
时间:2022-03-12 20:44:01

I am trying to update a field in a table by increasing its integer value by 1. Here is what I am using:


function updateViews($id){

$sql = "UPDATE tweets SET tweet_views = tweet_views + 1 WHERE tweet_key = '$id'";

$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("DB Error : ". mysql_error());

return $result;


However, I find its incrementing by 2 each time rather than 1? What am I doing wrong?




From the answers the SQL is correct. Do you think this may be affected by the rewrite engine??? I ask because I am 100% sure this doesn't run twice or that I don't make the call since there are two scripts. One that calls the function and one that holds the function! This is confusing.


Update 2

Using the debug function. I get this output:


array(4) {
  string(35) "/home/magic/public_html/dbUpdate.php"
  string(15) "myDebugFunction"
  array(0) {

array(4) {
  string(31) "/home/magic/public_html/view.php"
  string(11) "updateViews"
  array(1) {
    &string(5) "7jjdd"

It looks as if the script is being called once but it is still getting updated twice??? HELP! :(

看起来好像脚本被调用一次,但它仍然被更新两次???救命! :(

Also from the Log file, it looks as if the scripts are being called three times??


13:16:28 id:4a6c9d7cf38016.29304000
  /home/magic/public_html/dbUpdate.php@16 :myDebugFunction
  /home/magic/public_html/view.php@10 :updateViews
13:16:30 id:4a6c9d7eaf93e3.88114161
  /home/magic/public_html/dbUpdate.php@16 :myDebugFunction
  /home/magic/public_html/view.php@10 :updateViews
13:16:31 id:4a6c9d7f846557.12618673
  /home/magic/public_html/dbUpdate.php@16 :myDebugFunction
  /home/magic/public_html/view.php@10 :updateViews


Here is the contents of my htaccess file which may be causing a problem.


RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.mysite\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://mysite.com/$1 [R=301,L]

# /view.php?t=h5k6 externally to /h5k6
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET\ /view\.php
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^([^&]*&)*t=([^&]+)&?.*$
RewriteRule ^view\.php$ /%2? [L,R=301]

# /h5k6 internally to /view.php?t=h5k6
RewriteRule ^([0-9a-z]+)$ view.php?t=$1 [L]

13 个解决方案


You may want to include the HTML of the resulting page here. Its possible a script, link (css) or img tag are not formatted properly, and are getting into the rewrite by just being "", "#" or "?" since those will 'resolve' to the same url. If you're not absolute-pathing all of the urls (images/header.gif instead of /images/header.gif, etc) some of those may be falling through, especially since to a browser those short urls look like directories. Try doing the request in curl (without mirroring, just a simple GET) and see if it happens there.

您可能希望在此处包含结果页面的HTML。它可能是脚本,链接(css)或img标签格式不正确,只是通过“”,“#”或“?”进入重写。因为那些将“解析”到同一个网址。如果你不是绝对路径所有的网址(images / header.gif而不是/images/header.gif等),其中一些可能会失败,特别是因为浏览器这些短网址看起来像目录。尝试在curl中执行请求(没有镜像,只需一个简单的GET),看看它是否发生在那里。

Also, turn on HTTP access and rewrite logging and see whats happening at that level (note, you have to put rewritelog directives in the compiled config, it wont work in a .htaccess). Failing that, watch the request in something like tamperdata, or even better, wireshark, to see the actual requests being made.


Other things to think about: MultiViews On in your apache conf could be trying to add a suffix extension and it could be getting caught oddly by your rewrite (not sure how, but who knows) - and your rewrite log will show that. mod_dir could be trying to add a trailing slash (since those short urls look sort of like directories), though, you'd probably see that.

其他需要考虑的事项:在你的apache conf中的MultiViews On可能会尝试添加后缀扩展,并且可能会被你的重写(不确定如何,但谁知道)而被奇怪地抓住 - 并且你的重写日志会显示出来。 mod_dir可能试图添加一个尾部斜杠(因为那些短网址看起来有点像目录),但是,你可能会看到它。


You are running the query more than once by mistake. :)

您错误地运行了多次查询。 :)

(ok, thats just a guess, but I'd suggest some logging to make sure)



You can test whether your function is called twice or your script with some debug logging.


function myDebugFunction() {
  static $iid = null;

  if ( is_null($iid) ) {
    $iid = uniqid('', true);

  $log = date('H:i:s').' id:'.$iid."\n".
  foreach(debug_backtrace() as $bt) {
    echo '<pre>'; var_dump($bt); echo '</pre>';
    $log .= "\n  ".$bt['file'].'@'.$bt['line'].' '.@$bt['class'].':'.$bt['function'];
  $log .= "\n";
  error_log($log, 3, 'mydebug.log');

function updateViews($id) {
  $sql = "
      tweet_views = tweet_views + 1
      tweet_key = '".mysql_real_escape_string($id) ."'
  $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("DB Error : ". mysql_error());
  return $result;

If you find the same id twice in mydebug.log the function has been called twice (within the same php instance). Otherwise your script has been invoked twice.



