学习Nunjucks (Jinja2)如何正确地将JSON数据传递给视图?

时间:2021-11-20 20:46:39

I'm learning how to nunjucks and I understand how to use templates but cannot properly figure out how to insert data from json objects.


Here is my attempt I was able to hard code it into the template itself as a variable. But how can I source it from an external source out side of the template?


学习Nunjucks (Jinja2)如何正确地将JSON数据传递给视图?

2 个解决方案



Pass the required parameters when calling Nunjucks.render, like this:


nunjucks.render("items.html", { items: [ ... ] });

items will be available on top of the default foo variable set globally. In the template (items.html) you can simply access items like you do now (just remove the declaration of items from the .html.




nunjucks escapes html by default you have to tell it explicitly that you input is "safe" using the safe filter. Let say your JSON string is in myData and you wanted to use it as a javascript variable myVar you would write in your template:


var myVar = {{ myData | safe }};



Pass the required parameters when calling Nunjucks.render, like this:


nunjucks.render("items.html", { items: [ ... ] });

items will be available on top of the default foo variable set globally. In the template (items.html) you can simply access items like you do now (just remove the declaration of items from the .html.




nunjucks escapes html by default you have to tell it explicitly that you input is "safe" using the safe filter. Let say your JSON string is in myData and you wanted to use it as a javascript variable myVar you would write in your template:


var myVar = {{ myData | safe }};