
时间:2020-12-05 20:46:37

I'm aware I can call out to Active Directory and do queries provided I have a cleartext username and password. (I don't want to do that)

我知道我可以呼叫Active Directory并进行查询,前提是我有一个明文用户名和密码。 (我不想这样做)

In VB, I can set authorisation levels by NT group - and the user doesn't have to enter their password nor, store it in a text file. (My understanding is that this has access to the Windows AD ticket).

在VB中,我可以按NT组设置授权级别 - 用户不必输入密码,也不能将其存储在文本文件中。 (我的理解是,它可以访问Windows AD票证)。

How can I get the kerberos ticket from the user's logged in session in windows? (without asking for a username and password).

如何从用户在Windows中登录的会话中获取kerberos票证? (不要求用户名和密码)。

This appears to get there: Java and Kerberos authentication krb5.conf versus System.setProperty But doesn't get the ticket.


(It is beginning to sound like I'll have to call the Win32 API with JNA to get the kerberos ticket - I'm hoping there is a simpler way.)

(听起来好像我必须用JNA调用Win32 API来获取kerberos票 - 我希望有一种更简单的方法。)

1 个解决方案



You should start with this one. It will guide your through the steps to obtain a service ticket for a specific server. Beware that the client machine and account have to part of the domain.




You should start with this one. It will guide your through the steps to obtain a service ticket for a specific server. Beware that the client machine and account have to part of the domain.
