
时间:2021-01-17 20:41:31

I know how to reload a regular Python module within a regular Python interpreter session. This question documents how to do that pretty well:


How do I unload (reload) a Python module?


For some reason, I am having trouble doing that within Django's "manage.py shell" interpreter session. To recreate my issue, start the basic Django tutorial found here:


Writing your first Django app, part 1


After creating the "polls" application and "Poll" class, start up the interpreter via "manage.py shell" and import the "polls" app into it.

在创建“Poll”应用程序和“Poll”类之后,通过“manage”启动解释器。“py shell”并将“投票”应用程序导入它。

import polls.models as pm

Create a new "Poll" object:


p = pm.Poll()

All is well and good so far. Now go back to your source and add any arbitrary method or attribute. For example, I've added:


def x(self):
    return 2+2

Now go back to the interpreter and "reload" the module:



Now try to use your new method or attribute:


p1 = pm.Poll()

You'll get this message:


'Poll' object has no attribute 'x'

What gives? I've also tried rerunning the import command, importing the module using different syntax, deleting all references to any "Poll" objects or to the "Poll" class. I've also tried this with both the IPython interpreter and with the plain Python (v2.6) interpreter. Nothing seems to work.

到底发生了什么事?我还尝试过重新运行import命令,使用不同的语法导入模块,删除对任何“Poll”对象的所有引用,或者对“Poll”类进行删除。我还使用了IPython解释器和普通Python (v2.6)解释器进行了测试。似乎没有什么工作。

Using the same techniques with an arbitrary Python module in a regular interpreter session works perfectly. I just can't seem to get it to work in Django's "shell" session.


By the way, if it makes any difference, I'm doing this on a Ubuntu 9.04 machine.

顺便说一下,如果这有什么区别的话,我是在Ubuntu 9.04机器上做的。

9 个解决方案



Well, I think I have to answer to this. The problem is that Django caches its models in a singleton (singleton like structure) called AppCache. Basically, to reload Django models you need to first reload and re-import all the model modules stored in the AppCache. Then you need to wipe out the AppCache. Here's the code for it:


import os
from django.db.models.loading import AppCache
cache = AppCache()

curdir = os.getcwd()

for app in cache.get_apps():
    f = app.__file__
    if f.startswith(curdir) and f.endswith('.pyc'):

from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
cache.app_store = SortedDict()
cache.app_models = SortedDict()
cache.app_errors = {}
cache.handled = {}
cache.loaded = False

I've put all of this in a separate file called reloadmodels.py in the root directory of my Django site. Using IPython I can reload everything by running:


%run ~/mysite/reloadmodels.py



You can also use django-extensions project with the following command:


manage.py shell_plus --notebook

This will open a IPython notebook on your web browser instead of the IPython shell interpreter. Write your code there, and run it.

这将在您的web浏览器上打开一个IPython笔记本,而不是IPython shell解释器。在那里编写代码并运行它。

When you change your modules, just click on the web page menu item 'Kernel->Restart'


Re-running the code now uses your modified modules.




Assuming your project is set up this way


  • project name : bookstore
  • 项目名称:书店
  • app name : shelf
  • 应用名称:货架
  • model name : Books
  • 模型名称:图书

first load


from bookstore.shelf.models import Books

subsequent reloads


import bookstore;reload(bookstore.shelf.models);from bookstore.shelf.models import Books



As far as I'm concerned, none of the above solutions worked on their own, also this thread didn't help much on its own, but after combining the approaches I managed to reload my models in shell_plus:


  1. Make changes to the model (MyModel)
  2. 对模型进行更改(MyModel)
  3. remove models.pyc
  4. 删除models.pyc
  5. Clean Django model cache (like here):

    Clean Django模型缓存(如下所示):

     from django.db.models.loading import AppCache
     cache = AppCache()
     from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
     cache.app_store = SortedDict()
     cache.app_models = SortedDict()
     cache.app_errors = {}
     cache.handled = {}
     cache.loaded = False
  6. Reload model like here


    from project.app.models import MyModel



ipython console does a deep reload with each reload() expression; and of course adds a lot of other useful stuff.




My solution on 2016 (in future it may be changed)


1.Install django_extension


2.Add next settings:


SHELL_PLUS = 'ipython'

    '--ext', 'autoreload',

3.Run shell


./manage.py shell_plus

See results:

model example


class Notification(models.Model):


    def get_something(self):

        return 'I am programmer'

In shell


In [1]: Notification.get_something()
Out[1]: 'I am programmer'

Made changes on model


    def get_something(self):

        return 'I am Python programmer'

In shell


# shell does not display changes
In [2]: Notification.get_something()
Out[2]: 'I am programmer'

In shell. This is a magic


# configure extension of ipython
In [3]: %autoreload 2

In shell


# try again - all worked
In [4]: Notification.get_something()
Out[4]: 'I am Python programmer'

Made changes again


    def get_something(self):

        return 'I am full-stack Python programmer'

In shell


# all worked again
In [5]: Notification.get_something()
Out[5]: 'I am full-stack Python programmer'

Drawback: 1. Need manually run code


%autoreload 2

% autoreload 2

since django_extension 1.7 has not support for run arbitrary code. May be in future release it has this feature.

