如何将默认的bash / zsh模式设置为vi命令模式而不是vi insert模式?

时间:2022-02-15 20:45:54

So in my bash/zsh terminals I have the set -o vi. But then I need to press ESC to get into command mode. I can't figure out how I could make that command mode the default behavior?

所以在我的bash / zsh终端中我有set -o vi。但后来我需要按ESC进入命令模式。我无法弄清楚如何使该命令模式成为默认行为?

1 个解决方案



You can achieve that behaviour with 'xdotool'. Install it and add this to your ~/.bashrc then

您可以使用'xdotool'实现该行为。安装它然后将其添加到〜/ .bashrc中

set -o vi
xdotool key Escape



You can achieve that behaviour with 'xdotool'. Install it and add this to your ~/.bashrc then

您可以使用'xdotool'实现该行为。安装它然后将其添加到〜/ .bashrc中

set -o vi
xdotool key Escape