
时间:2022-12-27 20:46:55
> rvm list
rvm rubies

=* ruby-1.9.2-p290 [ i686 ]
   ruby-1.9.3-p194 [ i686 ]

> rails -v
Rails 3.1.1

Related, but didn't answer: Is there a Rails Console command (Rails 3+) to reload changed code?

相关,但没有回答:是否有Rails控制台命令(Rails 3+)重新加载更改的代码?

I'm using the Rails console to try and figure out why a method in my model isn't being called. The model is in ./app/models/product.rb. I'm changing a method from being called as self.trim_history to trim_history. I'm still wrapping my head around when to call a method as self.do_stuff or just do_stuff.


Well in the course of figuring this out I've run into a problem with reload!. My understanding was that reload! would load all the models and controllers again, but that doesn't seem to be working. When I debug my code, the line that I've changed to be do_stuff is still showing as self.do_stuff in the debugger.


I've attempted to solve this with reload!, no fix. I've reloaded the object from the database after reloading, no fix. I've loaded the model directly with load './app/models/product.rb', then loaded the object from the db, no fix. I've verified that the object is being changed with tail.


What's the best way to reload a model in the rails console? Do I have to re-start the console every time my model code changes? Is there some way to just dump all of the existing models and their code without reloading the console?


Edit: this got stranger. I now suspect that my code is being reloaded but the debugger is not reflecting the new code. When I step through the code, the old code is there, but the new code is being executed. I tested this by adding a raise -- the raise never shows in the debugger but it is raised. Wat?

编辑:这个变得陌生。我现在怀疑我的代码正在重新加载,但调试器没有反映新代码。当我单步执行代码时,旧代码就在那里,但新代码正在执行。我通过添加一个加注来测试它 - 加注从未在调试器中显示但是它被提升了。笏?

Is there something I need to do with the debugger to get it to see the reloaded code? This looks like a bug...

我是否需要使用调试器来查看重新加载的代码?这看起来像个bug ...

1 个解决方案



reload! doesn't reinitialize existing objects, it just reloads the code. If you create a new instance of the class it should reflect the changes.




reload! doesn't reinitialize existing objects, it just reloads the code. If you create a new instance of the class it should reflect the changes.
