在C API中使用ruby的BigDecimal

时间:2021-11-17 20:46:03

In order to create a BigDecimal from a C string in a Ruby extension, I'm doing this:


rb_funcall(rb_path2class("BigDecimal"), rb_intern("new"), 1, rb_str_new("0.0777", 6));
// => BigDecimal.new("0.0777")

Is there a shorter way to do this?


Also, stupid question, but is there an 'official' documentation for the C API (ruby 1.9.3), or does it just come down to reading the headers?

同样,这是个愚蠢的问题,但是对于C API (ruby 1.9.3)是否有一个“官方”文档,或者仅仅是为了阅读标题?

2 个解决方案



Unfortunately, the initialize function, and pretty much the entire BigDecimal C API, is declared as static and is thus not exposed.

不幸的是,初始化函数和几乎整个BigDecimal C API都被声明为静态的,因此不会被公开。

The best way to learn about the C implementation of Ruby, and its API, is to browse the source, especially the ext directory. There is also the README.EXT file, which describes the general API.




I do not get what the problem really is. You do like it shorter? Write a wrapper.


rb_object new_big_decimal(char * from) {
       rb_funcall(rb_path2class("BigDecimal"), rb_intern("new"), 1, rb_str_new(from, 6));

Of course it may not be rb_object but something else, but what is the problem?




Unfortunately, the initialize function, and pretty much the entire BigDecimal C API, is declared as static and is thus not exposed.

不幸的是,初始化函数和几乎整个BigDecimal C API都被声明为静态的,因此不会被公开。

The best way to learn about the C implementation of Ruby, and its API, is to browse the source, especially the ext directory. There is also the README.EXT file, which describes the general API.




I do not get what the problem really is. You do like it shorter? Write a wrapper.


rb_object new_big_decimal(char * from) {
       rb_funcall(rb_path2class("BigDecimal"), rb_intern("new"), 1, rb_str_new(from, 6));

Of course it may not be rb_object but something else, but what is the problem?
