
时间:2021-04-02 20:51:24

I just downloaded and installed the new Android SDK. I wanted to create a simple application to test drive it.

我刚刚下载并安装了新的Android SDK。我想创建一个简单的应用程序来测试驱动程序。

The wizard created this code:


package eu.mauriziopz.gps;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class ggps extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

but Eclipse gives me the error


R cannot be resolved


on line





PS: I do have an XML file named main.xml under res/layout/.

我有一个名为main的XML文件。在res / layout / xml。

105 个解决方案



After tracking down this problem as well, I found this note in the Android documentation:




*Note: Eclipse sometimes likes to add an "import android.R" statement at the top of your files that use resources, especially when you ask Eclipse to sort or otherwise manage imports. This will cause your make to break. Look out for these erroneous import statements and delete them.*


While going through the Android sample tutorials, I would often use the Ctrl + Shift + O command to "Organize Imports" and generate any missing import statements. Sometimes this would generate the incorrect import statement which would hide the R.java class that is automatically generated when you build.

在浏览Android示例教程时,我经常使用Ctrl + Shift + O命令来“组织导入”,并生成任何缺失的导入语句。有时,这会生成不正确的import语句,从而隐藏R。构建时自动生成的java类。



Each time I had a problem with R not been generated, or even disappeared, this was due to some problem in the XML layout file that prevented the application from being built.




Whenever you get


R cannot be resolved


then check for the /res directory and there must be some file that have some error in it and that is preventing the application from being built. For example, it may be a layout file or it may be due to some missing resource is, but you already defined it in the XML file.


If you have any additional, even unused (!) or unreferenced (!) images in a folder like res/drawables-mdpi which do not comply to the file naming conventions (may contain only [a-z0-9_.]), the R.java class might not generate, causing the chain of events all the other posts referred to. Hope it helps!

如果您有任何额外的,甚至未使用的(!)或未引用的(!)图像,在像res/drawables-mdpi这样的文件夹中,它不遵守文件命名约定(可能只包含[a-z0-9_.]), R。java类可能不会生成,导致事件链的所有其他文章都提到。希望它可以帮助!



my project have include a r.java.at the beginning ,R.layout.main work good.But,after adding some code it doesn't work,and the error is R.layout.main can't resolved.what's the problem?


Look at your imports. Chances are that the line:


import android.R;

will be there. If that's the case, remove it, so that your project will resolve R not with the default Android Resources class, but with the one auto-generated from your /res/ folder.




And another thing which may cause this problem:


I installed the new ADT (v. 22). It stopped creating gen folder which includes R.java. The solution was to also install new Android SDK Build Tools from Android SDK Manager.

我安装了新的ADT (v. 22)。它停止创建包含R.java的gen文件夹。解决方案是在Android SDK管理器中安装新的Android SDK构建工具。

Solution found here




R.java is a file that the Android Eclipse plugins creates while building your application. R.java is created under the "gen" directory. This file is generated from the information in the "res" directory. If you run select "Project" -> "Clean..." on the Eclipse menu, it will remove and then regenerate the R.java file.

R。java是Android Eclipse插件在构建应用程序时创建的文件。R。java是在“gen”目录下创建的。该文件是由“res”目录中的信息生成的。如果您在Eclipse菜单上运行select“Project”->“Clean…”,它将删除并重新生成R。java文件。

The problem "R cannot be resolved" happens when you change your package name in the AndroidManifest.xml file. It uses your Android package name to create a subdirectory under the "gen" directory where it stores the R.java file.


Eclipse may have problems executing clean, because it is confused about where the R.java file is when you have changed the Android package name. You can either rename the subdirectory under gen to match your new package name, or you can change your package name back to the old name. Do the clean and then change the package name to the new name you want. This works best if you stop Eclipse from trying to build while you are changing the package name. Under the "Project" menu uncheck the option to "Build Automatically" and also when the "Clean..." dialog asks if it should "Start a build immediately" uncheck the box so it doesn't try to build while you are changing the package name. After you have changed the name you can turn "Build Automatically" back on again.


Note that if your AndroidManifest.xml file package name does not match your Java package name, Eclipse will end up automatically adding an "import <your Android package name>.R;" line in all your .java files that have any references to R. If you change your AndroidManifest.xml package name, sometimes Eclipse does not update all of these added imports. If that happens, use the Eclipse refactoring (ALT + Shift + R) to change the import statement in one of your Java files to your new AndroidManifest.xml package name. It is best to do this while you have disabled "Build Automatically".

