
时间:2021-09-01 20:44:58

How can I start an interactive console for Perl, similar to the irb command for Ruby or python for Python?


22 个解决方案



You can use the perl debugger on a trivial program, like so:


perl -de1

Alternatively there's Alexis Sukrieh's Perl Console application, but I haven't used it.

或者有Alexis Sukrieh的Perl控制台应用程序,但是我还没有使用它。



Not only did Matt Trout write an article about a REPL, he actually wrote one - Devel::REPL


I've used it a bit and it works fairly well, and it's under active development.


BTW, I have no idea why someone modded down the person who mentioned using "perl -e" from the console. This isn't really a REPL, true, but it's fantastically useful, and I use it all the time.

顺便说一下,我不知道为什么有人会把使用“perl -e”的人从控制台调下来。这不是真的回购,是真的,但它非常有用,我一直在用它。



I wrote a script I call "psh":


#! /usr/bin/perl

while (<>) {
  my $result = eval;
  print "$_ = $result\n";

Whatever you type in, it evaluates in Perl:


> gmtime(2**30)
gmtime(2**30) = Sat Jan 10 13:37:04 2004

> $x = 'foo'
$x = 'foo' = foo

> $x =~ s/o/a/g
$x =~ s/o/a/g = 2

> $x
$x = faa



I think you're asking about a REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop) interface to perl. There are a few ways to do this:


  • Matt Trout has an article that describes how to write one
  • Matt Trout有一篇文章描述了如何写
  • Adriano Ferreira has described some options
  • 阿德里亚诺·费雷拉描述了一些选择
  • and finally, you can hop on IRC at irc.perl.org and try out one of the eval bots in many of the popular channels. They will evaluate chunks of perl that you pass to them.
  • 最后,您可以在IRC .perl.org上跳上IRC,在许多流行的频道中尝试使用eval机器人。它们将计算您传递给它们的perl块。



I use the command line as a console:


$ perl -e 'print "JAPH\n"'

Then I can use my bash history to get back old commands. This does not preserve state, however.


This form is most useful when you want to test "one little thing" (like when answering Perl questions). Often, I find these commands get scraped verbatim into a shell script or makefile.




You can always just drop into the built-in debugger and run commands from there.


   perl -d -e 1



There isn't an interactive console for Perl built in like Python does. You can however use the Perl Debugger to do debugging related things. You turn it on with the -d option, but you might want to check out 'man perldebug' to learn about it.

没有像Python那样为Perl构建一个交互式控制台。但是,您可以使用Perl调试器来调试相关的东西。您可以使用-d选项打开它,但是您可能想要查看“man perldebug”以了解它。

After a bit of googling, there is a separate project that implements a Perl console which you can find at http://www.sukria.net/perlconsole.html.


Hope this helps!




If you want history, use rlwrap. This could be your ~/bin/ips for example:


echo 'This is Interactive Perl shell'
rlwrap -A -pgreen -S"perl> " perl -wnE'say eval()//$@'

And this is how it looks like:


$ ips
This is Interactive Perl shell
perl> 2**128



There are two popular Perl REPLs.
1. Devel::REPL is great.
2. But IMO Reply is better.




I've created perli, a Perl REPL that runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

我已经创建了perli,一个运行在Linux、OS X和Windows上的Perl REPL。

Its focus is automatic result printing, convenient documentation lookups, and easy inspection of regular-expression matches.
You can see screenshots here.


It works stand-alone (has no dependencies other than Perl itself), but installation of rlwrap is strongly recommended so as to support command-line editing, persistent command history, and tab-completion - read more here.




  • If you happen to have Node.js installed:


    npm install -g perli
  • Otherwise:


    • Unix-like platforms: Download this script as perli to a folder in your system's path and make it executable with chmod +x.

      类unix平台:将此脚本下载到系统路径中的文件夹中,并使其可执行chmod +x。

    • Windows: Download the this script as perli.pl (note the .pl extension) to a folder in your system's path.
      If you don't mind invoking Perli as perli.pl, you're all set.
      Otherwise, create a batch file named perli.cmd in the same folder with the following content: @%~dpn.pl %*; this enables invocation as just perli.

