
时间:2022-08-31 20:47:19

I'm having problems creating a function that creates two separate linked lists in C.


In my program, the user enters an equation such as 7 + 9 * 8, character by character, the program then makes lists with them.

在我的程序中,用户逐字符地输入诸如7 + 9 * 8的等式,然后程序用它们制作列表。

The code is as follows: (Where place is where is should be in the list and data is the number/operator itself. Both come from another part of the program)


struct trees {

    char data;
    int posicion;
    struct trees *next;
    struct trees *childI;
    struct trees *childD;


    struct trees *root;
    struct trees *operador_uno;
    struct trees *numero_uno;

    char *numeros;
    char *operadores;
    int num, num_operadores;

void crearLista(int place, char data) {

    int i;

    struct trees *temp1 = (struct trees *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct trees));

    temp1->data = data;

    if(place == 0) {
        if((data == '/') || (data == '*') || (data == '+') || (data == '-')){
            temp1->next = operador_uno;
            operador_uno = temp1;
        else {
            temp1->next = numero_uno;
            numero_uno = temp1;


    else {

        struct trees *temp2;

        if((data == '/') || (data == '*') || (data == '+') || (data == '-')) {
            struct trees *temp2 = operador_uno;
        else {
            struct trees *temp2 = numero_uno;

        for(i = 0; i < place - 1; i++) {
            temp2 = temp2->next; // [CRASH]

        temp1->next = temp2->next;
        temp2->next = temp1; // [CRASH]


    for(i = 0; i < place && place != 0; i++) {
        struct trees *temp1 = operador_uno;
        temp1 = temp1->next;

    for(i = 0; i < place + 1; i++) {
        struct trees *temp2 = numero_uno;
        temp2 = temp2->next;


I identified through a tonne of printf statements that it will add the first number in the equation to the list successfully, how it does not add the first operator and with the second number the program crashes altogether.


The crashing problem appears to occur in the places I have written [CRASH], when I put temp2->next = temp1.

崩溃的问题似乎发生在我写的地方[CRASH],当我把temp2-> next = temp1。

Any help greatly appreciated!


1 个解决方案



maybe not the only issue but:


    struct trees *temp2;

    if((data == '/') || (data == '*') || (data == '+') || (data == '-')) {
        struct trees *temp2 = operador_uno;  // not the same "temp2" as above
    else {
        struct trees *temp2 = numero_uno;  // not the same "temp2" as above

    for(i = 0; i < place - 1; i++) {
        temp2 = temp2->next; // [CRASH] because temp2 isn't initialized

struct trees *temp2 = operador_uno; is shadowing temp2 declared in the outer scope. So the outer temp2 is never initialized, your initialization sets a value to a variable that goes out of scope.

struct trees * temp2 = operador_uno;是在外部范围内声明的影子temp2。因此,外部temp2永远不会被初始化,您的初始化会将值设置为超出范围的变量。

So remove struct trees * so the same temp2 variable is used (and initialised), like this (I'd prefer a ternary expression, though):


 if((data == '/') || (data == '*') || (data == '+') || (data == '-')) 
    temp2 = operador_uno;
    temp2 = numero_uno;

And turn on compiler warnings which would have told you that:


  • you're using the outer temp2 uninitialized
  • 你正在使用外部temp2未初始化

  • you're not using the inner temp2 variables
  • 你没有使用内部temp2变量



maybe not the only issue but:


    struct trees *temp2;

    if((data == '/') || (data == '*') || (data == '+') || (data == '-')) {
        struct trees *temp2 = operador_uno;  // not the same "temp2" as above
    else {
        struct trees *temp2 = numero_uno;  // not the same "temp2" as above

    for(i = 0; i < place - 1; i++) {
        temp2 = temp2->next; // [CRASH] because temp2 isn't initialized

struct trees *temp2 = operador_uno; is shadowing temp2 declared in the outer scope. So the outer temp2 is never initialized, your initialization sets a value to a variable that goes out of scope.

struct trees * temp2 = operador_uno;是在外部范围内声明的影子temp2。因此,外部temp2永远不会被初始化,您的初始化会将值设置为超出范围的变量。

So remove struct trees * so the same temp2 variable is used (and initialised), like this (I'd prefer a ternary expression, though):


 if((data == '/') || (data == '*') || (data == '+') || (data == '-')) 
    temp2 = operador_uno;
    temp2 = numero_uno;

And turn on compiler warnings which would have told you that:


  • you're using the outer temp2 uninitialized
  • 你正在使用外部temp2未初始化

  • you're not using the inner temp2 variables
  • 你没有使用内部temp2变量