在Spark 2.x上的Cloudera Hive ?

时间:2021-12-11 20:49:39

Looking at this:



https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/spark2/latest/topics/spark2_known_issues.html hive_on_spark

To summarize, it says Hive doesn't work on Spark 2.x in Cloudera.

总而言之,它说Hive在Spark 2上不起作用。Cloudera x。

However, I assume Hive does run on Spark 2.x in other distributions. Has anyone configured CDH 5.10.x or higher to run Hive on Spark 2.x?

但是,我假设Hive是在Spark 2上运行的。x在其他发行版。有人配置了CDH 5.10吗?在Spark 2.x上运行Hive的x或更高?

Is Spark 2.x a big leap forward from Spark 1.6?

是火花2。从Spark 1.6一跃成为一个*?

1 个解决方案



The latest released version of Hive as of now is 2.1.x and it does not support Spark 2.x (see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-14029). When Hive version 2.2.0 is released it will support Spark 2.x.

到目前为止,最新发布的Hive版本是2.1。它不支持Spark 2。x(见https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/hive - 14029)。当Hive版本2.2.0发布时,它将支持Spark 2.x。



The latest released version of Hive as of now is 2.1.x and it does not support Spark 2.x (see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-14029). When Hive version 2.2.0 is released it will support Spark 2.x.

到目前为止,最新发布的Hive版本是2.1。它不支持Spark 2。x(见https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/hive - 14029)。当Hive版本2.2.0发布时,它将支持Spark 2.x。