Is there any Sandbox mode or Test Account SDK for CCAvenue PG in android?
android中有CCAvenue PG的沙箱模式或测试账号SDK吗?
If Yes then provide any Link or tell me the other way to implement CCAvenue PG in my App as a Test Account.
如果是,那么提供任何链接或告诉我另一种方式实现CCAvenue PG在我的应用作为一个测试帐户。
I've tried everything including Docs and Integration kit by CCAvenue but they are asking for MerchantID and Access code which will be provided after paying for the Merchant Account.
我试过了所有的东西,包括CCAvenue提供的Docs和Integration kit,但是他们要的是适销商品和访问代码,这些代码将在支付商户账户后提供。
I just want to get a sandbox or test account for my App.
They provided me a Link for the Docs and I want to implement Seamless Account for my App.
Link for the Docs & Kit:-
Any help would be Appreciated.
1 个解决方案
I hope it works
You have to implement your own class with the codes given in the kit and just have to call via intent and pass the required params. for test account contact CCAvenue team for test merchant ID and RSA URL.
您必须使用工具包中给出的代码实现自己的类,并且只需通过意图调用并传递所需的参数。为测试帐户联系CCAvenue团队测试商户ID和RSA URL。
I hope it works
You have to implement your own class with the codes given in the kit and just have to call via intent and pass the required params. for test account contact CCAvenue team for test merchant ID and RSA URL.
您必须使用工具包中给出的代码实现自己的类,并且只需通过意图调用并传递所需的参数。为测试帐户联系CCAvenue团队测试商户ID和RSA URL。