如何创建IIS 7模块接口?

时间:2022-05-16 20:50:19

I have had many requests come in to a project that I work on, to include an IIS 7 module interface.

我有很多请求进入我工作的项目,包括一个IIS 7模块接口。

Does anybody know of any resources for creating an IIS 7.0 module interface?

有没有人知道创建IIS 7.0模块接口的任何资源?

I have searched http://www.iis.net and I have not really found a good article on the basics of how to create an IIS 7.0 module interface.

我搜索过http://www.iis.net,我还没有找到关于如何创建IIS 7.0模块接口的基础知识的好文章。

It can be for any programing article on how to create a module interface for IIS 7.0 (Windows 2008) or IIS 7.5 (Windows 2008 R2).

它可以用于任何有关如何为IIS 7.0(Windows 2008)或IIS 7.5(Windows 2008 R2)创建模块接口的编程文章。

I found a couple sources, has anybody found anything that is better or more descriptive on the programming side?


2 个解决方案


Scroll down to "Step 3 - Creating the Image Copyright UI Module" of this article: http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/168/an-end-to-end-extensibility-example-for-iis-70-developers/

向下滚动到本文的“步骤3 - 创建图像版权UI模块”:http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/168/an-end-to-end-extensibility-example-for-iis- 70开发商/

It provides a step-by-step on creating a GUI for configuring a custom IIS 7 module.

它提供了创建用于配置自定义IIS 7模块的GUI的分步骤。



Scroll down to "Step 3 - Creating the Image Copyright UI Module" of this article: http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/168/an-end-to-end-extensibility-example-for-iis-70-developers/

向下滚动到本文的“步骤3 - 创建图像版权UI模块”:http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/168/an-end-to-end-extensibility-example-for-iis- 70开发商/

It provides a step-by-step on creating a GUI for configuring a custom IIS 7 module.

它提供了创建用于配置自定义IIS 7模块的GUI的分步骤。
