at this screenshot.

首先,为您的设备创建一个子部分。我管我的叫RCA 6378W2,但你叫它什么并不重要。然后,在子部分中,创建粘贴从设备管理器复制的设备ID字符串,前面加'%SingleAdbInterface%'。如果你需要帮助,看看这个截图。



If you are using Windows 8 or 8.1, you will need to disable device driver signature checks before you'll be able to install the modified driver. Here's a quick video on how to disable device driver checks Ignore the part at the beginning about 64 bit, your computer architecture doesn't matter.

如果您正在使用Windows 8或8.1,在安装修改后的驱动程序之前,需要禁用设备驱动程序签名检查。这里有一个关于如何禁用设备驱动程序的快速视频,请访问在开始时忽略这个部分,大约64位,你的计算机架构并不重要。

Please look at this article, for more information and MacOS instructions.




Found out for Samsung, Installing Kies also update the usb driver which solve my problem with connecting my Samsung Galaxy S Advance with Android 4.1.2 to Android Studio on Windows 7 64bit. In this case the devise manager shows device driver is updated and working, but when I connect my phone Android Studio does not recognize my device.

对于三星来说,安装Kies也更新了usb驱动程序,解决了我在Windows 7 64bit上将我的三星Galaxy S Advance与Android 4.1.2连接到Android Studio的问题。在这种情况下,设备管理器显示设备驱动程序是更新和工作的,但是当我连接我的手机Android Studio时,我无法识别我的设备。



I had the same problem with connecting my Galaxy Nexus to win7 x64. I solved it by getting drivers, they can be downloaded from here or also via Android SDK manager.

我也有同样的问题,把我的Galaxy Nexus和win7 x64连接起来。我通过获取驱动程序解决了这个问题,他们可以从这里下载,也可以通过Android SDK管理器下载。



I've been having this issue on Mac OSX Mavericks using Android Studio, using my Samsung Galaxy Express , I did a little trick, Run -> Edit Configurations - > Run -> Show chooser dialog. When I "play" and the dialog appeared, I connected my device and it did appear. ;)

我在Mac OSX Mavericks使用Android Studio,使用我的三星Galaxy Express,我做了一个小技巧,运行->编辑配置->运行->显示选择对话框。当我“播放”和对话出现时,我连接了我的设备,它确实出现了。,)



After you put your phone on developer mode, restart it. That worked for me, maybe it will work for you also. After restarting it, the phone was recognized, drivers were automatically installed. Note - I'm running on Windows 7.

当你将手机置于开发者模式后,重新启动它。这对我有用,也许对你也有用。重新启动后,手机被识别,驱动程序被自动安装。注意——我正在运行Windows 7。



You need to install the driver first. Follow the instructions on the Android's developers website:




I had the same problem with a Samsung galaxy note 2. It was recognized on one pc but not on another one (both running windows 7 64b). After hours of struggling, I installed Kies (from the Samsung website) on the pc where Android Studio was unable to detect the smartphone (Kies was installed on the other one).

我对三星galaxy note 2也有同样的问题。它在一台电脑上被识别,但在另一台电脑上却不被识别(两者都运行windows 764b)。经过几个小时的努力,我在Android Studio无法检测到智能手机的电脑上安装了Kies(来自三星网站)。

Like magic, Android Studio detected the phone !!! I noticed that the Kies installer installed some driver for the phone.

就像magic一样,Android Studio检测到了这款手机!!我注意到Kies安装程序为手机安装了一些驱动程序。

Consequently, for those meeting the same detection problem, I would strongly advise to first install Kies.




Galaxy S7, I had to go to Settings, Developer Options and allow USB Debugging. This asked to approve computer it was attached to and it showed up instantly.

Galaxy S7,我必须进入设置,开发者选项和USB调试。这要求批准电脑,它是附加的,它立即出现。



Check installed drivers. If drivers ok, check device usb-port it could be damaged.




