
时间:2021-02-24 20:51:56

Can we create an object of a class inside another class in php?I hav made a small application in php,now I am trying to convert the entire code in a class-methods-object fashion.I m now Confused.


5 个解决方案



Yes you can, but that increases code coupling and makes testing harder.
I'd suggest creating it outside the class and pass it as an argument (it is called Dependency Injection).


class Foo

class Bar
  public function __construct(Foo $foo)
    $this->foo = $foo;

$foo = new Foo();
$bar = new Bar($foo);



You you can do that, but whether you should depends on the lifetime of the two classes and their relation to each other. Basically, you have the choice between Composition and Aggregation.



You use Composition when the created object has a lifetime equal or less than the object that will use it, e.g.


class A 
    private $belongsToAOnly;

    public function __construct()
        $this->belongsToAOnly = new IBelongToA;

In this case A "owns" IBelongToA. When A is destroyed, IBelongToA is destroyed too. It cannot live on it's own and is likely just an implementation detail of A. It could be a ValueObject like Money or some other Data Type.


From Craig Larman's "Applying UML and Patterns":


the composite is responsible for creation and deletion of it's parts - either by itself creating/deleting the parts, or by collaborating with other objects. Related to this constraint is that if the composite is destroyed, its parts must be destroyed, or attached to another composite"



You use Aggregation when the lifetime of the created object is longer:


class A 
    private $dbAdapter;

    public function __construct(DbAdapter $dbAdapter)
        $this->dbAdapter = $dbAdapter;

Unlike with Composition, there is no implication of ownership here. A uses DbAdapter but when A is destroyed DBAdapter lives on. It's a "uses" relationship instead of an "owns" relationship.


Creator Pattern (GRASP)

A good heuristic to decide when an object may create another object at runtime can be found in the Creator Pattern in GRASP which states that objects may create other objects when


  • Instances of B contains or compositely aggregates instances of A
  • B的实例包含或合成了A的实例。
  • Instances of B record instances of A
  • B的实例记录了A的实例
  • Instances of B closely use instances of A
  • B的实例密切使用A的实例
  • Instances of B have the initializing information for instances of A and pass it on creation.
  • B的实例具有A的实例的初始化信息,并在创建时传递它。

Alternatively, you can create Factories whenever you need to create instances of something and aggregate the factory instances, which will give you a cleaner separation of collaborators and creators.



An issue stemming from creating objects within objects is that they are difficult to test. When you do unit-testing, you usually do not want to recreate and bootstrap the entire system environment but concentrate on testing just that particular class in isolation. To do that, you swap out dependencies of that class with Mock Objects. You cannot do that when you use Composition.


So depending on what the collaborators of a class do, you might want to decide to always use Aggregation, because then you are effectively doing Dependency Injection all the way, which will allow you to swap out collaborators of a class easily, for instance to replace them with Mocks.




yes you can do it ..


here is one example..


    class a{
        public function function_1(){
           echo "b";

     include_once ("a.php");
     class b{
        public function function_b(){
             $a = new a;
      $b= new b;



Yes, you can also define a function in a class. You can do everything in a class in php, please post your code where you confused.


Examples: Object in a class.


class Foo
   public $bar; // another object!

   public __construct()
      $this->bar = new Bar();

(global)Function in a class


    class Foo
        public function __construct()
            function __construct()
                echo "Yes, I'm a global function!";

    new Foo();




Yes, you can create an object from a specific class from inside another class.


class SomeClass{

class SomeOtherClass {
     function hello(){
         $o = new SomeClass;



Yes you can, but that increases code coupling and makes testing harder.
I'd suggest creating it outside the class and pass it as an argument (it is called Dependency Injection).


class Foo

class Bar
  public function __construct(Foo $foo)
    $this->foo = $foo;

$foo = new Foo();
$bar = new Bar($foo);



You you can do that, but whether you should depends on the lifetime of the two classes and their relation to each other. Basically, you have the choice between Composition and Aggregation.



You use Composition when the created object has a lifetime equal or less than the object that will use it, e.g.


class A 
    private $belongsToAOnly;

    public function __construct()
        $this->belongsToAOnly = new IBelongToA;

In this case A "owns" IBelongToA. When A is destroyed, IBelongToA is destroyed too. It cannot live on it's own and is likely just an implementation detail of A. It could be a ValueObject like Money or some other Data Type.


From Craig Larman's "Applying UML and Patterns":


the composite is responsible for creation and deletion of it's parts - either by itself creating/deleting the parts, or by collaborating with other objects. Related to this constraint is that if the composite is destroyed, its parts must be destroyed, or attached to another composite"



You use Aggregation when the lifetime of the created object is longer:


class A 
    private $dbAdapter;

    public function __construct(DbAdapter $dbAdapter)
        $this->dbAdapter = $dbAdapter;

Unlike with Composition, there is no implication of ownership here. A uses DbAdapter but when A is destroyed DBAdapter lives on. It's a "uses" relationship instead of an "owns" relationship.


Creator Pattern (GRASP)

A good heuristic to decide when an object may create another object at runtime can be found in the Creator Pattern in GRASP which states that objects may create other objects when


  • Instances of B contains or compositely aggregates instances of A
  • B的实例包含或合成了A的实例。
  • Instances of B record instances of A
  • B的实例记录了A的实例
  • Instances of B closely use instances of A
  • B的实例密切使用A的实例
  • Instances of B have the initializing information for instances of A and pass it on creation.
  • B的实例具有A的实例的初始化信息,并在创建时传递它。

Alternatively, you can create Factories whenever you need to create instances of something and aggregate the factory instances, which will give you a cleaner separation of collaborators and creators.



An issue stemming from creating objects within objects is that they are difficult to test. When you do unit-testing, you usually do not want to recreate and bootstrap the entire system environment but concentrate on testing just that particular class in isolation. To do that, you swap out dependencies of that class with Mock Objects. You cannot do that when you use Composition.


So depending on what the collaborators of a class do, you might want to decide to always use Aggregation, because then you are effectively doing Dependency Injection all the way, which will allow you to swap out collaborators of a class easily, for instance to replace them with Mocks.




yes you can do it ..


here is one example..


    class a{
        public function function_1(){
           echo "b";

     include_once ("a.php");
     class b{
        public function function_b(){
             $a = new a;
      $b= new b;



Yes, you can also define a function in a class. You can do everything in a class in php, please post your code where you confused.


Examples: Object in a class.


class Foo
   public $bar; // another object!

   public __construct()
      $this->bar = new Bar();

(global)Function in a class


    class Foo
        public function __construct()
            function __construct()
                echo "Yes, I'm a global function!";

    new Foo();




Yes, you can create an object from a specific class from inside another class.


class SomeClass{

class SomeOtherClass {
     function hello(){
         $o = new SomeClass;