因为django_extension 1.7不支持运行任意代码。可能在未来的版本中有这个功能。



  1. Django 1.10
  2. Django 1.10
  3. Python 3.4
  4. Python 3.4
  5. django_extension 1.7.4
  6. django_extension 1.7.4
  7. Based (primary) on https://django-extensions.readthedocs.io/en/latest/shell_plus.html and http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/extensions/autoreload.html
  8. (初级)基于https://django-extensions.readthedocs.io/en/latest/shell_plus。html和http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/extensions/autoreload.html
  9. Caution. It is may be produce an error, if you try change a code where used super().
  10. 谨慎。如果您尝试更改使用super()的代码,可能会产生错误。



Enable IPython autoreload extension before importing any code:

在导入任何代码之前启用IPython autoreload扩展:

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

I use it with the regular django shell and it works perfectly, although it does have some limitations:

我使用的是常规的django shell,它运行得很好,尽管它有一些限制:



Reloading Python modules in a reliable way is in general difficult, and unexpected things may occur. %autoreload tries to work around common pitfalls by replacing function code objects and parts of classes previously in the module with new versions. This makes the following things to work:


  • Functions and classes imported via ‘from xxx import foo’ are upgraded to new versions when ‘xxx’ is reloaded.
  • 通过“xxx导入foo”导入的函数和类在“xxx”重新加载时升级为新版本。
  • Methods and properties of classes are upgraded on reload, so that calling ‘c.foo()’ on an object ‘c’ created before the reload causes the new code for ‘foo’ to be executed.
  • 类的方法和属性在重载上进行了升级,因此在重新加载之前创建的对象“c”上的“c.foo()”将导致执行“foo”的新代码。

Some of the known remaining caveats are:


  • Replacing code objects does not always succeed: changing a @property in a class to an ordinary method or a method to a member variable can cause problems (but in old objects only).
  • 替换代码对象并不总是成功:将类中的@property更改为普通方法或成员变量的方法会导致问题(但仅在旧对象中)。
  • Functions that are removed (eg. via monkey-patching) from a module before it is reloaded are not upgraded.
  • 删除的函数(如。通过monkey-patching)在它被重新加载之前的模块没有升级。
  • C extension modules cannot be reloaded, and so cannot be autoreloaded.*
  • 不能重新加载C扩展模块,因此不能自动加载。*。

source: https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/3/config/extensions/autoreload.html#caveats


Another great option is to write your code in a separate script and send it to django shell, like this:

另一个不错的选择是,在一个单独的脚本中编写代码并将其发送到django shell,如下所示:

manage.py shell < my_script.py



From the answers of Seti Volkylany and pv

从Seti Volkylany和pv的答案。

  1. Install IPython: pip install ipython
  2. 安装IPython: pip安装IPython。
  3. Run python manage.py shell : the symbol at the beginning of a line should now be In [1]: (in cmd it was >>>)
  4. python运行管理。py shell:在一行开始时的符号现在应该在[1]:(cmd中是>>>)
  5. Run ipython profile create
  6. 运行ipython概要文件创建
  7. Go in ~/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py and open it in a text editor and add these two lines at the end:

    在~ / .ipython / profile_default / ipython_config。py并在文本编辑器中打开,并在末尾添加这两行:

    c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = ['autoreload']
    c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = ['%autoreload 2']

    c.InteractiveShellApp。扩展= ' autoreload c.InteractiveShellApp。exec_lines =(“% autoreload 2”)

You can now run python manage.py shell, edit your models without having to write %autoreload 2

现在可以运行python管理。py shell,编辑您的模型而不需要写%autoreload 2。



I wasn't able to get any of the above solutions to work, but I did come up with a workaround for reloading any other non-models module in my django project (e.g. a functions.py or views.py module).