Try a different cable, ideally an official Samsung one.


I had tried a crappy USB cable I had lying around and then tried another which was Samsung and works perfectly now.


Not sure why they would be different though but worked for me.




I have a Samsung Galaxy S4. Although visible from Devices, my phone was not listed as connected from Android Studio. I tried a few things independently, and then together, and found that only a combination of steps fixed the issue, so this is for you if measures listed above or on another site did not work on their own.

我有一个三星Galaxy S4。虽然我的手机可以在设备上看到,但我的手机并没有在Android Studio中显示。我独立地尝试了一些东西,然后一起尝试,发现只有一组步骤解决了这个问题,所以如果上面列出的方法或其他站点上的方法不能独立工作,那么这是为您准备的。

  1. Enable USB debugging from "Developer Options"
  2. 从“开发人员选项”启用USB调试
  3. Download Kies from Samsung. I believe Samsung US has replaced Kies with a new software called Smart Switch, but this did not resolve anything for me. I found a Samsung UK download of Kies that worked fine.
  4. 从三星下载黄铁矿。我相信三星已经用一款叫做智能开关的新软件取代了Kies,但这并没有解决任何问题。我找到了一款三星英国版的Kies游戏,效果不错。
  5. After connecting your phone to your PC via USB, go to your phone notifications and click on USB settings at the top. Switch it to Camera mode.
  6. 在通过USB连接你的手机到你的电脑后,进入你的手机通知,点击顶部的USB设置。切换到相机模式。

I repeat, only all 3 of these together fixed the issue, so if some fixes you have tried haven't worked, use these 3 and it could fix the problem for you. Best of luck.




Restart Android Studio Worked in my case

在我的例子中,重启Android Studio成功了



For me, this simple trick worked:


I actually enabled and disabled the listed USB Adapter for android in the device manager (Control Panel -> Hardware & Sound -> Device Manager). And holy moly it's working! :D

实际上,我在设备管理器(Control Panel ->硬件& Sound ->设备管理器)中启用并禁用了列出的android USB适配器。天啊,它在运转!:D



The solution for me was following the instructions at Specifically, the key part from that link that helped me to find the solution was this: "Install a USB Driver. First, find the appropriate driver for your device from the OEM drivers table below." This means that you cannot find a single link that applies to everyone as the solution. It will depend on your device! "So I visited the page to get OEM Drivers at In my case, the device I was using was an LG K8 LTE. I had to go to, Browse by product and I found the driver I needed under the Model Number "LGAS375 KG K8 ACG - AS375", Cell Phone Product. From I used the "Install the USB DRIVER" for Windows (

我的解决方案是遵循的说明。具体来说,这个链接中帮助我找到解决方案的关键部分是:“安装一个USB驱动程序。”首先,从下面的OEM驱动表中找到适合您设备的驱动程序。这意味着您无法找到一个适用于每个人的链接作为解决方案。这取决于你的设备!所以我访问了这个页面,在中获取OEM驱动。我使用的设备是LG K8 LTE。我必须去固件-drivers#,按产品浏览,找到我需要的驱动程序,型号为“LGAS375 KG K8 ACG - AS375”,手机产品。在中,我使用了Windows的“安装USB驱动程序”(

Depending on the device model you are using, you will need to find the specific drivers that work for your phone, and that should work.




I had tried restart the device, and it's work, popup and ask want to trust the mac for debug mode.




I am using Samung S8, I tried to install:

我正在使用Samung S8,我试着安装:

  1. Intel Android Driver
  2. 英特尔安卓驱动程序
  3. Samsung USB driver
  4. 三星的USB驱动程序

But the adb bridge driver was still missing. I finally got it to work by installing the Samsung Smart Switch application which is a media manager application.