注意,如果你的AndroidManifest。xml文件包名与您的Java包名不匹配,Eclipse将自动添加一个“导入 <您的android包名> . r;”在所有您的. Java文件中,如果您更改了您的AndroidManifest,就会有任何对r的引用。xml包名,有时Eclipse不更新所有这些添加的导入。如果出现这种情况,请使用Eclipse重构(ALT + Shift + R)将其中一个Java文件中的import语句更改为新的AndroidManifest。xml包名称。最好在禁用“自动构建”的时候这样做。



What Will said was right


R is an automatically generated class that holds the constants used to identify your >resources. If you don't have an R.java file (it would be gen/eu.mauriziopz.gps/R.java in >Eclipse with the 1.5 SDK) I would recommend closing and reopening your project or going to >Project > Build all (and selecting "Build Automatically" while there as recommended by >Josef). If that doesn't work than try making a new project, if the problem is recreated than >post here again and we'll go into more detail.


but I've found out that there was another problem that was causing the first one. The tools in the SDK directory didn't have the permissions to be executed, so it was like the didn't exist for Eclipse, thus it didn't build the R.java file.


So modifying the permission and selecting "Build Automatically" solved the problem.




R is an automatically generated class that holds the constants used to identify your resources. If you don't have an R.java file (it would be gen/eu.mauriziopz.gps/R.java in Eclipse with the 1.5 SDK) I would recommend closing and reopening your project or going to Project > Build all (and selecting "Build Automatically" while there as recommended by Josef). If that doesn't work than try making a new project, if the problem is recreated than post here again and we'll go into more detail.

R是一个自动生成的类,它包含用于标识资源的常量。如果没有R。java文件(它将是gen/eu.mauriziopz.gps/R)。在Eclipse中使用1.5 SDK的java,我建议您关闭并重新打开您的项目,或者到>项目构建所有的项目(并根据Josef的建议选择“自动构建”)。如果这个方法不奏效,那就试着做一个新项目,如果这个问题被重新创建,而不是在这里重新发布,我们将会更详细地讨论。



Close all files, clean project, restart Eclipse.




This error can also be caused by adding an activity to a namespace that is different to the root namespace for your package.


For example, if com.example.myapp is the root namespace for your package, you can then add an activity to the com.example.myapp.activities namespace.

com . example。例如,如果myapp是您的包的根命名空间,您可以将一个活动添加到com.example.myapp中。活动名称空间。

This will produce the "R cannot be resolved" error.


To fix the import the R in the default namespace in your activity should be:


import com.example.myapp.R;



Along with the great suggestions in the previous answers, make sure your Android target is set:


  1. Right-click on your project
  2. 右键单击您的项目
  3. Choose Properties
  4. 选择属性
  5. Choose Android in the left menu
  6. 在左侧菜单中选择Android。
  7. Tick a box next to the appropriate Project Build Target.
  8. 在适当的项目构建目标旁边打勾。
  9. Click Apply and OK
  10. 单击Apply和好的

Edit: A year later I found another cause. I had a .jpg image in my drawable folder with the same name as a .png image. Referencing this image in my code must have confused the program and it gave the "R cannot be resolved" error.




It is worth checking in AndroidManifest.xml. The attribute package has the correct value.


That is:


<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

After you change that, the R.java will be re-generated.




Make sure you installed the Android build tool form sdk manager

确保您安装了Android构建工具form sdk管理器。

project right click properties-> Java BuildPath select Library and add android-support.jar the follow these step.

项目右击属性-> Java BuildPath选择库并添加android支持。把下面这些步骤按一下。

Go to Project->Properties->Java Build Path than select Order and export tab. Set android-support .jar library checked and up it into top of the list. And clean and rebuild..It works for most of the cases

转到Project->属性->Java构建路径,而不是选择Order和export选项卡。设置android-support .jar库,并将其添加到列表的顶部。和清洁和重建。它适用于大多数情况。




I just had this problem for the millionth time and realized what was causing it: I created an XML file with uppercase letters in the name. All your XML filenames in /res must match [a-z0-9\\._].

我第一次遇到这个问题,并意识到是什么原因造成的:我用大写字母创建了一个XML文件。在/res中所有的XML文件名必须匹配[a-z0-9\ ._]。



Simplest solution - Sometimes you just need to save the XML file you were working on to get the autogenerator to kick in.