  1. Create a file called reimport_module.py. I stored it in the local/ folder of my django project on my dev machine.


    # Desc: Imports the module with the name passed in, or imports it for first
    #       time if it hasn't already been imported.
    #       Purpose of this script is to speed up development of functions that
    #       are written in an external editor then tested in IPython.
    #       Without this script you have to exit & reenter IPython then redo
    #       import statements, definitions of local variables, etc.
    #       Note: doesn't work for Django models files, because Django caches
    #       them in a structure called AppCache.
    # Args: module to reload (string)
    import sys
    module_to_reload = sys.argv[1]
    # Attempt to pop module
        print 'reimporting...'
    except KeyError:
        print 'importing for first time...'
    # (re)import module
    import_str = 'from {0} import *'.format(module_to_reload)
  2. Launch shell plus (which uses an embedded IPython shell):

    启动shell plus(使用嵌入式IPython shell):

    python manage.py shell_plus

    python管理。py shell_plus

  3. Use the following to import the module you are developing:


    %run local/reimport_module.py 'your.module'

    %本地/ reimport_module运行。py your.module”

  4. Use IPython to test functions in your module.


  5. Make changes to the module in an external editor.
  6. 在外部编辑器中对模块进行更改。
  7. Use the following to reimport the module without having to exit & reenter IPython:


    %run local/reimport_module.py 'your.module'

    %本地/ reimport_module运行。py your.module”

    Note: this command was already used in step 3, so you can type %run then the up arrow to autocomplete it.




Well, I think I have to answer to this. The problem is that Django caches its models in a singleton (singleton like structure) called AppCache. Basically, to reload Django models you need to first reload and re-import all the model modules stored in the AppCache. Then you need to wipe out the AppCache. Here's the code for it:


import os
from django.db.models.loading import AppCache
cache = AppCache()

curdir = os.getcwd()

for app in cache.get_apps():
    f = app.__file__
    if f.startswith(curdir) and f.endswith('.pyc'):

from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
cache.app_store = SortedDict()
cache.app_models = SortedDict()
cache.app_errors = {}
cache.handled = {}
cache.loaded = False

I've put all of this in a separate file called reloadmodels.py in the root directory of my Django site. Using IPython I can reload everything by running:


%run ~/mysite/reloadmodels.py



You can also use django-extensions project with the following command:


manage.py shell_plus --notebook

This will open a IPython notebook on your web browser instead of the IPython shell interpreter. Write your code there, and run it.

这将在您的web浏览器上打开一个IPython笔记本,而不是IPython shell解释器。在那里编写代码并运行它。

When you change your modules, just click on the web page menu item 'Kernel->Restart'


Re-running the code now uses your modified modules.




Assuming your project is set up this way


  • project name : bookstore
  • 项目名称:书店
  • app name : shelf
  • 应用名称:货架
  • model name : Books
  • 模型名称:图书

first load


from bookstore.shelf.models import Books

subsequent reloads


import bookstore;reload(bookstore.shelf.models);from bookstore.shelf.models import Books



As far as I'm concerned, none of the above solutions worked on their own, also this thread didn't help much on its own, but after combining the approaches I managed to reload my models in shell_plus:


  1. Make changes to the model (MyModel)
  2. 对模型进行更改(MyModel)
  3. remove models.pyc
  4. 删除models.pyc
  5. Clean Django model cache (like here):

    Clean Django模型缓存(如下所示):

     from django.db.models.loading import AppCache
     cache = AppCache()
     from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
     cache.app_store = SortedDict()
     cache.app_models = SortedDict()
     cache.app_errors = {}
     cache.handled = {}
     cache.loaded = False
  6. Reload model like here


    from project.app.models import MyModel



ipython console does a deep reload with each reload() expression; and of course adds a lot of other useful stuff.




My solution on 2016 (in future it may be changed)


1.Install django_extension


2.Add next settings:


SHELL_PLUS = 'ipython'

    '--ext', 'autoreload',

3.Run shell


./manage.py shell_plus

See results:

model example


class Notification(models.Model):


    def get_something(self):

        return 'I am programmer'

In shell


In [1]: Notification.get_something()
Out[1]: 'I am programmer'

Made changes on model


    def get_something(self):

        return 'I am Python programmer'

In shell


# shell does not display changes
In [2]: Notification.get_something()
Out[2]: 'I am programmer'

In shell. This is a magic


# configure extension of ipython
In [3]: %autoreload 2

In shell


# try again - all worked
In [4]: Notification.get_something()
Out[4]: 'I am Python programmer'

Made changes again


    def get_something(self):

        return 'I am full-stack Python programmer'

In shell


# all worked again
In [5]: Notification.get_something()
Out[5]: 'I am full-stack Python programmer'

Drawback: 1. Need manually run code


%autoreload 2

% autoreload 2

since django_extension 1.7 has not support for run arbitrary code. May be in future release it has this feature.