      下载这个脚本作为perli。pl(注意.pl扩展名)到系统路径中的文件夹。如果你不介意调用Perli作为Perli。已经设置好了,否则创建一个名为perli的批处理文件。cmd在同一文件夹中包含以下内容:@%~dpn。pl % *;这就像perli一样支持调用。



perl -d is your friend:

perl -d是您的朋友:

% perl -de 0



re.pl from Devel::REPL




I always did:


perl -wlne'eval;print$@if$@'

With 5.10, I've switched to:


perl -wnE'say eval()//$@'



Perl doesn't have a console but the debugger can be used as one. At a command prompt, type perl -de 1. (The value "1" doesn't matter, it's just a valid statement that does nothing.)

Perl没有控制台,但是调试器可以作为一个控制台使用。在命令提示符下,输入perl -de 1。(值“1”不重要,它只是一个无效的有效语句。)

There are also a couple of options for a Perl shell.

Perl shell还有一些选项。

For more information read perlfaq3.




Read-eval-print loop:


$ perl -e'while(<>){print eval,"\n"}'



You could look into psh here: http://gnp.github.io/psh/

您可以在这里查看psh: http://gnp.github.io/psh/

It's a full on shell (you can use it in replacement of bash for example), but uses perl syntax.. so you can create methods on the fly etc.




Update: I've since created a downloadable REPL - see my other answer.

更新:我已经创建了一个可下载的REPL -见我的另一个答案。

With the benefit of hindsight:


  • The third-party solutions mentioned among the existing answers are either cumbersome to install and/or do not work without non-trivial, non-obvious additional steps - some solutions appear to be at least half-abandoned.
  • 在现有答案中提到的第三方解决方案要么安装起来很麻烦,要么就不能正常工作,而必须有非常重要的、不明显的附加步骤——有些解决方案似乎至少被半途而废了。
  • A usable REPL needs the readline library for command-line-editing keyboard support and history support - ensuring this is a trouble spot for many third-party solutions.
  • 一个可用的REPL需要readline库来支持命令行编辑键盘和历史支持——确保这是许多第三方解决方案的麻烦点。
  • If you install CLI rlwrap, which provides readline support to any command, you can combine it with a simple Perl command to create a usable REPL, and thus make do without third-party REPL solutions.
    • On OSX, you can install rlwrap via Homebrew with brew install rlwrap.
    • 在OSX上,可以通过Homebrew安装rlwrap安装rlwrap。
    • Linux distros should offer rlwrap via their respective package managers; e.g., on Ubuntu, use sudo apt-get install rlwrap.
    • Linux发行版应该通过各自的包管理器提供rlwrap;在Ubuntu上,使用sudo apt-get安装rlwrap。
    • See Ján Sáreník's answer for said combination of rlwrap and a Perl command.
    • 请参见Jan Sarenik关于rlwrap和Perl命令的组合的回答。
  • 如果您安装了CLI rlwrap,它为任何命令提供了readline支持,那么您可以将它与一个简单的Perl命令相结合,以创建一个可用的REPL,从而无需第三方REPL解决方案。在OSX上,可以通过Homebrew安装rlwrap安装rlwrap。Linux发行版应该通过各自的包管理器提供rlwrap;在Ubuntu上,使用sudo apt-get安装rlwrap。请参见Jan Sarenik关于rlwrap和Perl命令的组合的回答。

What you do NOT get with Ján's answer:


  • auto-completion
  • 自动完成
  • ability to enter multi-line statements
  • 能够输入多行语句

The only third-party solution that offers these (with non-trivial installation + additional, non-obvious steps), is psh, but:


  • it hasn't seen activity in around 2.5 years


  • its focus is different in that it aims to be a full-fledged shell replacement, and thus works like a traditional shell, which means that it doesn't automatically evaluate a command as a Perl statement, and requires an explicit output command such as print to print the result of an expression.


Ján Sáreník's answer can be improved in one way:

Jan Sarenik的答案可以在一个方面得到改进:

  • By default, it prints arrays/lists/hashtables as scalars, i.e., only prints their element count, whereas it would be handy to enumerate their elements instead.
  • 默认情况下,它打印数组/列表/散列表作为标量,例如。,只打印它们的元素计数,而将它们的元素列举出来是很方便的。

If you install the Data::Printer module with [sudo] cpan Data::Printer as a one-time operation, you can load it into the REPL for use of the p() function, to which you can pass lists/arrays/hashtables for enumeration.