Save the file (e.g. main.xml) then delete the R.java file and see if the regenerated R.java resolves the R resolve problem.




Check the XML file names. Be sure that they're all in lowercase.


Also make sure that any image resource names are also all in LOWER CASE. I had a capital letter in the name of my jpg file, and it caused the R unresolved error right across my project.




R is a generated class. If you are using the Android Development Tools (ADT) it is generated whenever the project is built. You may have 'Build Automatically' turned off.




This error cropped up on my x64 Linux Mint installation. It turned out that the result was a failure in the ADB binary, because the ia32-libs package was not installed. Simply running apt-get install ia32-libs and relaunching Eclipse fixed the error.

这个错误出现在我的x64 Linux Mint安装上。结果是ADB二进制文件的结果是失败的,因为没有安装ia32-libs包。简单地运行apt-get安装ia32-libs并重新启动Eclipse修复错误。

If your x64 distro does not have ia32-libs, you'll have to go Multiarch.


Check #4 and #5 on this post: http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=277883#p277883


Hope this helps someone.




You may need to update SDK tools. Relaunch Android SDK Manager again and install a new item: Android SDK Build-tools.

您可能需要更新SDK工具。重新启动Android SDK管理器并安装一个新项目:Android SDK构建工具。




I had this problem as well. It turned out that I had inadvertently deleted the "app_name" string resource from the strings.xml file, which was causing a silent error. Once I added it back, the R class was generated successfully and everything was back up and running.




You may need to update/install SDK tools. Relaunch Android SDK Manager again and install a new item: Android SDK Build-tools.one by one delete,fix which one work for you.R不能解决——Android错误。

您可能需要更新/安装SDK工具。重新启动Android SDK管理器并安装一个新项目:Android SDK构建工具。一个一个删除,修正一个为你工作。



Try to make your new XML layout file name lower case. For example, use my_file.xml instead of myFile.xml.




Yet another reason R.java might not get autogenerated is if you have directories like res/drawable-hdpi, res/drawable-mdpi, or res/drawable-ldpi.


1.6+ seems to be OK with these directories, but 1.5 doesn't want them. When I removed those directories, R.java started autogenerating for me again.




Unfortunately none of the existing questions helped. Since my problem seems platform specific, this may only work if you are on Ubuntu 64 Bit (I am currently using Ubuntu 12). At first I did not see the "Problems" Window, which already hinted a solution, that on 64 Bit Environment you need the 32 Bit libs, which may be missing:

不幸的是,现有的问题都没有得到帮助。因为我的问题似乎是针对特定平台的,所以这可能只适用于你在Ubuntu 64位上(我目前正在使用Ubuntu 12)。起初,我没有看到“问题”窗口,它已经暗示了一个解决方案,在64位环境中,您需要32位的libs,这可能会丢失:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

sudo apt-get安装ia32-libs

I installed the package and rebuild my project, which fixed the issue for me.




restart your computer.
Nothing helped me except this way




Just go to Android Top menu list. click on Build Menu, in under Build click on Rebuild Project.





I had the examples of Android 8 and was trying to use Android 7 SDK. When I closed the project and reopened the application folder and chose to use Android 8 SDK, it was able to find the R file. Hope this helps.

我有Android 8的例子,正在尝试使用Android 7 SDK。当我关闭项目并重新打开应用程序文件夹并选择使用Android 8 SDK时,它能够找到R文件。希望这个有帮助。



In my case, I had an error in my AndroidManifest.xml. Others have said that your XML files must be free from errors, but I was only looking in the res/ folder. Find and fix as many possible errors and the problem may well resolve itself.




Often times this is because of the MinSDK version number you supplied when creating the project. Example:


If you want 2.1 to be the minimum, Android 2.1 is actually API Level 7.

如果你想让2.1成为最小值,那么Android 2.1实际上就是API级别7。

You can see what I am talking about when you browse the SDK you downloaded and installed. Navigate to the place you installed the SDK to (C:\android-sdk-windows for example) and open the folder named "platforms". You will see something like "android-7" listed as a folder, and if you open that there is a source.properties file that, when opened with a text editor, will show you the corresponding platform version.


When you create a project, and you must select a "Build Target" API, the last column in that list named "API Level" shows the number you are looking for when populating the MinSDK setting.


This is probably one of the most common mistakes that results in the R.java file not being created under Project > gen > packagename > R.java.