因为django_extension 1.7不支持运行任意代码。可能在未来的版本中有这个功能。



  1. Django 1.10
  2. Django 1.10
  3. Python 3.4
  4. Python 3.4
  5. django_extension 1.7.4
  6. django_extension 1.7.4
  7. Based (primary) on https://django-extensions.readthedocs.io/en/latest/shell_plus.html and http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/extensions/autoreload.html
  8. (初级)基于https://django-extensions.readthedocs.io/en/latest/shell_plus。html和http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/extensions/autoreload.html
  9. Caution. It is may be produce an error, if you try change a code where used super().
  10. 谨慎。如果您尝试更改使用super()的代码,可能会产生错误。



Enable IPython autoreload extension before importing any code:

在导入任何代码之前启用IPython autoreload扩展:

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

I use it with the regular django shell and it works perfectly, although it does have some limitations:

我使用的是常规的django shell,它运行得很好,尽管它有一些限制:



Reloading Python modules in a reliable way is in general difficult, and unexpected things may occur. %autoreload tries to work around common pitfalls by replacing function code objects and parts of classes previously in the module with new versions. This makes the following things to work:


  • Functions and classes imported via ‘from xxx import foo’ are upgraded to new versions when ‘xxx’ is reloaded.
  • 通过“xxx导入foo”导入的函数和类在“xxx”重新加载时升级为新版本。
  • Methods and properties of classes are upgraded on reload, so that calling ‘c.foo()’ on an object ‘c’ created before the reload causes the new code for ‘foo’ to be executed.
  • 类的方法和属性在重载上进行了升级,因此在重新加载之前创建的对象“c”上的“c.foo()”将导致执行“foo”的新代码。

Some of the known remaining caveats are:


  • Replacing code objects does not always succeed: changing a @property in a class to an ordinary method or a method to a member variable can cause problems (but in old objects only).
  • 替换代码对象并不总是成功:将类中的@property更改为普通方法或成员变量的方法会导致问题(但仅在旧对象中)。
  • Functions that are removed (eg. via monkey-patching) from a module before it is reloaded are not upgraded.
  • 删除的函数(如。通过monkey-patching)在它被重新加载之前的模块没有升级。
  • C extension modules cannot be reloaded, and so cannot be autoreloaded.*
  • 不能重新加载C扩展模块,因此不能自动加载。*。

source: https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/3/config/extensions/autoreload.html#caveats


Another great option is to write your code in a separate script and send it to django shell, like this:

另一个不错的选择是,在一个单独的脚本中编写代码并将其发送到django shell,如下所示:

manage.py shell < my_script.py



From the answers of Seti Volkylany and pv

从Seti Volkylany和pv的答案。

  1. Install IPython: pip install ipython
  2. 安装IPython: pip安装IPython。
  3. Run python manage.py shell : the symbol at the beginning of a line should now be In [1]: (in cmd it was >>>)
  4. python运行管理。py shell:在一行开始时的符号现在应该在[1]:(cmd中是>>>)
  5. Run ipython profile create
  6. 运行ipython概要文件创建
  7. Go in ~/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py and open it in a text editor and add these two lines at the end:

    在~ / .ipython / profile_default / ipython_config。py并在文本编辑器中打开,并在末尾添加这两行:

    c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = ['autoreload']
    c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = ['%autoreload 2']

    c.InteractiveShellApp。扩展= ' autoreload c.InteractiveShellApp。exec_lines =(“% autoreload 2”)

You can now run python manage.py shell, edit your models without having to write %autoreload 2

现在可以运行python管理。py shell,编辑您的模型而不需要写%autoreload 2。



I wasn't able to get any of the above solutions to work, but I did come up with a workaround for reloading any other non-models module in my django project (e.g. a functions.py or views.py module).


  1. Create a file called reimport_module.py. I stored it in the local/ folder of my django project on my dev machine.


    # Desc: Imports the module with the name passed in, or imports it for first
    #       time if it hasn't already been imported.
    #       Purpose of this script is to speed up development of functions that
    #       are written in an external editor then tested in IPython.
    #       Without this script you have to exit & reenter IPython then redo
    #       import statements, definitions of local variables, etc.
    #       Note: doesn't work for Django models files, because Django caches
    #       them in a structure called AppCache.
    # Args: module to reload (string)
    import sys
    module_to_reload = sys.argv[1]
    # Attempt to pop module
        print 'reimporting...'
    except KeyError:
        print 'importing for first time...'
    # (re)import module
    import_str = 'from {0} import *'.format(module_to_reload)
  2. Launch shell plus (which uses an embedded IPython shell):

    启动shell plus(使用嵌入式IPython shell):

    python manage.py shell_plus

    python管理。py shell_plus

  3. Use the following to import the module you are developing:


    %run local/reimport_module.py 'your.module'

    %本地/ reimport_module运行。py your.module”

  4. Use IPython to test functions in your module.


  5. Make changes to the module in an external editor.
  6. 在外部编辑器中对模块进行更改。
  7. Use the following to reimport the module without having to exit & reenter IPython:


    %run local/reimport_module.py 'your.module'

    %本地/ reimport_module运行。py your.module”

    Note: this command was already used in step 3, so you can type %run then the up arrow to autocomplete it.
