显示node util.debuglog的所有部分

时间:2022-08-16 20:41:05

Is there a way to show all sections of Node.js built-in uitl.debuglog?


Let's say I want to debuglog between multiple files covering different aspects. For example, such as controllers, services and more. I would set each's debuglog section respectively. NODE_DEBUG can get grossly long and if I add a new section, then I have to restart nodemon.

假设我想在涵盖不同方面的多个文件之间调试日志。例如,控制器,服务等。我将分别设置每个的debuglog部分。 NODE_DEBUG可能会变得非常长,如果我添加一个新的部分,那么我必须重新启动nodemon。

I thought something like NODE_DEBUG=* node app.js would work but it doesnt.

我认为类似于NODE_DEBUG = * node app.js会起作用,但它不会。

1 个解决方案



Never mind, I'm using debug now. It allows with DEBUG=*

没关系,我现在正在使用调试。它允许使用DEBUG = *



Never mind, I'm using debug now. It allows with DEBUG=*

没关系,我现在正在使用调试。它允许使用DEBUG = *