这可能是导致R的最常见的错误之一。java文件不是在> gen > packagename > .java项目下创建的。



Remove main.out.xml. I'm new to this and don't yet know what this file is used for, but removing it cleared the problem.




After tracking down this problem as well, I found this note in the Android documentation:




*Note: Eclipse sometimes likes to add an "import android.R" statement at the top of your files that use resources, especially when you ask Eclipse to sort or otherwise manage imports. This will cause your make to break. Look out for these erroneous import statements and delete them.*


While going through the Android sample tutorials, I would often use the Ctrl + Shift + O command to "Organize Imports" and generate any missing import statements. Sometimes this would generate the incorrect import statement which would hide the R.java class that is automatically generated when you build.

在浏览Android示例教程时,我经常使用Ctrl + Shift + O命令来“组织导入”,并生成任何缺失的导入语句。有时,这会生成不正确的import语句,从而隐藏R。构建时自动生成的java类。



Each time I had a problem with R not been generated, or even disappeared, this was due to some problem in the XML layout file that prevented the application from being built.




Whenever you get


R cannot be resolved


then check for the /res directory and there must be some file that have some error in it and that is preventing the application from being built. For example, it may be a layout file or it may be due to some missing resource is, but you already defined it in the XML file.


If you have any additional, even unused (!) or unreferenced (!) images in a folder like res/drawables-mdpi which do not comply to the file naming conventions (may contain only [a-z0-9_.]), the R.java class might not generate, causing the chain of events all the other posts referred to. Hope it helps!

如果您有任何额外的,甚至未使用的(!)或未引用的(!)图像,在像res/drawables-mdpi这样的文件夹中,它不遵守文件命名约定(可能只包含[a-z0-9_.]), R。java类可能不会生成,导致事件链的所有其他文章都提到。希望它可以帮助!



my project have include a r.java.at the beginning ,R.layout.main work good.But,after adding some code it doesn't work,and the error is R.layout.main can't resolved.what's the problem?


Look at your imports. Chances are that the line:


import android.R;

will be there. If that's the case, remove it, so that your project will resolve R not with the default Android Resources class, but with the one auto-generated from your /res/ folder.




And another thing which may cause this problem:


I installed the new ADT (v. 22). It stopped creating gen folder which includes R.java. The solution was to also install new Android SDK Build Tools from Android SDK Manager.

我安装了新的ADT (v. 22)。它停止创建包含R.java的gen文件夹。解决方案是在Android SDK管理器中安装新的Android SDK构建工具。

Solution found here




R.java is a file that the Android Eclipse plugins creates while building your application. R.java is created under the "gen" directory. This file is generated from the information in the "res" directory. If you run select "Project" -> "Clean..." on the Eclipse menu, it will remove and then regenerate the R.java file.

R。java是Android Eclipse插件在构建应用程序时创建的文件。R。java是在“gen”目录下创建的。该文件是由“res”目录中的信息生成的。如果您在Eclipse菜单上运行select“Project”->“Clean…”,它将删除并重新生成R。java文件。

The problem "R cannot be resolved" happens when you change your package name in the AndroidManifest.xml file. It uses your Android package name to create a subdirectory under the "gen" directory where it stores the R.java file.


Eclipse may have problems executing clean, because it is confused about where the R.java file is when you have changed the Android package name. You can either rename the subdirectory under gen to match your new package name, or you can change your package name back to the old name. Do the clean and then change the package name to the new name you want. This works best if you stop Eclipse from trying to build while you are changing the package name. Under the "Project" menu uncheck the option to "Build Automatically" and also when the "Clean..." dialog asks if it should "Start a build immediately" uncheck the box so it doesn't try to build while you are changing the package name. After you have changed the name you can turn "Build Automatically" back on again.


Note that if your AndroidManifest.xml file package name does not match your Java package name, Eclipse will end up automatically adding an "import <your Android package name>.R;" line in all your .java files that have any references to R. If you change your AndroidManifest.xml package name, sometimes Eclipse does not update all of these added imports. If that happens, use the Eclipse refactoring (ALT + Shift + R) to change the import statement in one of your Java files to your new AndroidManifest.xml package name. It is best to do this while you have disabled "Build Automatically".