There's no trigger involved, is there?



There are some current browsers (I think Chrome is one of them) that incorrectly issues a GET after a POST to a form, which might account for the problem you're seeing.


Could you log the requests to your php application as well and see if you're hit twice from the browser?



The SQL is correct. I'd trace the PHP and make sure that there isn't a duplicate call to the function that runs the SQL.



Is this page an error handling page?


The fact that the REDIRECT_URL is the same as the REQUEST_URI suggests so since REDIRECT_URL seems to be a variable set by apache when handling ErrorDocuments or similar.


Given that the file does indeed seem to be being run more than once some redirect looping may be occuring - what's in your .htaccess file?

鉴于该文件确实似乎不止一次运行,可能会出现一些重定向循环 - 你的.htaccess文件中有什么?

EDIT: there's way more info here: http://onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/02/13/davidsklar.html?page=last

编辑:这里有更多信息:http://onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/02/13/davidsklar.html?page =last


just a guess, but do you have a virus scanner installed? Sometimes they prefetch a page - thus resulting in two hits. To check for that look at your access.log .

只是猜测,但你安装了病毒扫描程序吗?有时他们会预取页面 - 从而导致两次点击。要检查access.log的外观。


i would create a sproc/trigger to handle this on the database side.

我会创建一个sproc /触发器来处理数据库端。

call the sproc from your page on a specific event (like a button click).


your issue could be from unexpected browser refresh or it could also be from scope error on database side.


redesigning your code as a stored procedure should either fix your problem or help you figure out where the issue is arising.



Check the encoding of the file. If the browser discovers non-ascii letters in the page, then it might reload the page with another encoding. Non-ascii letters could be æøå, Russion, Chinese or Hebrew letters. Even if you have a meta tag that specifies the encoding, the browser will still reload the page and start processing it again.


To fix this problem open your file in an advanced browser (notepad++ for example) and specify the encoding. In Notepad++ this is in Format>Encode in UTF-8. If you use the Format>Convert to UTF-8, some strange bytes might appear at the beginning of the document, so it is safer to use the Encode method.

要解决此问题,请在高级浏览器(例如notepad ++)中打开文件并指定编码。在Notepad ++中,这是格式> UTF-8中的编码。如果使用格式>转换为UTF-8,文档的开头可能会出现一些奇怪的字节,因此使用Encode方法更安全。


Do you use Smarty?


--edit-- I asked this because Smarty has a bug, when you have an img tag without a src defined in the template, the base index.php will be included twice.


The same ca happen if you have an img (you could have for ex ) or an iframe in the same page, as the base script might get displayed twice(or more) in just one refresh of the page.



Just randomly: does your page have any auto-refresh/reload features, to get the latest comments, prices, updates etc? That might result in a second loading of the page, which might do what you're seeing.


Also, do you use any AJAX?



Do you use header("location: xxxxx") redirects anywhere on your page (or included pages)? If you use them without calling exit() immediately after, the script will continue to execute.


For example, if you have a login check on an included page that sets some $_SESSION variable, then redirects you to the same page using a header() redirect, it's possible that the function exit() was not called afterward, which means the rest of the script will still get executed, including your page with the updateViews() function. However, the user won't see this because on the client side it will redirect before any data is output to the browser.

例如,如果您对包含页面设置了一些$ _SESSION变量进行了登录检查,那么使用header()重定向将您重定向到同一页面,之后可能没有调用函数exit(),这意味着脚本的其余部分仍将执行,包括具有updateViews()函数的页面。但是,用户不会看到这一点,因为在客户端,它会在任何数据输出到浏览器之前重定向。

Can we see the whole script to verify?



You may want to include the HTML of the resulting page here. Its possible a script, link (css) or img tag are not formatted properly, and are getting into the rewrite by just being "", "#" or "?" since those will 'resolve' to the same url. If you're not absolute-pathing all of the urls (images/header.gif instead of /images/header.gif, etc) some of those may be falling through, especially since to a browser those short urls look like directories. Try doing the request in curl (without mirroring, just a simple GET) and see if it happens there.

您可能希望在此处包含结果页面的HTML。它可能是脚本,链接(css)或img标签格式不正确,只是通过“”,“#”或“?”进入重写。因为那些将“解析”到同一个网址。如果你不是绝对路径所有的网址(images / header.gif而不是/images/header.gif等),其中一些可能会失败,特别是因为浏览器这些短网址看起来像目录。尝试在curl中执行请求(没有镜像,只需一个简单的GET),看看它是否发生在那里。

Also, turn on HTTP access and rewrite logging and see whats happening at that level (note, you have to put rewritelog directives in the compiled config, it wont work in a .htaccess). Failing that, watch the request in something like tamperdata, or even better, wireshark, to see the actual requests being made.


Other things to think about: MultiViews On in your apache conf could be trying to add a suffix extension and it could be getting caught oddly by your rewrite (not sure how, but who knows) - and your rewrite log will show that. mod_dir could be trying to add a trailing slash (since those short urls look sort of like directories), though, you'd probably see that.