如果您安装了带有[sudo] cpan Data:::Printer的Data: Printer,作为一次性操作,您可以将其加载到REPL中,以便使用p()函数,您可以将list /array /hashtables传递给这个函数,以便进行枚举。

Here's an alias named iperl with readline and Data::Printer support, which can you put in your POSIX-like shell's initialization file (e.g., ~/.bashrc):


alias iperl='rlwrap -A -S "iperl> " perl -MData::Printer -wnE '\''BEGIN { say "# Use `p @<arrayOrList>` or `p %<hashTable>` to print arrays/lists/hashtables; e.g.: `p %ENV`"; } say eval()//$@'\'

E.g., you can then do the following to print all environment variables via hashtable %ENV:

例如,您可以通过hashtable %ENV打印所有环境变量:

$ iperl        # start the REPL
iperl> p %ENV  # print key-value pairs in hashtable %ENV

As with Ján's answer, the scalar result of an expression is automatically printed; e.g.:


iperl> 22 / 7  # automatically print scalar result of expression: 3.14285714285714



Under Debian/Ubuntu:

在Debian / Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install libdevel-repl-perl
$ re.pl

$ sudo apt-get install libapp-repl-perl
$ iperl



Matt Trout's overview lists five choices, from perl -de 0 onwards, and he recommends Reply, if extensibility via plugins is important, or tinyrepl from Eval::WithLexicals, for a minimal, pure-perl solution that includes readline support and lexical persistence.

Matt Trout的概述列出了五个选项,从perl -de 0开始,如果通过插件的可扩展性很重要,或者tinyrepl from Eval::WithLexicals,对于包含readline支持和词法持久性的最小的纯perl解决方案,他建议使用Reply。



Also look for ptkdb on CPAN: http://search.cpan.org/search?query=ptkdb&mode=all

还可以在CPAN上查找ptkdb: http://search.cpan.org/search?



Sepia and PDE have also own REPLs (for GNU Emacs).

Sepia和PDE也有自己的回复(用于GNU Emacs)。



See also Stylish REPL (for GNU Emacs) http://blog.jrock.us/articles/Stylish%20REPL.pod

参见时髦的REPL(用于GNU Emacs) http://blog.jrock.us/articles/Stylish%20REPL.pod



You can use the perl debugger on a trivial program, like so:


perl -de1

Alternatively there's Alexis Sukrieh's Perl Console application, but I haven't used it.

或者有Alexis Sukrieh的Perl控制台应用程序,但是我还没有使用它。



Not only did Matt Trout write an article about a REPL, he actually wrote one - Devel::REPL


I've used it a bit and it works fairly well, and it's under active development.


BTW, I have no idea why someone modded down the person who mentioned using "perl -e" from the console. This isn't really a REPL, true, but it's fantastically useful, and I use it all the time.

顺便说一下,我不知道为什么有人会把使用“perl -e”的人从控制台调下来。这不是真的回购,是真的,但它非常有用,我一直在用它。



I wrote a script I call "psh":


#! /usr/bin/perl

while (<>) {
  my $result = eval;
  print "$_ = $result\n";

Whatever you type in, it evaluates in Perl:


> gmtime(2**30)
gmtime(2**30) = Sat Jan 10 13:37:04 2004

> $x = 'foo'
$x = 'foo' = foo

> $x =~ s/o/a/g
$x =~ s/o/a/g = 2

> $x
$x = faa



I think you're asking about a REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop) interface to perl. There are a few ways to do this:


  • Matt Trout has an article that describes how to write one
  • Matt Trout有一篇文章描述了如何写
  • Adriano Ferreira has described some options
  • 阿德里亚诺·费雷拉描述了一些选择
  • and finally, you can hop on IRC at irc.perl.org and try out one of the eval bots in many of the popular channels. They will evaluate chunks of perl that you pass to them.
  • 最后,您可以在IRC .perl.org上跳上IRC,在许多流行的频道中尝试使用eval机器人。它们将计算您传递给它们的perl块。



I use the command line as a console:


$ perl -e 'print "JAPH\n"'

Then I can use my bash history to get back old commands. This does not preserve state, however.


This form is most useful when you want to test "one little thing" (like when answering Perl questions). Often, I find these commands get scraped verbatim into a shell script or makefile.