注意,如果你的AndroidManifest。xml文件包名与您的Java包名不匹配,Eclipse将自动添加一个“导入 <您的android包名> . r;”在所有您的. Java文件中,如果您更改了您的AndroidManifest,就会有任何对r的引用。xml包名,有时Eclipse不更新所有这些添加的导入。如果出现这种情况,请使用Eclipse重构(ALT + Shift + R)将其中一个Java文件中的import语句更改为新的AndroidManifest。xml包名称。最好在禁用“自动构建”的时候这样做。



What Will said was right


R is an automatically generated class that holds the constants used to identify your >resources. If you don't have an R.java file (it would be gen/eu.mauriziopz.gps/R.java in >Eclipse with the 1.5 SDK) I would recommend closing and reopening your project or going to >Project > Build all (and selecting "Build Automatically" while there as recommended by >Josef). If that doesn't work than try making a new project, if the problem is recreated than >post here again and we'll go into more detail.


but I've found out that there was another problem that was causing the first one. The tools in the SDK directory didn't have the permissions to be executed, so it was like the didn't exist for Eclipse, thus it didn't build the R.java file.


So modifying the permission and selecting "Build Automatically" solved the problem.




R is an automatically generated class that holds the constants used to identify your resources. If you don't have an R.java file (it would be gen/eu.mauriziopz.gps/R.java in Eclipse with the 1.5 SDK) I would recommend closing and reopening your project or going to Project > Build all (and selecting "Build Automatically" while there as recommended by Josef). If that doesn't work than try making a new project, if the problem is recreated than post here again and we'll go into more detail.

R是一个自动生成的类,它包含用于标识资源的常量。如果没有R。java文件(它将是gen/eu.mauriziopz.gps/R)。在Eclipse中使用1.5 SDK的java,我建议您关闭并重新打开您的项目,或者到>项目构建所有的项目(并根据Josef的建议选择“自动构建”)。如果这个方法不奏效,那就试着做一个新项目,如果这个问题被重新创建,而不是在这里重新发布,我们将会更详细地讨论。



Close all files, clean project, restart Eclipse.




This error can also be caused by adding an activity to a namespace that is different to the root namespace for your package.


For example, if com.example.myapp is the root namespace for your package, you can then add an activity to the com.example.myapp.activities namespace.

com . example。例如,如果myapp是您的包的根命名空间,您可以将一个活动添加到com.example.myapp中。活动名称空间。

This will produce the "R cannot be resolved" error.


To fix the import the R in the default namespace in your activity should be:


import com.example.myapp.R;



Along with the great suggestions in the previous answers, make sure your Android target is set:


  1. Right-click on your project
  2. 右键单击您的项目
  3. Choose Properties
  4. 选择属性
  5. Choose Android in the left menu
  6. 在左侧菜单中选择Android。
  7. Tick a box next to the appropriate Project Build Target.
  8. 在适当的项目构建目标旁边打勾。
  9. Click Apply and OK
  10. 单击Apply和好的

Edit: A year later I found another cause. I had a .jpg image in my drawable folder with the same name as a .png image. Referencing this image in my code must have confused the program and it gave the "R cannot be resolved" error.




It is worth checking in AndroidManifest.xml. The attribute package has the correct value.


That is:


<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

After you change that, the R.java will be re-generated.




Make sure you installed the Android build tool form sdk manager

确保您安装了Android构建工具form sdk管理器。

project right click properties-> Java BuildPath select Library and add android-support.jar the follow these step.

项目右击属性-> Java BuildPath选择库并添加android支持。把下面这些步骤按一下。

Go to Project->Properties->Java Build Path than select Order and export tab. Set android-support .jar library checked and up it into top of the list. And clean and rebuild..It works for most of the cases

转到Project->属性->Java构建路径,而不是选择Order和export选项卡。设置android-support .jar库,并将其添加到列表的顶部。和清洁和重建。它适用于大多数情况。




I just had this problem for the millionth time and realized what was causing it: I created an XML file with uppercase letters in the name. All your XML filenames in /res must match [a-z0-9\\._].

我第一次遇到这个问题,并意识到是什么原因造成的:我用大写字母创建了一个XML文件。在/res中所有的XML文件名必须匹配[a-z0-9\ ._]。



Simplest solution - Sometimes you just need to save the XML file you were working on to get the autogenerator to kick in.


Save the file (e.g. main.xml) then delete the R.java file and see if the regenerated R.java resolves the R resolve problem.




Check the XML file names. Be sure that they're all in lowercase.


