I can't find a specific style element in my code which I've been able to edit by using the code editor in both Chrome and Firefox (firebug). Which brings me to my question, why is the view source so different from the actual code? I know JQuery and Javascript are doing something to it (adding classes and junk...) because I'm using the modal from the JQuery UI, but why can't I find the style elements??? Where are they???
我在代码中找不到特定的样式元素,我可以使用Chrome和Firefox(firebug)中的代码编辑器进行编辑。这让我想到了我的问题,为什么视图源与实际代码有如此不同?我知道JQuery和Javascript正在做些什么(添加类和垃圾......)因为我正在使用来自JQuery UI的模态,但为什么我找不到样式元素?他们在哪???
Source Code:
<div id="modalEmail-ESI" title="Email - ESI" class="infoModal">
From Code Editor:
<div class="ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-draggable ui-resizable" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="ui-dialog-title-modalEmail-ESI" style="display: block; z-index: 1004; outline: 0px; position: absolute; height: auto; width: 800px; top: 205px; left: 577px;"><div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix"><span class="ui-dialog-title" id="ui-dialog-title-modalEmail-ESI">Email - ESI</span><a href="#" class="ui-dialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all" role="button"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick">close</span></a></div><div id="modalEmail-ESI" class="infoModal ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content" style="width: auto; min-height: 0px; height: 282px;" scrolltop="0" scrollleft="0">
In the "inspect element" code, there is a style attribute width:800px;
that I want to change, but I've searched for it in the code and it's apparently non-existent.
在“inspect element”代码中,有一个样式属性宽度:800px;我想改变,但我在代码中搜索它,它显然不存在。
Is that style attribute dynamically generated?
UPDATE: Based on your feedback, how can I update the width of the email modal when the style attribute is dynamic?
3 个解决方案
I agree to Joe Enos, but there are some other things that might be the cause.
我同意Joe Enos,但还有其他一些可能是原因。
You might be viewing a Source of an email, for example:
The object that you are viewing is an email, that gmail is automatically editting the divs and at the same time adding few more classes or ids to make sure their User Interface doesn't get hacked or broken.
You are using some linkage to other CSS or JS files like mine. Here:
This is the site layout for my website, that I am using as the code. But what happens once it is executed! Is almost opposite, here:
In the inspect element you can see that there is alot of class being added to the HTML, which we never did. Where did that came from? Its JS or CSS @media queries I am not sure on this one. But it came from there, you can see I have linked many JS and CSS files.
您正在使用与我的其他CSS或JS文件的某些链接。这里:这是我网站的网站布局,我将其用作代码。但是一旦执行就会发生什么!几乎相反,这里:在inspect元素中你可以看到有很多类被添加到HTML中,这是我们从未做过的。这是从哪里来的?它的JS或CSS @media查询我不确定这个。但它来自那里,你可以看到我链接了许多JS和CSS文件。
Coming to the point!
What you're saying that the Source Code is so much different from the real one, you're kinda wrong. Because when you use a function to write ot remove the class, you actually know where you are calling the function. For example this:
function writeClass() {
And you will always know that this class was added to this element on page load.
Other wise the browser itself never adds anything to the DOM.
And yes, you can change the css properties dynamically. Use this:
$('element').css('width', '800px');
This line would override any other CSS property for that element with the one that you are just providing. Or in other words, the jQuery over writes the DOM properties that you get from Server.
该行将覆盖该元素的任何其他CSS属性与您刚刚提供的那个。或者换句话说,jQuery over写入从Server获得的DOM属性。
One more thing:
You cannot use jQuery
to permanently change the values of CSS file, you must use some Server side language for that. jQuery can change the web page content once, when the page reloads they are shifted back.
你不能使用jQuery永久地更改CSS文件的值,你必须使用一些服务器端语言。 jQuery可以更改网页内容一次,当页面重新加载时,它们会被移回。
Hope I am close to the point! :) Cheers,
希望我接近这一点! :)干杯,
When you say "view source", I'm assuming you're talking about the editor, not the actual "View Source". When you "view source" from the browser, you get the HTML as it was delivered by the server, not after javascript does its thing.
When you're in the editor in your dev tools, you're looking at the DOM as it exists at the moment, which includes inline styles, parsing corrections, and other things that are the result of javascript running.
There should be no difference between the "actual code" and "view source", since the latter shows you the former.
The source will differ from the view in a DOM inspector because that will show the current state of the DOM after:
- Browser error recovery of HTML
- 浏览器错误恢复HTML
- Browser normalisation of HTML
- 浏览器规范化HTML
- Manipulation of the DOM via JavaScript
- 通过JavaScript操作DOM
I agree to Joe Enos, but there are some other things that might be the cause.
我同意Joe Enos,但还有其他一些可能是原因。
You might be viewing a Source of an email, for example:
The object that you are viewing is an email, that gmail is automatically editting the divs and at the same time adding few more classes or ids to make sure their User Interface doesn't get hacked or broken.
You are using some linkage to other CSS or JS files like mine. Here:
This is the site layout for my website, that I am using as the code. But what happens once it is executed! Is almost opposite, here:
In the inspect element you can see that there is alot of class being added to the HTML, which we never did. Where did that came from? Its JS or CSS @media queries I am not sure on this one. But it came from there, you can see I have linked many JS and CSS files.
您正在使用与我的其他CSS或JS文件的某些链接。这里:这是我网站的网站布局,我将其用作代码。但是一旦执行就会发生什么!几乎相反,这里:在inspect元素中你可以看到有很多类被添加到HTML中,这是我们从未做过的。这是从哪里来的?它的JS或CSS @media查询我不确定这个。但它来自那里,你可以看到我链接了许多JS和CSS文件。
Coming to the point!
What you're saying that the Source Code is so much different from the real one, you're kinda wrong. Because when you use a function to write ot remove the class, you actually know where you are calling the function. For example this:
function writeClass() {
And you will always know that this class was added to this element on page load.
Other wise the browser itself never adds anything to the DOM.
And yes, you can change the css properties dynamically. Use this:
$('element').css('width', '800px');
This line would override any other CSS property for that element with the one that you are just providing. Or in other words, the jQuery over writes the DOM properties that you get from Server.
该行将覆盖该元素的任何其他CSS属性与您刚刚提供的那个。或者换句话说,jQuery over写入从Server获得的DOM属性。
One more thing:
You cannot use jQuery
to permanently change the values of CSS file, you must use some Server side language for that. jQuery can change the web page content once, when the page reloads they are shifted back.
你不能使用jQuery永久地更改CSS文件的值,你必须使用一些服务器端语言。 jQuery可以更改网页内容一次,当页面重新加载时,它们会被移回。
Hope I am close to the point! :) Cheers,
希望我接近这一点! :)干杯,
When you say "view source", I'm assuming you're talking about the editor, not the actual "View Source". When you "view source" from the browser, you get the HTML as it was delivered by the server, not after javascript does its thing.
When you're in the editor in your dev tools, you're looking at the DOM as it exists at the moment, which includes inline styles, parsing corrections, and other things that are the result of javascript running.
There should be no difference between the "actual code" and "view source", since the latter shows you the former.
The source will differ from the view in a DOM inspector because that will show the current state of the DOM after:
- Browser error recovery of HTML
- 浏览器错误恢复HTML
- Browser normalisation of HTML
- 浏览器规范化HTML
- Manipulation of the DOM via JavaScript
- 通过JavaScript操作DOM