You can always just drop into the built-in debugger and run commands from there.


   perl -d -e 1



There isn't an interactive console for Perl built in like Python does. You can however use the Perl Debugger to do debugging related things. You turn it on with the -d option, but you might want to check out 'man perldebug' to learn about it.

没有像Python那样为Perl构建一个交互式控制台。但是,您可以使用Perl调试器来调试相关的东西。您可以使用-d选项打开它,但是您可能想要查看“man perldebug”以了解它。

After a bit of googling, there is a separate project that implements a Perl console which you can find at http://www.sukria.net/perlconsole.html.


Hope this helps!




If you want history, use rlwrap. This could be your ~/bin/ips for example:


echo 'This is Interactive Perl shell'
rlwrap -A -pgreen -S"perl> " perl -wnE'say eval()//$@'

And this is how it looks like:


$ ips
This is Interactive Perl shell
perl> 2**128



There are two popular Perl REPLs.
1. Devel::REPL is great.
2. But IMO Reply is better.




I've created perli, a Perl REPL that runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

我已经创建了perli,一个运行在Linux、OS X和Windows上的Perl REPL。

Its focus is automatic result printing, convenient documentation lookups, and easy inspection of regular-expression matches.
You can see screenshots here.


It works stand-alone (has no dependencies other than Perl itself), but installation of rlwrap is strongly recommended so as to support command-line editing, persistent command history, and tab-completion - read more here.




  • If you happen to have Node.js installed:


    npm install -g perli
  • Otherwise:


    • Unix-like platforms: Download this script as perli to a folder in your system's path and make it executable with chmod +x.

      类unix平台:将此脚本下载到系统路径中的文件夹中,并使其可执行chmod +x。

    • Windows: Download the this script as perli.pl (note the .pl extension) to a folder in your system's path.
      If you don't mind invoking Perli as perli.pl, you're all set.
      Otherwise, create a batch file named perli.cmd in the same folder with the following content: @%~dpn.pl %*; this enables invocation as just perli.

      下载这个脚本作为perli。pl(注意.pl扩展名)到系统路径中的文件夹。如果你不介意调用Perli作为Perli。已经设置好了,否则创建一个名为perli的批处理文件。cmd在同一文件夹中包含以下内容:@%~dpn。pl % *;这就像perli一样支持调用。



perl -d is your friend:

perl -d是您的朋友:

% perl -de 0



re.pl from Devel::REPL




I always did:


perl -wlne'eval;print$@if$@'

With 5.10, I've switched to:


perl -wnE'say eval()//$@'



Perl doesn't have a console but the debugger can be used as one. At a command prompt, type perl -de 1. (The value "1" doesn't matter, it's just a valid statement that does nothing.)

Perl没有控制台,但是调试器可以作为一个控制台使用。在命令提示符下,输入perl -de 1。(值“1”不重要,它只是一个无效的有效语句。)

There are also a couple of options for a Perl shell.

Perl shell还有一些选项。

For more information read perlfaq3.




Read-eval-print loop:


$ perl -e'while(<>){print eval,"\n"}'



You could look into psh here: http://gnp.github.io/psh/

您可以在这里查看psh: http://gnp.github.io/psh/

It's a full on shell (you can use it in replacement of bash for example), but uses perl syntax.. so you can create methods on the fly etc.




Update: I've since created a downloadable REPL - see my other answer.

更新:我已经创建了一个可下载的REPL -见我的另一个答案。

With the benefit of hindsight:


  • The third-party solutions mentioned among the existing answers are either cumbersome to install and/or do not work without non-trivial, non-obvious additional steps - some solutions appear to be at least half-abandoned.
  • 在现有答案中提到的第三方解决方案要么安装起来很麻烦,要么就不能正常工作,而必须有非常重要的、不明显的附加步骤——有些解决方案似乎至少被半途而废了。
  • A usable REPL needs the readline library for command-line-editing keyboard support and history support - ensuring this is a trouble spot for many third-party solutions.
  • 一个可用的REPL需要readline库来支持命令行编辑键盘和历史支持——确保这是许多第三方解决方案的麻烦点。
  • If you install CLI rlwrap, which provides readline support to any command, you can combine it with a simple Perl command to create a usable REPL, and thus make do without third-party REPL solutions.
    • On OSX, you can install rlwrap via Homebrew with brew install rlwrap.
    • 在OSX上,可以通过Homebrew安装rlwrap安装rlwrap。
    • Linux distros should offer rlwrap via their respective package managers; e.g., on Ubuntu, use sudo apt-get install rlwrap.
    • Linux发行版应该通过各自的包管理器提供rlwrap;在Ubuntu上,使用sudo apt-get安装rlwrap。
    • See Ján Sáreník's answer for said combination of rlwrap and a Perl command.
    • 请参见Jan Sarenik关于rlwrap和Perl命令的组合的回答。
  • 如果您安装了CLI rlwrap,它为任何命令提供了readline支持,那么您可以将它与一个简单的Perl命令相结合,以创建一个可用的REPL,从而无需第三方REPL解决方案。在OSX上,可以通过Homebrew安装rlwrap安装rlwrap。Linux发行版应该通过各自的包管理器提供rlwrap;在Ubuntu上,使用sudo apt-get安装rlwrap。请参见Jan Sarenik关于rlwrap和Perl命令的组合的回答。

What you do NOT get with Ján's answer:


  • auto-completion
  • 自动完成
  • ability to enter multi-line statements
  • 能够输入多行语句

The only third-party solution that offers these (with non-trivial installation + additional, non-obvious steps), is psh, but:


  • it hasn't seen activity in around 2.5 years


  • its focus is different in that it aims to be a full-fledged shell replacement, and thus works like a traditional shell, which means that it doesn't automatically evaluate a command as a Perl statement, and requires an explicit output command such as print to print the result of an expression.


Ján Sáreník's answer can be improved in one way:

Jan Sarenik的答案可以在一个方面得到改进:

  • By default, it prints arrays/lists/hashtables as scalars, i.e., only prints their element count, whereas it would be handy to enumerate their elements instead.
  • 默认情况下,它打印数组/列表/散列表作为标量,例如。,只打印它们的元素计数,而将它们的元素列举出来是很方便的。

If you install the Data::Printer module with [sudo] cpan Data::Printer as a one-time operation, you can load it into the REPL for use of the p() function, to which you can pass lists/arrays/hashtables for enumeration.

如果您安装了带有[sudo] cpan Data:::Printer的Data: Printer,作为一次性操作,您可以将其加载到REPL中,以便使用p()函数,您可以将list /array /hashtables传递给这个函数,以便进行枚举。

Here's an alias named iperl with readline and Data::Printer support, which can you put in your POSIX-like shell's initialization file (e.g., ~/.bashrc):


alias iperl='rlwrap -A -S "iperl> " perl -MData::Printer -wnE '\''BEGIN { say "# Use `p @<arrayOrList>` or `p %<hashTable>` to print arrays/lists/hashtables; e.g.: `p %ENV`"; } say eval()//$@'\'

E.g., you can then do the following to print all environment variables via hashtable %ENV:

例如,您可以通过hashtable %ENV打印所有环境变量:

$ iperl        # start the REPL
iperl> p %ENV  # print key-value pairs in hashtable %ENV

As with Ján's answer, the scalar result of an expression is automatically printed; e.g.:


iperl> 22 / 7  # automatically print scalar result of expression: 3.14285714285714



Under Debian/Ubuntu:

在Debian / Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install libdevel-repl-perl
$ re.pl

$ sudo apt-get install libapp-repl-perl
$ iperl



Matt Trout's overview lists five choices, from perl -de 0 onwards, and he recommends Reply, if extensibility via plugins is important, or tinyrepl from Eval::WithLexicals, for a minimal, pure-perl solution that includes readline support and lexical persistence.

Matt Trout的概述列出了五个选项,从perl -de 0开始,如果通过插件的可扩展性很重要,或者tinyrepl from Eval::WithLexicals,对于包含readline支持和词法持久性的最小的纯perl解决方案,他建议使用Reply。



Also look for ptkdb on CPAN: http://search.cpan.org/search?query=ptkdb&mode=all

还可以在CPAN上查找ptkdb: http://search.cpan.org/search?



Sepia and PDE have also own REPLs (for GNU Emacs).

Sepia和PDE也有自己的回复(用于GNU Emacs)。



See also Stylish REPL (for GNU Emacs) http://blog.jrock.us/articles/Stylish%20REPL.pod

参见时髦的REPL(用于GNU Emacs) http://blog.jrock.us/articles/Stylish%20REPL.pod