其他需要考虑的事项:在你的apache conf中的MultiViews On可能会尝试添加后缀扩展,并且可能会被你的重写(不确定如何,但谁知道)而被奇怪地抓住 - 并且你的重写日志会显示出来。 mod_dir可能试图添加一个尾部斜杠(因为那些短网址看起来有点像目录),但是,你可能会看到它。


You are running the query more than once by mistake. :)

您错误地运行了多次查询。 :)

(ok, thats just a guess, but I'd suggest some logging to make sure)



You can test whether your function is called twice or your script with some debug logging.


function myDebugFunction() {
  static $iid = null;

  if ( is_null($iid) ) {
    $iid = uniqid('', true);

  $log = date('H:i:s').' id:'.$iid."\n".
  foreach(debug_backtrace() as $bt) {
    echo '<pre>'; var_dump($bt); echo '</pre>';
    $log .= "\n  ".$bt['file'].'@'.$bt['line'].' '.@$bt['class'].':'.$bt['function'];
  $log .= "\n";
  error_log($log, 3, 'mydebug.log');

function updateViews($id) {
  $sql = "
      tweet_views = tweet_views + 1
      tweet_key = '".mysql_real_escape_string($id) ."'
  $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("DB Error : ". mysql_error());
  return $result;

If you find the same id twice in mydebug.log the function has been called twice (within the same php instance). Otherwise your script has been invoked twice.



There's no trigger involved, is there?



There are some current browsers (I think Chrome is one of them) that incorrectly issues a GET after a POST to a form, which might account for the problem you're seeing.


Could you log the requests to your php application as well and see if you're hit twice from the browser?



The SQL is correct. I'd trace the PHP and make sure that there isn't a duplicate call to the function that runs the SQL.



Is this page an error handling page?


The fact that the REDIRECT_URL is the same as the REQUEST_URI suggests so since REDIRECT_URL seems to be a variable set by apache when handling ErrorDocuments or similar.


Given that the file does indeed seem to be being run more than once some redirect looping may be occuring - what's in your .htaccess file?

鉴于该文件确实似乎不止一次运行,可能会出现一些重定向循环 - 你的.htaccess文件中有什么?

EDIT: there's way more info here: http://onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/02/13/davidsklar.html?page=last

编辑:这里有更多信息:http://onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/02/13/davidsklar.html?page =last


just a guess, but do you have a virus scanner installed? Sometimes they prefetch a page - thus resulting in two hits. To check for that look at your access.log .

只是猜测,但你安装了病毒扫描程序吗?有时他们会预取页面 - 从而导致两次点击。要检查access.log的外观。


i would create a sproc/trigger to handle this on the database side.

我会创建一个sproc /触发器来处理数据库端。

call the sproc from your page on a specific event (like a button click).


your issue could be from unexpected browser refresh or it could also be from scope error on database side.


redesigning your code as a stored procedure should either fix your problem or help you figure out where the issue is arising.



Check the encoding of the file. If the browser discovers non-ascii letters in the page, then it might reload the page with another encoding. Non-ascii letters could be æøå, Russion, Chinese or Hebrew letters. Even if you have a meta tag that specifies the encoding, the browser will still reload the page and start processing it again.


To fix this problem open your file in an advanced browser (notepad++ for example) and specify the encoding. In Notepad++ this is in Format>Encode in UTF-8. If you use the Format>Convert to UTF-8, some strange bytes might appear at the beginning of the document, so it is safer to use the Encode method.

要解决此问题,请在高级浏览器(例如notepad ++)中打开文件并指定编码。在Notepad ++中,这是格式> UTF-8中的编码。如果使用格式>转换为UTF-8,文档的开头可能会出现一些奇怪的字节,因此使用Encode方法更安全。


Do you use Smarty?


--edit-- I asked this because Smarty has a bug, when you have an img tag without a src defined in the template, the base index.php will be included twice.


The same ca happen if you have an img (you could have for ex ) or an iframe in the same page, as the base script might get displayed twice(or more) in just one refresh of the page.



Just randomly: does your page have any auto-refresh/reload features, to get the latest comments, prices, updates etc? That might result in a second loading of the page, which might do what you're seeing.


Also, do you use any AJAX?



Do you use header("location: xxxxx") redirects anywhere on your page (or included pages)? If you use them without calling exit() immediately after, the script will continue to execute.


For example, if you have a login check on an included page that sets some $_SESSION variable, then redirects you to the same page using a header() redirect, it's possible that the function exit() was not called afterward, which means the rest of the script will still get executed, including your page with the updateViews() function. However, the user won't see this because on the client side it will redirect before any data is output to the browser.

例如,如果您对包含页面设置了一些$ _SESSION变量进行了登录检查,那么使用header()重定向将您重定向到同一页面,之后可能没有调用函数exit(),这意味着脚本的其余部分仍将执行,包括具有updateViews()函数的页面。但是,用户不会看到这一点,因为在客户端,它会在任何数据输出到浏览器之前重定向。

Can we see the whole script to verify?
