
时间:2021-12-24 01:15:19

In PHP I have the following code:


  $var = .000021;
  echo $var;

the output is 2.1E-5 !

输出是2.1E-5 !

Why? it should print .000021


7 个解决方案



Use number_format() to get what you're after:


print number_format($var, 5);

Also check sprintf()




2.1E-5 is the same number as 0.000021. That's how it prints numbers below 0.001. Use printf() if you want it in a particular format.


Edit If you're not familiar with the 2.1E-5 syntax, you should know it is shorthand for 2.1×10-5. It is how most programming languages represent numbers in scientific notation.

2.1 e-5编辑如果你不熟悉语法,你应该知道,简称2.1×纯。它是大多数编程语言用科学符号表示数字的方式。



In general, a number is a number, not a string, and this means that any programming language treats a number as a number. Thus, the number by itself doesn't imply any specific format (like using .000021 instead of 2.1e-5). This is nothing different to displaying a number with leading zeros (like 0.000021) or aligning lists of numbers. This is a general issue you'll find in any programming language: if you want a specific format you need to specify it, using the format functions of your programming language.


Unless you specify the number as string and convert it to a real number when needed, of course. Some languages can do this implicitly.




Use number_format or sprintf if you want to see the number as you expect.


echo sprintf('%f', $var);
echo number_format($var, 6);



To show a number up to 8 decimal spaces, without extra zeroes to the right (as number_format does, which can be annoying), use this:


echo rtrim(rtrim(sprintf('%.8F', $var), '0'), ".");

回声空白(空白(sprintf(%。8 f ',$ var),“0”),“。”);



Programming languages have different methods for storing numbers in memory. This is determined by the type of number that is being used. In your case, you have a floating point number (a fraction) that is to large to be stored as a fixed point number ( fractions are stored in this manner depending on their size).


This is a very important feature especially when working with very large or very small numbers. For instance, NASA or spaceX uses special storage methods for its calculations to ensure that the rockets the re-enter earths orbit land where they should.


Also, different storage methods take up different amounts of memory. However, the solution provided above should work. Just remember round off errors might occur with very big or small numbers.




$var = .000021;
echo $var; // 2.1E-5
echo "\n";
$var = '.000021';
echo $var; // .000021

Define your number as a string to avoid auto-casting when used in string context (i.e. echo)




Use number_format() to get what you're after:


print number_format($var, 5);

Also check sprintf()




2.1E-5 is the same number as 0.000021. That's how it prints numbers below 0.001. Use printf() if you want it in a particular format.


Edit If you're not familiar with the 2.1E-5 syntax, you should know it is shorthand for 2.1×10-5. It is how most programming languages represent numbers in scientific notation.

2.1 e-5编辑如果你不熟悉语法,你应该知道,简称2.1×纯。它是大多数编程语言用科学符号表示数字的方式。



In general, a number is a number, not a string, and this means that any programming language treats a number as a number. Thus, the number by itself doesn't imply any specific format (like using .000021 instead of 2.1e-5). This is nothing different to displaying a number with leading zeros (like 0.000021) or aligning lists of numbers. This is a general issue you'll find in any programming language: if you want a specific format you need to specify it, using the format functions of your programming language.


Unless you specify the number as string and convert it to a real number when needed, of course. Some languages can do this implicitly.




Use number_format or sprintf if you want to see the number as you expect.


echo sprintf('%f', $var);
echo number_format($var, 6);



To show a number up to 8 decimal spaces, without extra zeroes to the right (as number_format does, which can be annoying), use this:


echo rtrim(rtrim(sprintf('%.8F', $var), '0'), ".");

回声空白(空白(sprintf(%。8 f ',$ var),“0”),“。”);



Programming languages have different methods for storing numbers in memory. This is determined by the type of number that is being used. In your case, you have a floating point number (a fraction) that is to large to be stored as a fixed point number ( fractions are stored in this manner depending on their size).


This is a very important feature especially when working with very large or very small numbers. For instance, NASA or spaceX uses special storage methods for its calculations to ensure that the rockets the re-enter earths orbit land where they should.


Also, different storage methods take up different amounts of memory. However, the solution provided above should work. Just remember round off errors might occur with very big or small numbers.




$var = .000021;
echo $var; // 2.1E-5
echo "\n";
$var = '.000021';
echo $var; // .000021

Define your number as a string to avoid auto-casting when used in string context (i.e. echo)
