
时间:2022-02-23 20:51:58

I use the PowerGUI editor to convert a ps1 file to an exe file. Reason is that I dont want people to see my source code. The script includes a own little GUI with a picture on it. My problem is that after converting the script to an exe file the picture will only be shown when it exists on a specific path. If I delete or move the picture from that path it wont be shown when starting the exe.


How can I include the picture to the exe? I want to have only one file in the end ...


1 个解决方案



One way you could do this is by converting your image into a Base 64 String, using the following:

一种方法是使用以下方法将图像转换为Base 64 String:

[convert]::ToBase64String((get-content C:\YourPicture.jpg -encoding byte)) > C:\YourString.txt

With the string that is produced in the text file "C:\YourString.txt" you can copy and paste it into your code and load it into a picture object on the form like so:

使用在文本文件“C:\ YourString.txt”中生成的字符串,您可以将其复制并粘贴到代码中并将其加载到表单上的图片对象中,如下所示:

$logo.Image = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String('
          .......      Many more lines of string   .......

Do this will mean that your image is stored within the code already and doesn't need to be loaded from somewhere.


Note: Make sure that the pictures size on disk is the smallest you can get it as producing the string can take sometime and could turn out thousands of lines long. So I would recommend that you only use a pic that is less that 75 Kilobytes in size. You could do it with larger one but this will take a long time to process.




One way you could do this is by converting your image into a Base 64 String, using the following:

一种方法是使用以下方法将图像转换为Base 64 String:

[convert]::ToBase64String((get-content C:\YourPicture.jpg -encoding byte)) > C:\YourString.txt

With the string that is produced in the text file "C:\YourString.txt" you can copy and paste it into your code and load it into a picture object on the form like so:

使用在文本文件“C:\ YourString.txt”中生成的字符串,您可以将其复制并粘贴到代码中并将其加载到表单上的图片对象中,如下所示:

$logo.Image = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String('
          .......      Many more lines of string   .......

Do this will mean that your image is stored within the code already and doesn't need to be loaded from somewhere.


Note: Make sure that the pictures size on disk is the smallest you can get it as producing the string can take sometime and could turn out thousands of lines long. So I would recommend that you only use a pic that is less that 75 Kilobytes in size. You could do it with larger one but this will take a long time to process.
