我如何将Apache Spark与Play Framework集成以实时显示预测?

时间:2021-11-25 20:53:29

I'm doing some testing with Apache Spark, for my final project in college. I have a data set that I use to generate a decision tree, and make some predictions on new data.

我正在用Apache Spark进行一些测试,这是我在大学的最后一个项目。我有一个数据集,用于生成决策树,并对新数据进行一些预测。

In the future, I think to use this project into production, where I would generate a decision tree (batch processing), and through a web interface or a mobile application receives new data, making the prediction of the class of that entry, and inform the result instantly to the user. And also go storing these new entries for after a while generating a new decision tree (batch processing), and repeat this process continuously.


Despite the Apache Spark have the purpose of performing batch processing, there is the streaming API that allows you to receive real-time data, and in my application this data will only be used by a model built in a batch process with a decision tree, and how the prediction is quite fast, it allows the user to have the answer quickly.

尽管Apache Spark的目的是执行批处理,但是有一个流API可以让您接收实时数据,而在我的应用程序中,这些数据只能由一个带有决策树的批处理中构建的模型使用,以及预测如何快速,它允许用户快速得到答案。

My question is what are the best ways to integrate Apache Spark with a web application (plan to use the Play Framework scala version)?

我的问题是什么是将Apache Spark与Web应用程序集成的最佳方法(计划使用Play Framework scala版本)?

4 个解决方案


One of the issues you will run into with Spark is it takes some time to start up and build a SparkContext. If you want to do Spark queries via web calls, it will not be practical to fire up spark-submit every time. Instead, you will want to turn your driver application (these terms will make more sense later) into an RPC server.


In my application I am embedding a web server (http4s) so I can do XmlHttpRequests in JavaScript to directly query my application, which will return JSON objects.



Spark is a fast large scale data processing platform. The key here is large scale data. In most cases, the time to process that data will not be sufficiently fast to meet the expectations of your average web app user. It is far better practice to perform the processing offline and write the results of your Spark processing to e.g a database. Your web app can then efficiently retrieve those results by querying that database.


That being said, spark job server server provides a REST api for submitting Spark jobs.

话虽这么说,spark job服务器服务器提供了一个REST api来提交Spark作业。


Spark (< v1.6) uses Akka underneath. So does Play. You should be able to write a Spark action as an actor that communicates with a receiving actor in the Play system (that you also write).

Spark( )使用下面的akka。>

You can let Akka worry about de/serialization, which will work as long as both systems have the same class definitions on their classpaths.

你可以让Akka担心de / serialization,只要两个系统在类路径上都有相同的类定义,它就会起作用。

If you want to go further than that, you can write Akka Streams code that tees the data stream to your Play application.

如果您想要更进一步,可以编写Akka Streams代码,将数据流发送到您的Play应用程序。


check this link out, you need to run spark in local mode (on your web server) and the offline ML model should be saved in S3 so you can access the model then from web app and cache the model jut once and you will be having spark context running in local mode continuously .



Also another approach is to use Livy (REST API calls on spark)

另一种方法是使用Livy(REST API调用spark)


the s3 option is the way forward i guess, if the batch model changes you need to refresh the website cache (down time) for few minutes.


look into these links




Thanks Sri


One of the issues you will run into with Spark is it takes some time to start up and build a SparkContext. If you want to do Spark queries via web calls, it will not be practical to fire up spark-submit every time. Instead, you will want to turn your driver application (these terms will make more sense later) into an RPC server.


In my application I am embedding a web server (http4s) so I can do XmlHttpRequests in JavaScript to directly query my application, which will return JSON objects.



Spark is a fast large scale data processing platform. The key here is large scale data. In most cases, the time to process that data will not be sufficiently fast to meet the expectations of your average web app user. It is far better practice to perform the processing offline and write the results of your Spark processing to e.g a database. Your web app can then efficiently retrieve those results by querying that database.


That being said, spark job server server provides a REST api for submitting Spark jobs.

话虽这么说,spark job服务器服务器提供了一个REST api来提交Spark作业。


Spark (< v1.6) uses Akka underneath. So does Play. You should be able to write a Spark action as an actor that communicates with a receiving actor in the Play system (that you also write).

Spark( )使用下面的akka。>

You can let Akka worry about de/serialization, which will work as long as both systems have the same class definitions on their classpaths.

你可以让Akka担心de / serialization,只要两个系统在类路径上都有相同的类定义,它就会起作用。

If you want to go further than that, you can write Akka Streams code that tees the data stream to your Play application.

如果您想要更进一步,可以编写Akka Streams代码,将数据流发送到您的Play应用程序。


check this link out, you need to run spark in local mode (on your web server) and the offline ML model should be saved in S3 so you can access the model then from web app and cache the model jut once and you will be having spark context running in local mode continuously .



Also another approach is to use Livy (REST API calls on spark)

另一种方法是使用Livy(REST API调用spark)


the s3 option is the way forward i guess, if the batch model changes you need to refresh the website cache (down time) for few minutes.


look into these links




Thanks Sri