Also make sure that any image resource names are also all in LOWER CASE. I had a capital letter in the name of my jpg file, and it caused the R unresolved error right across my project.




R is a generated class. If you are using the Android Development Tools (ADT) it is generated whenever the project is built. You may have 'Build Automatically' turned off.




This error cropped up on my x64 Linux Mint installation. It turned out that the result was a failure in the ADB binary, because the ia32-libs package was not installed. Simply running apt-get install ia32-libs and relaunching Eclipse fixed the error.

这个错误出现在我的x64 Linux Mint安装上。结果是ADB二进制文件的结果是失败的,因为没有安装ia32-libs包。简单地运行apt-get安装ia32-libs并重新启动Eclipse修复错误。

If your x64 distro does not have ia32-libs, you'll have to go Multiarch.


Check #4 and #5 on this post: http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=277883#p277883


Hope this helps someone.




You may need to update SDK tools. Relaunch Android SDK Manager again and install a new item: Android SDK Build-tools.

您可能需要更新SDK工具。重新启动Android SDK管理器并安装一个新项目:Android SDK构建工具。




I had this problem as well. It turned out that I had inadvertently deleted the "app_name" string resource from the strings.xml file, which was causing a silent error. Once I added it back, the R class was generated successfully and everything was back up and running.




You may need to update/install SDK tools. Relaunch Android SDK Manager again and install a new item: Android SDK Build-tools.one by one delete,fix which one work for you.R不能解决——Android错误。

您可能需要更新/安装SDK工具。重新启动Android SDK管理器并安装一个新项目:Android SDK构建工具。一个一个删除,修正一个为你工作。



Try to make your new XML layout file name lower case. For example, use my_file.xml instead of myFile.xml.




Yet another reason R.java might not get autogenerated is if you have directories like res/drawable-hdpi, res/drawable-mdpi, or res/drawable-ldpi.


1.6+ seems to be OK with these directories, but 1.5 doesn't want them. When I removed those directories, R.java started autogenerating for me again.




Unfortunately none of the existing questions helped. Since my problem seems platform specific, this may only work if you are on Ubuntu 64 Bit (I am currently using Ubuntu 12). At first I did not see the "Problems" Window, which already hinted a solution, that on 64 Bit Environment you need the 32 Bit libs, which may be missing:

不幸的是,现有的问题都没有得到帮助。因为我的问题似乎是针对特定平台的,所以这可能只适用于你在Ubuntu 64位上(我目前正在使用Ubuntu 12)。起初,我没有看到“问题”窗口,它已经暗示了一个解决方案,在64位环境中,您需要32位的libs,这可能会丢失:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

sudo apt-get安装ia32-libs

I installed the package and rebuild my project, which fixed the issue for me.




restart your computer.
Nothing helped me except this way




Just go to Android Top menu list. click on Build Menu, in under Build click on Rebuild Project.





I had the examples of Android 8 and was trying to use Android 7 SDK. When I closed the project and reopened the application folder and chose to use Android 8 SDK, it was able to find the R file. Hope this helps.

我有Android 8的例子,正在尝试使用Android 7 SDK。当我关闭项目并重新打开应用程序文件夹并选择使用Android 8 SDK时,它能够找到R文件。希望这个有帮助。



In my case, I had an error in my AndroidManifest.xml. Others have said that your XML files must be free from errors, but I was only looking in the res/ folder. Find and fix as many possible errors and the problem may well resolve itself.




Often times this is because of the MinSDK version number you supplied when creating the project. Example:


If you want 2.1 to be the minimum, Android 2.1 is actually API Level 7.

如果你想让2.1成为最小值,那么Android 2.1实际上就是API级别7。

You can see what I am talking about when you browse the SDK you downloaded and installed. Navigate to the place you installed the SDK to (C:\android-sdk-windows for example) and open the folder named "platforms". You will see something like "android-7" listed as a folder, and if you open that there is a source.properties file that, when opened with a text editor, will show you the corresponding platform version.


When you create a project, and you must select a "Build Target" API, the last column in that list named "API Level" shows the number you are looking for when populating the MinSDK setting.


This is probably one of the most common mistakes that results in the R.java file not being created under Project > gen > packagename > R.java.

这可能是导致R的最常见的错误之一。java文件不是在> gen > packagename > .java项目下创建的。



Remove main.out.xml. I'm new to this and don't yet know what this file is used for, but removing it cleared the problem.
