在这种情况下如何使用Rails helper link_to RESTfully?

时间:2021-09-14 20:50:14

I basically want to use link_to to link to the index method of a controller. I tried:


<%= link_to 'Recipes', Recipe %> 

but that outputs:


<a href="/recipes/Recipe">Recipes</a>

Which is clearly not right, if it left off that last bit it would do exactly what I want it to. I thought that with RESTful stuff I somehow would start to leave out the action or something like that. What am I misunderstanding?


1 个解决方案



With the restful routes, the majority of the time you're expected to call a helper method to generate the route.



link_to 'Recipes', recipes_path

There is an optimization where you can just pass in a recipe object, and it will call the helper method for you behind the scenes: eg:


link_to 'Recipe X', @recipe

is the same as


link_to 'Recipe X', recipe_path(@recipe)

However, it's just a special case.


What you are doing is passing The recipe class itself, not a valid recipe object. As rails doesn't know to handle this, as a fallback it just calls .to_s on whatever you've given it, and then gives that to recipe_path, which is why you see the strange URL.


Tip: Use the _path helper methods rather than the _url methods.

_url gives you a full URL such as http://*.com/recipes/5 whereas _path just gives you /recipes/5.
The problem with the full URL is that a lot of the time in production your rails app is running as a mongrel sitting behind a load balancer, so it thinks it's host name is actually (or whatever the internal LAN IP is) rather than the real URL, and so will serve broken links.

_url为您提供完整的URL,例如http://*.com/recipes/5,而_path只提供/ recipes / 5。完整URL的问题在于,生产rails应用程序的大部分时间都是作为坐在负载均衡器后面的杂种运行,因此它认为它的主机名实际上是1.2.3.4(或者内部LAN IP)而不是真正的URL,因此将提供断开的链接。



With the restful routes, the majority of the time you're expected to call a helper method to generate the route.



link_to 'Recipes', recipes_path

There is an optimization where you can just pass in a recipe object, and it will call the helper method for you behind the scenes: eg:


link_to 'Recipe X', @recipe

is the same as


link_to 'Recipe X', recipe_path(@recipe)

However, it's just a special case.


What you are doing is passing The recipe class itself, not a valid recipe object. As rails doesn't know to handle this, as a fallback it just calls .to_s on whatever you've given it, and then gives that to recipe_path, which is why you see the strange URL.


Tip: Use the _path helper methods rather than the _url methods.

_url gives you a full URL such as http://*.com/recipes/5 whereas _path just gives you /recipes/5.
The problem with the full URL is that a lot of the time in production your rails app is running as a mongrel sitting behind a load balancer, so it thinks it's host name is actually (or whatever the internal LAN IP is) rather than the real URL, and so will serve broken links.

_url为您提供完整的URL,例如http://*.com/recipes/5,而_path只提供/ recipes / 5。完整URL的问题在于,生产rails应用程序的大部分时间都是作为坐在负载均衡器后面的杂种运行,因此它认为它的主机名实际上是1.2.3.4(或者内部LAN IP)而不是真正的URL,因此将提供断开的链接。