但亚行桥牌司机仍下落不明。我最终通过安装三星智能交换机应用程序(media manager应用程序)让它发挥作用。

Updated at 2018-04-20: If you are struggle with the driver, just use




For example:


My file path:



My data to paste:


;Tablet PC

%SingleAdbInterface%        = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0003&MI_01

%CompositeADBInterface%     = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0003&REV_0230&MI_01



How to get connection to device working using adb command line:


USB debugging enabled on phone and phone connected.


I am exercising these commands on linux(redhat and ubuntu) but same commands work under the hood on windows. The device manager runs adb commands. You can find a console in your device manager or regular command-line works if you set up your paths to SDK.


If you can run adb and see something like ???????? in devices list ..

如果你能经营亚行,并看到类似的东西????在设备列表中. .

$ android-studio/sdk/platform-tools/adb devices
List of devices attached 
????????????    no permissions

You might be running the adb server as a regular user. You might have to run the adb server as root. So kill the server as regular user and start it as root.


$ adb kill-server
$ which adb
$ sudo <fullpath>/android-studio/sdk/platform-tools/adb start-server

Now look at adb devices list, if it is first time this machine connects to this phone you will see "unauthorized".


$ adb devices
List of devices attached 
MWS0216A31xxxxxx    unauthorized

At this point on phone you should have dialog popped up and you can tap ok to authorize. Then you should see "device" in the devices list and commands like shell/push/pull/sync/backup... should work.


$ adb devices
List of devices attached 
MWS0216A31xxxxxx    device

$ adb shell "uname -a; df; ls /storage/sdcard0/Download"
Linux localhost 3.10.90-g2ff1b22 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Dec 27 17:12:50 CST 2016 aarch64
Filesystem               Size     Used     Free   Blksize
/dev                     1.3G   108.0K     1.3G   4096
/sys/fs/cgroup           1.3G    12.0K     1.3G   4096
/mnt                     1.3G     0.0K     1.3G   4096
/sys/fs/cgroup/pids: Permission denied
/system                  2.4G     2.3G   106.8M   4096
/cust                  492.0M   327.7M   164.3M   4096
/cache                 248.0M   160.0K   247.8M   4096
/splash2: Permission denied
/3rdmodem               59.0M     4.9M    54.1M   1024
/3rdmodemnvm: Permission denied
. .
/storage                 1.3G     0.0K     1.3G   4096
/data                   25.1G    10.9G    14.2G   4096
/mnt/runtime/default/emulated: Permission denied
/storage/emulated       25.1G    11.2G    13.8G   4096
/mnt/runtime/read/emulated: Permission denied
/mnt/runtime/write/emulated: Permission denied

Lovely jubly. Hopefully.




Well, in my case updating drivers, restarting Android Studio, restarting my phone, changing the USB mode or unplugging USB did not help.

嗯,在我的情况下更新驱动程序,重新启动Android Studio,重新启动我的手机,改变USB模式或者拔掉USB接口都无济于事。

Then I went to the dev settings in my phone, toggled the Dev. Mode off and back on, and it worked. AS was open and phone was plugged at the moment.

然后我到手机的dev设置中,切换dev . Mode off和back on,它工作了。因为当时是打开的,电话也被插上了。



I had this problem occurring suddenly in Dell Ubuntu linux machine with Android Developer Studio. I did the following steps

我在戴尔的Ubuntu linux机器上突然出现了这个问题。我做了以下步骤

    1. I opened "System Settings"
    2. Select the listed item "Software and Updates"
    3. Click on the tab "Additional Drivers"
    4. There was a mention about "Dell Inc: Unknown" and the option "Do not use use the device" selected. I selected the alternate driver mentioned and did an "Apply the Changes".

It started working.




Many USB cables, specially Type-C, are for charging only.


Android设备不连接USB进行调试(Android studio)

From my personal experience, if you have a Type-C cable and you're having a hard time connecting your phone to your computer, you should try a different, high quality cable, specially the ones that says "Charging and Data" on the cover.
